He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 447 The Joy of Fire


When Xiaogang walked to the rest area of ​​the research institute, his whole body exploded.

Clothes and shoes are scattered, there are traces of food leftovers everywhere, and garbage is also piled up in a mess, giving people a feeling of a dump, and the air is still filled with the smell of sour swish.

"Hehe... Those of us who don't care much about this aspect... Let's make it together for one night..."

Dr. Uchiki laughed, and the three assistants behind him also blushed.

They all clean once a month, and the extra time saved is better devoted to fishing and paddling.

"No, I, Xiao Gang, absolutely do not allow such a picture to appear!"

Xiao Gang couldn't take it anymore, his body gave off a dazzling light, and when he appeared in front of everyone in the next second, he had already put on an apron and a mask, holding a broom in one hand and a mop in the other, dressed like a housework man, as if he was going to do it one game.

He is not cleanliness, it is purely obsessive-compulsive disorder. He has taken care of his younger siblings since he was a child, and he does not allow such a filthy place in the house.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola!!"

Ignoring everyone's color, the next Xiaogang output to the whole house.

It is said that the man who works hard is the most handsome, coupled with his dark complexion and deep small eyes, not only Dr. Uchiki, but also the three assistants next to him were deeply attracted by his heroic appearance.

"What a dependable man..."

Half an hour later, the whole room looked brand new, and there was a fresh smell in the air.


Xiaozhi even fell on the ground because it was too slippery when he walked on the floor, and his face fell to the ground.

Dr. Uchiki was a little embarrassed when he saw that he was bothering important guests to do housework, and quickly said:

"Thank you for your hard work, then let me treat you to a big meal!"

As a gesture, he took out his mobile phone and planned to order a table of luxurious takeaway.


It's just that the finger just clicked on the "Are you hungry" interface, a black palm was already held on her wrist, and when she looked up, Xiao Gang's deep eyes were like black hole swirls, almost swallowing her, which made the mature inner Mudu couldn't help some fawns spinning around, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

However, Xiao Gang just spit out a sentence slowly, and his warm breath even fell on her face.

"Takeaway is harmful to health."

Immediately, he put on his apron again and entered the kitchen. After one meal, half an hour later, a table of delicious food was filled to the table?

Isn’t it strange that Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia see a lot? It’s just Xiaogang’s traditional performing arts.

But in the eyes of Dr. Nemu and his team? Xiaogang at this moment is undoubtedly no different from a god...

"Sit down, please? Dr. Uchiki..."

But Xiao Gang had already changed into a suit at some point, and he opened the chair like a gentleman.

Dr. Uchiki, who has always been only dedicated to academics, has never seen such a posture. He sat down stiffly like a wooden man, while Xiao Gang next to him elegantly poured a fifth of the red wine.

On the topic of coquettishness? The eyes of the three little girls who have never seen the world next to them are full of love? Even Dr. Uchiki's face is flushed.

"Tuigui, Xiaogang has evolved from a blushing boy to a love old fritter..."

Xiaoxia on the side couldn't help but secretly complained.

Ever since Xiaogang came to his senses, he has not been as frivolous to adult women as he used to be, but the essence is still there? It's just a different kind of upper-class way.

Or sp.

Xiaozhi next to him also nodded.

"Fried dough sticks? Where are the fried dough sticks?"

Xiaoxia: "..."

This night? Some people are destined to lose sleep at night...


the next day.

The gate of the Uchiki Research Institute.

Xiaozhi and the others have packed their luggage again, and Dr. Uchiki and a few assistants came out to say goodbye to them.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, speaking of silver feathers, I couldn't sleep last night so I got up and sorted out the information, and found that in this season? Sea God Lugia may appear in our waters of the Orange Islands for a long time."

Lugia is a god in the Johto area. According to legend, it lives in the underwater caves of the Whirlpool Islands in the Johto area.

These words surprised the three of Xiaozhi secretly? In other words, in the current Orange Islands, not only the volcano god Gulardo may break in at any time? There may even be the sea god Rogia? !

Is it Gods of Smash Bros.? !

For a while? Everyone even wanted to just hang out in the Orange Islands for two months? Then go back to Zhenxin Town for business...


After saying goodbye, Dr. Uchiki had already entered the interior of the research institute, and the three of them also planned to turn around and leave, but Xiao Gang, among the three, felt his heart skip a beat and was shocked.

"Am I not doing well enough? Why didn't you invite me to stay?"

According to his calculations, his operation yesterday was perfect enough, and now Dr. Uchiki should be asking himself shyly if he wants to stay.

Then he was thumping the wall, showing a handsome and elegant smile, and slowly said that sentence, "Since it is your request, then I will stay."

Now the script is not right?

"Mr. Gang, let's go, what are you doing in a daze?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

Just the next second, a word came, making Xiao Gang's stern face suddenly warm with spring.

"Mr. Xiaogang, just now Dr. Uchiki asked you if you want to stay?"

A little assistant came over and asked tentatively.

Although she didn't ask the question herself, but the direction of the script is still not crooked, Xiao Gang is about to give up on the little assistant, and then shows an elegant and handsome smile, and said slowly:

"My future is the sea of ​​stars, and the Orange Islands cannot restrain a man with a rocky will, but since it is Dr. Uchiki's request, then I will..."

The little assistant was a head shorter than Xiaogang. Hearing this, he immediately squatted down to avoid the wall, turned back to the inside of the research institute, and shouted:

"Doctor~Mr. Xiaogang said he won't stay, so let's order takeaway directly."

Xiao Gang instantly turned into a rock and froze in place.

Xiaozhi next to him didn't know what to do, but Xiaoxia next to him patted Xiaogang on the shoulder regretfully.

Although your flirting skills are indeed very powerful, in the eyes of this kind of people who only have academic research in their eyes, being handsome is useless, and you are not even as good as a strange takeaway boy who makes them obsessed...

Together with each other, the two embarked on a journey to return to the new town...



Soon, several people came to the pier of Bitter Orange Island, intending to ask where there is a special ticket to return to Zhenxin Town directly.

"Hey, it would be great if these three tickets can still be used, that Rocket Transportation Group is really a scam!"

Xiaoxia grabbed the three round-trip tickets and was about to tear them up, when two big men suddenly surrounded her.

"Hey, isn't this a distinguished guest of our group? We received a complaint from someone, and we came here to make up for your loss~ Please come with us, our airship will set off to return to the Kanto mainland~ The whole journey is free~"

"And only for you~"

Two big men, one with red hair and the other with blue hair, with glasses and beards, dressed like Kong Ge.

"Are you Team Rocket?"

Xiaozhi tentatively said that the two stewardesses turned into Musashi and Kojiro out of nowhere, which made him a little more defensive, and naturally he would not listen to these at this moment.

"Team Rocket? I don't know~"

"I used to be a temporary worker, not a regular employee of our company~"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others felt relieved, and just followed the two towards their airship.

Then they left the pier just like that, walked the mountain road again, and finally came to the cliff where they landed yesterday.

Only this time the situation is different.

The airship, which was just a bone frame before, has already taken on a new look at this moment, and its whole body exudes dazzling golden light. The wind is cool and dazzling, and the style is extraordinary.

There is also a line of big characters engraved on the skin of the shell, which should be the name of this new airship.

The Joy of Fire.

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