He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 454: The field of trainers!

Following the guidance of Great Immortal Bokby, Xiaozhi and the three left the shop first, Ah Gong thought it was some farce and didn't want to go, and had to follow after being pulled down by his sister.

Then a group of people walked out of the commercial street in this direction and came to a bush behind the island. They just walked in this direction without seeing anything unusual.

On the way, Xiaogang even bent down several times to try to listen to the ground with his ears. He is a unique brother of the big rock snake. If there is a big rock snake underground, he can hear it.

It's just that along the way, I didn't even see a small fist stone, which is very inexplicable.

Until the few people reached the edge of the island, a sandy beach, the sea was in front of them, and there was no place to go forward to explore.

"Hey, I said it's impossible... What are you doing!"

Ah Gong was a little discouraged, and planned to turn around and leave, but Xiao Zhi grabbed the corner of his clothes and forced his head to turn forward.

At this moment, a small island appeared in front of him across the sea.

That's the direction of Immortal Bokby!

"This is..."

Ah Gong was stunned for a moment. As a local, he knew that this was a subsidiary island of Ougan Island, and it didn't even have a name. There was nothing but the sandy beach on the outside and a bare rocky highland in the middle.

Could it be...

"Impossible, my grandfather clearly saw the crystal rock snake on Ougan Island!"

He directly denies the negation.

"This is really possible...Although the big rock snake is afraid of water, the shortest distance between the two islands is only five meters. If the tide goes out, there is still a chance to avoid the water and migrate directly to another island."

Xiaogang analyzed seriously.

"But I have already searched for that island, and there is no big rock snake at all."

At this time, Xiaozhi discovered a blind spot, and couldn't help but say:

"You have searched for it on the island... what about the island?"


Ah Gong was taken aback again, this was something he didn't expect.

The bare rocky plateau is about one meter high, with a thick piece in the middle, maybe there really are some underground caves?

It's not to blame Ah Gong, his thinking has already been solidified in the game, so it's hard to think of these things, but Xiaozhi and the others are different. They are newcomers, and they only have hype in their minds.

As if he had found the real answer, Ah Gong's breathing inevitably became rapid, but the sea surface was more than five meters wide in the middle, and he subconsciously wanted to go to the pier to find a small boat.

"No need? Look at mine, right? Our trainers have the way trainers cross the sea."

Xiaozhi grabbed his collar and threw a poke ball with his other hand? His expression was smug.


A red light flashed? Chenglong appeared in front of everyone.

Of course, isn't Xiaozhi going to carry people across the sea? Instead, he raised his hand and pointed:

"Please, use Freezing Beam? Create a road of ice!"

Chenglong nodded in understanding? He twisted his neck and opened his mouth. An ice-blue energy light ball had condensed in his mouth, and finally turned into an ice-cold blue electric snake and shot towards the sea.


Soon? An ice road almost one meter wide was connected all the way to the opposite island? The sea was temporarily divided into two.

"Let's go, Chenglong's freezing light trick is not yet familiar, the ice won't last long."

Xiaozhi opened his mouth and said, several people understood, and hurriedly and carefully set foot on the road of ice to another island.

"Thank you, Chenglong!"


Then follow Xiaozhi's thinking? A few people no longer repeat the same mistakes to search on the rocky ground and the surface, but on the beach? Start exploring inch by inch along the rocky ground.

Not to mention, after a while? They really found a hidden entrance? Covered by gravel and shrubs? There was a large round stone more than one meter wide stuck there in the middle.

"Oh, it looks like I'm going to send a Pokémon that can use "weird power"..."

Ah Gong frowned, he didn't have a Pokémon with fighting attributes, but he was just about to turn his head to ask for a solution, but found that Xiaogang and Xiaoxia had already kept a long distance from the rock, with an expression of skillful watching .

Ah Gong: "?"

Seeing that Xiaozhi had already pushed away the siblings and walked forward, raised the unicorn arms, put his palms on the surface of the huge rock, and took a deep breath of air with his center of gravity lowered.

"Er Xiao Zhijun, are you trying to push..."

Without saying a word, I saw that Xiaozhi had already started to exert force suddenly, his arm muscles swelled, and he clenched his teeth.

In an instant, a muscular beast's breath covered their faces, making them subconsciously take a few steps back.


