He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 452 Crystal rock snake

The next day, somewhere in the sea of ​​the Orange Islands.


A riding dragon was driving slowly, making a low beep from time to time, and spraying a stream of water behind it.

On the hard shell of its back, there are three humans sitting.

"I've heard that sailing on the back of a dragon is very handsome, I feel very good!"

Xiaozhi stood in front of the carapace, holding the spines with one hand to support him, raised his brow with the other to look into the distance, and an electric mouse was lying on his hat.

Chenglong is a Pokémon that can carry people to achieve long-distance sea voyages. Although this one is not yet an adult, the weight of the three people is just right, and another Xiaojian may not be able to withstand it.

Like Xiaomao's water arrow turtle, just like its trainer, it will be exhausted after surfing for more than ten minutes, while Chenglong can sail for at least 4 or 5 hours even with three people on board.

The distance between each island in the Orange Islands is not too far, it takes about 2 hours, so there is no need to worry about the battery life of Chenglong, not to mention its own water storage characteristics. It is simply a small island in the sea. perpetual motion machine.

"Well...except for being a little hard, there's really nothing wrong with it."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia rubbed their buttocks, trying to find a flat carapace to sit sideways.

Along the way, the waves are rolling, the gentle sea breeze hits, the sailing speed is not fast, drifting like a small boat, and a few king carps jump out of the water from time to time, this journey is really impressive.

"According to the travel guide given by Xiaojian, the first gymnasium we are going to is located in a place called Xiagan Island, which is located in the west of the Orange Islands..."

Xiaogang held the map guide left by Xiaojian before he left, which included the directions of the four gymnasiums of the Orange League.

"Okay, our first goal is Xiagan Island!"

Xiaozhi waved his thumb, quite like a captain.


Chenglong also gave a loud cry and responded positively.

Although we have only been together for less than a day, this Chenglong is extroverted and likes to communicate with humans? He has already gotten to know them thoroughly.


Even during its voyage? Every ten minutes, it stuck its slender head into the sea, and then seemed to find something? Lifted its head and turned to look at Xiaozhi? There were still some strange things in its mouth.

Several people barely distinguished these things by relying on the illustration book.

"This seems to be a scale of the heart, some kind of rare item..."

"This is good medicine."

"Magic candy? I'll help you peel it and eat it yourself."

"I know this? It's the broken boot (left)."

This operation also made everyone wonder whether the characteristic of this riding dragon is to store water? Or to pick up things...?

But at this time, Chenglong picked up a strange object again? The outer shell of the glass wine bottle was sealed with a cork, and a folded note could still be seen inside.

drifting bottle.

"A letter for help?"

This was the first impression of the drifting bottle in the three people's minds. Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless? He quickly took the bottle, pulled out the cork with a "boo", and took out the note inside.

Fortunately, this is not a letter for help, but a letter for help.

"Excuse me, have you seen the Crystal Rock Snake? If you have any news about the Crystal Rock Snake, please come to the Agong Glass Jewelry Shop in Ougan Island? Thank you very much!"


The geographical location of Ougan Island is also written below, which happens to be the nearest island to several people.

The letter was written very simply? It seems that this person named Zhengmei was looking for a certain kind of Pokémon, but it was just a description of this Pokémon? But it instantly aroused several people's interest.

Crystal rock snake?

The big rock snake is just the big rock snake, how many people are familiar with it? Even Xiaogang has two? But what does it mean to add crystals in front? Can big rock snakes still have crystals?

In everyone's minds, the figure of a big rock snake suddenly appeared, but the whole body of gray-brown rock was replaced by crystal clear crystal, and the picture suddenly changed from rough and rough to refined and elegant.

"Wait, Xiaozhi, do you remember what Dr. Uchiki said before?"

The three looked at each other, and suddenly remembered what Dr. Uchiki had talked about about her research project.

Pokémon's regional form differences.

"I remember the flashing appearance of the big rock snake is dark green. If the crystal rock snake mentioned by this population really exists, this is a major discovery..."

Xiao Gang, the older brother of the Big Rock Snake, showed a serious expression. Perhaps it is really possible that a Crystal Rock Snake was born because of factors such as the climate and environment, so he must go to meet him no matter what.

"Mr. Gang, do you still remember the agreement we made today?"

Xiaozhi suddenly opened his mouth and said, with a touch of probing in his tone, just the name of Crystal Big Rock Snake moved his heart, but this is obviously the Pokémon Xiaogang is good at...

Unexpectedly, Xiao Gang simply patted the former on the shoulder.

"I remember, we made an agreement at the back mountain of Zhenxin Town on the spot, that a second precious big rock snake will appear in the future, and you will have the right to catch it."

Xiaozhi had already given him the precious giant rock snake back then, so it doesn't matter if he gave up the crystal rock snake to Xiaozhi this time.

Although the Crystal Rock Snake also made him quite envious, but the brotherhood was obviously much higher.


The two clasped together, and the strong brotherhood lingered on Chenglong's back, which made Xiaoxia next to her feel a little redundant for a while.

"Then it's decided, go to that Ougan Island first!"


Immediately, Xiaozhi waved his thumb, and Chenglong also deviated in the direction, heading towards Ougan Island.



Ougan Island, this is a small island.


According to the address on the note, Xiaozhi and the others have come to a place similar to a tourist pedestrian street, with a spacious avenue in the middle and shops with various local customs and specialties on both sides.

The only surprise is that at least the shops on the 7th floor here are related to glass. Along the way, several people have seen various glass jewelry stores, or glass sculptures of characters or Pokémon, which are crystal clear. in the window.

After a while, everyone found the A Gong Glass Jewelry Shop.

It's just that this jewelry store is obviously much deserted than the surrounding ones, and the glass jewelry placed in the window is also scattered, looking like it is going to close down.

Seeing someone approaching, a 5 or 6-year-old girl ran out from inside, greeted them cheerfully, and Xiao Zhi took out the note.

"Ah, do you have any news about the Crystal Rock Snake!? My name is Zhengmei, and I'm the one who threw out this bottle."

Zhengmei was overjoyed, but Xiaozhi's next words made her complexion dim again in an instant.

"We don't know about the Crystal Rock Snake either. We just saw it and wanted to come over and ask..."

"Ah, you don't know..."

She shook her head in disappointment, but she was still a customer after all, so Zhengmei had to try her best to smile, planning to drag a few people into the shop for a detailed discussion.


At this time, the sound of glass breaking not far outside the store attracted everyone's attention. When they looked up, they saw a brown-haired man with his head lowered, surrounded by two other people and scolding him.

"Ah Gong, what kind of things are you carving? It really embarrasses us Ougan Island to sell them!"

"Don't carve if you don't have talent, and learn how to carve things?"

As they said that, the two of them also smashed the glass ornaments in the hands of the brown-haired man to the ground, sneered and walked away.

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