He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 451: Subduing Chenglong

(Third watch please order!)

"Beep beep..."

The phone was connected, and the figure of Dr. Oki appeared on the screen, and the instant noodles were being cooked with an alcohol lamp and a beaker on the background board.

"Oh, Xiaozhi~"

Xiaozhi quickly reported the progress of the task, and he couldn't just leave the GS ball behind for the Orange League, and he had to report it.

"Oh~ you want to join the local orange league? Well, I also challenged once when I was young. It doesn't seem to be a particularly powerful league, but since you want to challenge, go for it. The GS ball can wait until you are done. Bring them back together."

Dr. Oki was surprisingly good-tempered, and he agreed with a smile, which made Xiaozhi immediately overjoyed.

The approachable appearance also made Xiaojian in the back blush immediately, seeing this, Xiaozhi moved away kindly, and pulled the former to the front of the camera.

"Oh, Dr. Oki, this is a good friend I just met, a Pokémon watcher..."

"Hello, Dr. Oki!"

Xiaojian hurriedly sat upright and gave him a big bow, his face flushed.

"Oh, observer, this is a new profession..."

Dr. Oki nodded. He has heard of this profession as a well-informed man.

But if he is an observer, he is actually a half-researcher, but he is more inclined to the kind of field investigation. Rounding off, he can be regarded as his descendant of the same origin.

"Dr. Oki, I have some works, may I trouble you to have a look...?"

The opportunity was not easy to come by. I don’t know when the next time I can talk face to face with Dr. Oki, Xiao Jian had to blushing to fight for himself.

"In that case, why don't you come to the Oki Research Institute~"

"Ah... what?! I can meet real people!?"

Xiaojian was stunned for half a second, and then he came to his senses, dancing and almost fainting from excitement.

He originally thought of tele-mailing the past, but now the idol directly invites him to come over?


"Hehe, recently I also have a research and need an assistant to help, you can also come and help me...but if you don't want to..."

"No! I am willing!!"

Xiaojian immediately roared loudly, the flashes in his eyes were extremely bright, just thinking about being able to work with the legendary Dr. Oki made his blood boil.

Xiaozhi next to him is a little confused? Can't understand? Dr. Oki's position in his heart has always been unreliable.

But it seems that every outsider is very respectful when they see Dr. Oki?


After hanging up the phone, Xiaojian rushed to book a plane ticket? He planned to fly overnight to Zhenxin Town.

Of course, he gave Xiaozhi three big hugs in the middle. These three people are simply the biggest lucky stars he met. Finally, after throwing them a travel guide to the Orange Islands, saying that we will meet again in the new town, they disappeared.

And the three of Xiaozhi? Also embarked on the road to conquer the local alliance conference again...


Two hours after Xiao Jian left.

Xiaozhi and his team came to the outside of the Pokémon Center, next to a man-made pool.

At this moment, the riding dragon is floating quietly on the water, raising its slender head, the sky blue skin and the sparkling water reflecting each other? It's like a painting.


It makes a low-pitched sound? Chenglong's voice is like a melodious singing voice, giving people a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

Chenglong is a Pokémon that can sing, and it is completely different from Pang Ding. The singing is a kind of enjoyment.

It is said that in the depths of a certain cave in the Chengdu area, there will be a melodious sound every Friday. Now it has become a scenic spot visited by countless tourists. It is said that the source of the singing is a dragon.

The characteristic of Chenglong is to store water. After the injury is not serious? The water is the place where it should stay, and Miss Joy put it outside.

According to Ms. Joy? This dragon is underage? And this kind of Pokémon is a group animal?

Then it was washed by the waves and ran ashore, and its combat power was weakened by more than half, so it was bullied by a few mental guys.

Knowing this, Xiaozhi walked up slowly, trying to get close to Chenglong.


It's just that when the latter saw someone coming, he immediately dived into the water, then changed to a distant position and broke through the water again to get up.

Xiaozhi approached again, Chenglong dived and changed positions again, and repeated several times, as if playing a game, but Xiaozhi knew that the latter was still wary of humans.

Simply Xiaozhi didn't get close anymore, one person and one dragon just looked at each other from afar across half of the pool.

"Chenglong, the illustrated book says that you have the ability to communicate telepathically, so you should be able to understand what I'm saying, right?"

Xiaozhi spoke in a loud and peaceful voice.


After Chenglong's docile eyes flickered for a while, he unexpectedly nodded.

Spiritual communication is an ability that can only be mastered by the extremely talented existence in Chenglong, but ordinary Chenglong can feel the good and evil of the target to some extent.

The light given by the person in front of him is as warm as the sun, which cannot be faked, and the two people next to him are both kind human beings.

Chenglong has a high intelligence and is wary of humans, but he will not kill all humans with a single stick.

And when he thought of the human blushing and anxious to lift himself up, Chenglong even had some strange feelings in his heart...

"Chenglong, I heard from Miss Joy that your group may still be wandering around the Orange Islands this season, so I want to take you to find your group."

Xiaozhi continued to speak, the words contained a strong affinity.

He can't just ignore Chenglong. After all, Chenglong is still underage.

Now that he has already intervened, with Xiaozhi's personality, he will naturally take care of it to the end!

"So are you willing to follow me all over the Orange Islands? Maybe I can help you find your clan and relatives."

Looking at the agility in Chenglong's eyes that was different from ordinary Pokémon, Xiaozhi knew that he understood.

Then he raised the elf ball that had temporarily subdued Chenglong a few hours ago, and just stood there quietly waiting for the latter's choice.

After a long while, under the surprised eyes of Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, I saw that Chenglong suddenly screamed loudly, the voice was as moving as singing, and finally slid its four fins and swam to Xiaozhi's body on its own initiative.


The two looked at each other closely, Chenglong finally stretched his head, smiled at Xiaozhi, and finally tapped the poke ball with his nose.


In the next second, it turned into red light and entered Xiaozhi's hands.

Although this is a bit different from the usual subjugation, but at this moment, he and Chenglong have a little more bond, which makes Xiaozhi hold the elf ball tightly in his hand.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, if the future really finds its group, will you be willing to let it go?"

At this time Xiaoxia suddenly asked.

Girls tend to think more delicately and emotionally. It’s okay to say now, but in the future, once the bond between the trainer and Pokémon is formed, the choice of whether to stay or not will make it difficult for one person and one dragon to make.


Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, and it was difficult to answer for a while.

It is true that Chenglong is a rare Pokémon, and it is impossible to say that he has no selfishness, but at this moment, he is serious about helping him find the heart of the ethnic group.

Finally, Xiaozhi shook his head and replied:

"When the time comes, I will respect Chenglong's choice..."

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