A few seconds later, under the inconceivable eyes of the Ah Gong brothers and sisters, the rock really started to move, and then it was pushed forward one meter so violently.


Seeing that there was a new road inside, Xiaozhi stopped exerting force, and clapped his palms in satisfaction, his face flushed because of too much force.

"Brother, I seem to have summoned a monster..."


Several people quickly turned their eyes to the side of the rock. This is a new entrance road, but it is not spacious.

After looking at each other, several people got into it one after another. After all, it was a place they found with great difficulty, and they had to find out what they said.



At the beginning, it is extremely narrow, but it is only through people. After walking for dozens of steps, it suddenly becomes clear.

After several people walked ten steps, the narrow hole finally began to expand, and even continued to walk, and the inside had become a spacious cave space, about the size of a football field, with a height of nearly 4 meters between the ceiling and the ground.

It's just that the environment of this cave is extremely special. At this moment, the surrounding rocks, whether it's the ceiling or the upright tors, have all turned into ice-blue, crystal-clear crystal columns, and the air is filled with a sense of freshness. the taste of.

"It's so beautiful..."

Xiaoxia couldn't help but blurted out that this place reminded her of the cave where the unlucky god was in Honglian Twin Islands, and it was so beautiful.

Even in front of the few people, there was an ice-blue water pool. The water surface was as calm as a mirror, reflecting the surrounding crystal luster, making the whole cave seem like a dream.

Looking at the surrounding crystal pillars, Ah Gong was sure that the crystal rock snake must be here!

just there?

Surrounded by dead end walls, the head can be seen at a glance, so the only possible place to inhabit is this pool.

Xiaozhi couldn't help but stepped forward and stretched his hand into the pool, but unexpectedly the pool was extremely cold, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

Although it is normal for the temperature of the water source in the cave to be lower, if the outside is still a tropical beach, but the inside is at the temperature of ice water, then there is only one possibility.

There are big goods under the pool!

"Pikachu, just charge it up, about 10,000 volts."

Xiaozhi commanded tentatively.

This is not to attack, but to draw out the existence inside.


Pikachu stepped forward knowingly and turned around, put his tail into the water, and then a current flowed from his cheek, radiating along the tail to the entire pool.

"Gulu Gulu..."

The entire surface of the water began to roll, as if something terrible was about to come out, which made Xiao Zhi and Pikachu instinctively and vigilantly take a few steps back, ready to fight.

"Rock Roar!!"

In the next second, there was a low growl and roar, and then a huge monster broke through the water and appeared in front of several people.

The body exposed above the water is about three meters long, and its body structure is the same as that of an ordinary big rock snake, except that the taupe rock body has been completely replaced by crystal clear crystal rocks, changing the rough appearance of the big rock snake, which looks very Exquisite and exquisite.

It is the Crystal Rock Snake! !

"This is the Crystal Rock Snake..."

Seeing the existence of thinking day and night, Ah Gong couldn't help but stay where he was, his eyes widened, and he even forgot to breathe for a while.

This is the most perfect work of nature, better than all his previous works put together.

Like a work of art, noble, delicate, full of aura... No matter how many adjectives there are, they are not enough to describe Ah Gong's inner praise for it.

It was also until today that he finally knew why his grandfather had an epiphany...

At this moment, countless whimsical ideas erupted in his mind, and the road that was blocked before was suddenly opened up!

Ah Gong also had an epiphany.

"Rock Roar!!"

The Crystal Rock Snake was not very good-tempered, and was sleeping well. Suddenly he was shocked, and immediately condensed a crystal rock in front of him. Without the slightest hesitation, he attacked Ah Gong who was standing in the front and was sluggish.


But seeing a flash of white light, a small yellow figure appeared in front of Ah Gong in an instant, and the step tail turned into steel in an instant. With a flip of his body, he split the attacking crystal rock into pieces.


Only then did Ah Gong come to his senses from the bursting debris, and he couldn't help but retreated a few steps in fear, but he seemed to hit something unexpectedly.

Turning his head, he saw Xiaozhi standing behind him at some point, with one hand pressing down on the hat, and the other hand holding a poke ball, with an extremely high-spirited expression.

"The artist's time is over, now it's the domain of our trainers!"

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