He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 450: Orange Alliance


The low humming brought them back to their senses, they were having a fight, but they forgot about the business.

This Pokémon lying on the beach is not small in size, about 3 meters in length, with a slender neck, eyes as clear as jewels, a pair of vortex-shaped ears, and a cute head.

The body is very thick and wide, with sky-blue skin, and a gray-brown tortoise shell-like shell on the back, but it is uneven, and there are a few wide spines. Under the shell are not ordinary limbs, but four Fin-like limbs to aid in paddling.

"Didi. Chenglong, the perpetual motion Pokémon, is rare in number, has a docile personality, and has a very high IQ. It can carry humans on a long-distance voyage on the sea, and even has the ability to communicate with humans."

The picture book suggested.

It's just that this Pokémon looks sluggish at the moment, with its slender neck just lying on the beach, its eyes half-opened, its limbs and flippers are a little shriveled, with many scars on them, and it utters a low whine.

"It looks like something is wrong..."

Xiao Gang and the mouthy boy said in unison, then looked at each other again, and instantly understood that the other party was also a brother.

"It must be sent to the Pokémon Center!"

Xiao Gang said quickly.

"Well, the Pokémon Center is just ahead, I'll lead the way."

The boy also spoke.

Ordinary injuries can be dealt with with drugs and fruits, but such a state must rely on Ms. Joy's professional techniques and equipment.

"I see!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't hesitate, and directly inserted both hands into the gap between Chenglong and Shamian, exerted force on his arms, his face turned red, and he was about to hug him.


This operation also confused Chenglong, who was still a little conscious. Is this human being going to lift himself up?

But after all, it is a Pokémon with the ability to perceive human minds. Chenglong knows that this human being in front of him is different from the three previous humans? What comes to his face is only sincerity and kindness?

He didn't struggle and let him exert his strength.

The result? Naturally, it cannot be lifted.

Chenglong more than three meters long? Thick body shape and shell, and a lot of water in the body? The weight is actually scary...

When a few people were still hesitating whether to build a boat trailer or something, what did Xiaozhi think of? He took out an empty poke ball from his waist.

"Riding a dragon? I'm not trying to subdue you, it's just that this is the fastest way to get you to the elf center. Would you like to come in?"

Seeing Xiaozhi's clear and bright eyes in front of him, Chenglong hesitated for a moment? Finally raised his head struggling? His instinctive desire to survive made him tap the poke ball with the tip of his nose.


In the next second, Chenglong turned into a red light and was collected into the elf ball. After shaking it three times, there was no more sound.

Several people looked at each other, and quickly took the poke ball and ran towards the center of the pokemon...



Wendan Island, the center of elves.

"Dangdang? Dangdangdang~"

After a while of mana replenishment, the indicator light in the ICU ward turned from red to green? Ms. Joy walked out slowly, followed by a pink chubby Pokémon in the shape of a meat ball.

"How about Miss Joy!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and the others rushed up to meet him.

"It's all right? It's out of the danger period, and I'm resting peacefully now."

Miss Joy said with a smile? These words finally calmed everyone down? He breathed a sigh of relief.

It is also now? A few people have the intention to formally communicate with each other, and the three of them looked at the black-haired boy at the same time.

"Hello, my name is Xiaojian, and I am an observer of Pokémon." Xiaojian said with a smile, with a bright personality. Seeing the bewildered looks of several people, he explained:

"Observer means observing Pokémon, studying their habits, appearance, lifestyle, etc. This is a new profession that has become popular recently."

Although the crowd didn't quite understand, they still nodded their heads. The secret world is full of wonders, and then they slowly introduced themselves.

"Hey hey hey! You are from Zhenxin Town!? Then you must know the legendary Dr. Oki, right?!"

Listening to Xiaozhi's self-introduction, Xiaojian immediately became overwhelmed, clutching the former's shoulder tightly, his eyes widened.

"Er...is Dr. Oki famous...?"

Xiaozhi asked in a daze, this sentence made Xiaojian explode again.

"Dr. Oki is a god-like existence to all observers, and every observer hopes to have his works read by him..."

Unable to understand, Xiaozhi and the others just nodded again and again.

"I'm going to talk to Dr. Oki later, and then I'll introduce you to each other."

Xiaojian had a kind face, but Xiaozhi slapped his chest and agreed to be a middleman, which made Xiaojian burst into tears of gratitude, and his intimacy with him was instantly full.


Just when he was about to call Dr. Oki to report the progress of the mission, Xiaozhi suddenly saw a poster stuck on a wall.

In the center of the poster is an ancient building that looks like a Colosseum, and at the four corners are four strangely shaped shells, and a line of "Orange Alliance" is written in the center.

"Is there an alliance meeting in the Orange Islands?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

The three of them are all outsiders. Although Xiaojian is also an outsider, he has been in the Orange Islands for a while. He can be regarded as a little brother Dong, so he introduced to several people:

"Well, there are also gyms in the Orange Islands. If you defeat all the gyms, you can qualify for the alliance competition. However, there are only four gyms in the Orange Islands, and the badges for the trophies are also special shell badges."

Xiaojian pointed to the four shells on the poster and continued:

"However, the difference is that once four badges are obtained, the final Orange League competition is not to fight with other players, but only with the chief trainer. If you win, you will be awarded the title of "Honorary Trainer" and won the title of "Honorary Trainer". Winner's trophy."

The mode was extremely simple and rude, but in the end there was only one opponent, which made Xiao Zhi feel a little bit less interested.

"However, I heard that in recent years, the chief trainer of the Orange League is a ruthless character with strong strength. He has not lost for several years. It seems that Zeng Jin has also participated in the Quartz League. He was the winner of a certain conference... "

Xiaojian's words immediately made Xiaozhi's eyes light up again.

Quantity is not important, what matters is quality, if the opponent is strong enough, even one is enough.

"However, because of the nature of the league's competition, the trainers in the Orange Islands are actually very good, far inferior to the Quartz League..."

That's why the three previous trainers appeared, and even thought that Xiao Zhi, who had achieved the top five results with 8 badges, was a rookie...

Pulling the hips without knowing it is the most deadly thing.

Everyone in the Alola region knows that they must keep improving, broaden their horizons, and be in line with international standards. Even the royal masked people have the strength of a king...

Even so, Xiaozhi's eyes are still bright, he is worried that he has nowhere to go in the past few months, and now he has a direction.

"I decided to join the Orange League!"

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