He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 446: GS Ball and Rainbow Feather

The episode ended, and a few people came to the True Research Institute inside.

Push open the innermost room, enter the door, and there is an incomprehensible high-tech device, and on the platform of the device, there is a poke ball quietly placed.

"Dr. Uchiki...is this the special Poké Ball?"

The three of Xiaozhi became curious, and subconsciously moved closer to take a closer look.

The shape of this poke ball is the same as usual, but the color is a bit special, the upper part is golden, while the lower part is silvery white, this is the first time everyone has seen such a color match.

Not only that, although this elf ball didn't respond at all, it gave people a faint feeling that it was not ordinary.

"That's right, I named this ball the GS ball."

"GS ball?"

The three of them read it again, only to notice that there were indeed two intermittent letters engraved on the surface of the sphere, which were barely recognizable as "G" and "S".

Immediately, Dr. Uchiki walked forward and explained to everyone:

"This Poké Ball is very special. I don't even know if it is empty or if there is a Pokémon inside. We have tried cutting it with a knife, drilling it with an electric drill, and even tried flame baking and liquid nitrogen quick-freezing. Any marks on it are simply..."

"It's simply an indestructible hidden weapon?"

Xiaozhi took her words smoothly.

Dr. Uchiki: "?"

What she wanted to talk about was the indestructible elf ball, what the hell was the hidden weapon.

How could someone use such a precious thing as a hidden weapon! ?

Then she showed the three people the poke ball transmission device, and the lightning flashed. The ordinary poke ball should be turned into binary elements and sucked into it, but this GS ball did not move under the red light, and could not use electronic transmission.

"It's been with me for months and I haven't solved any of those three problems."

Speaking of this, Dr. Uchigi also had a headache. This is definitely the most nonsensical subject she has studied. Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of the three, Uchiki explained the three problems.

"Who made the GS ball?"

Obvious man-made traces, it is impossible to be a natural product, so who is the creator behind it?

"What is the material of the GS ball?"

No matter what kind of material it is, there are weaknesses and can be detected, but the material of the GS ball, Uchigi, has no idea at all? Can't know any similar items.

As for the last question...

"What is the purpose of the GS ball?"

This is intriguing? It can’t be a pure handicraft with good-looking pictures, right? The intuition of years of researchers tells Uchiki that there must be something strange in it!

The room suddenly fell into a deadlock of silence? But at this moment, Xiaozhi seemed to sense something, and scratched his head subconsciously.

"What do you mean? How do I feel the breath of the GS ball is a bit familiar...?"

Hearing this, Uchiki was taken aback for a moment? Just the next second? The two people behind him also spoke one after another.

"That said, it seems to be true..."

"I thought I was the only one feeling this way..."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia couldn't help mumbling, and then began to sniff subconsciously, and finally pointed to the same place at the same time? The two of them came back to their senses? They said in unison:

"Xiaozhi, it smells like Phoenix King's feathers!!"

After the words fell, Xiaozhi shuddered violently, and quickly took out his rainbow feather from his bosom.

Due to building the body for Brother Chi before, most of the divine power on the feathers has been lost? The surface is not as colorful as before, but the essential attributes have not changed at all.

The material of Brother Chi's hat? The carrier is Chaomeng's eyelashes, and Fengwang's feathers only provide the breath and power of God.

"Rainbow Feather?!"

On the side, Uchiki looked stupid again? The tall and superior aura of the colorful feathers rushing towards his face cannot be faked, so this legendary prop? It just appeared in the hands of this young man so simply...?

Who are these teenagers! ?


Just took out the rainbow feather? The GS ball on one side seemed to resonate with the feather? The golden shell on the upper part of the poke ball shone with colorful light and trembled slightly, but disappeared soon.

But this momentary scene also made everyone affirm that the GS ball is indeed related to Fengwang's feather...

The three looked at each other, and gradually had a bold guess in their hearts, and told Dr. Uchiki, of course, the information about Brother Chi was omitted.

In the end, everyone also came to an astonishing conclusion.

"The upper part of the GS ball is made of a rainbow feather!"

Unlike making a hat that only provides divine power, it can be said that the structure of this elf ball is the full creation of the rainbow feather's divine power + carrier, which is extremely luxurious.

"So, the silver-white material of the lower half also has an answer..."

Dr. Uchiki said slowly, which made the other three tremble and put their ears up.

"People in Kanto may not know much about it. I also know about that existence because I am in the Orange Islands..."

"Legends say that King Feng is a god in the Chengdu area, and there is another god corresponding to him in the area, that is, the sea god Lugia!"


The three of them repeated the reading, it was the first time they heard the name, but the name revealed a bit of arrogance.

"That's right, Phoenix King has a rainbow feather, and Rogia also has a corresponding legendary item, a silver feather. If I guessed correctly, the material of the silver-white shell of the lower part of the GS ball should be a Silver Feather..."

Speaking of this, Uchiki couldn't help but take a deep breath, the Poké Ball made with the feathers of two legendary gods is already extravagant.

Now one of the three problems is solved, but it also makes the other two problems more serious.

"What kind of genius is able to create a Pokéball with the body of a god?"

"What is the purpose of such a terrifying elf ball?"

Thinking carefully, Dr. Uchiki even shuddered because of his strong intuition. There may be some shocking power behind the secret passage.

But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't go any further, so Uchiki simply grabbed the GS ball and handed it to Xiaozhi.

"Then I'll leave it up to you guys."

The three people in front of them are destined to be extraordinary. They solved a problem within a short while, and they might find all the answers in their hands.

Or the well-informed Dr. Oki...

No matter who it is, there is a better chance of solving this problem than her.

"I see, I will carefully hand it over to Dr. Oki..."

Xiaozhi took the GS ball, because it was an indestructible hidden weapon, he was not afraid of bumps and bumps, he held it in his hand for a while and looked at it without follow-up, so he had to stuff it into the bag.

This time, the mission of the Orange Islands was half completed without any risk, and the next step is to consider how to return to the real new town...

"Come from afar, why don't you just stay in our institute tonight."

Dr. Uchiki warmly invited, during which he took a peek at Xiaogang who was calm and steady behind him, and his cheeks blushed.

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