He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 455 Subdue, Crystal Rock Snake!

"Hey, Crystal Rock Snake, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the future Pokémon master, what's the point of staying in a cave, come with me to see the wonderful outside world!"

Xiaozhi raised his arm holding the poke ball to face it, looked straight at it, and shouted in a low voice.

"Rock Roar!!"

This conversation naturally enraged the Crystal Rock Snake completely. With a roar, a huge crystal rock condensed in front of him again, and threw it straight at Xiaozhi.

"Ah, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Xiaozhi moved nimbly, quickly rolled over to avoid it, patted his face to shake off the smoke and dust, and threw the elf ball in his hand out.

"Since that's the case, let's have a head-to-head contest, and the decision will be you!"

A red light flashed, and an underage Chenglong appeared in front of him.

"Chenglong, use the water gun trick!" Xiaozhi waved his thumb.

The first impression of the big rock snake is naturally that it is afraid of water. Although Chenglong is young, he is not timid at all. When he raises his mouth, a stream of blue water washes over the target head-on.

"Puff puff..."

It's just that the water gun exploded on the Crystal Rock Snake, but the former's expression remained unchanged. The water attribute moves seemed to have no effect at all. Instead, a burst of white smoke rose around the body, making Crystal's body more crystal clear.

"Rock roar!"

The Crystal Rock Snake threw another crystal rock backhand, and Xiaozhi quickly took Chenglong back.

The rock attribute restrains the ice attribute, and it is estimated that Cheng Longzhen will suffer a heavy blow next time when the rock falls.

However, since the water attribute is invalid, this also means that this big rock snake is not only different in appearance, but even its essential attributes may have changed...

Thinking of this, the light in Xiaozhi's eyes became brighter, this kind of maverick is undoubtedly his favorite, and a new elf ball has been taken out in the other hand.

"It's up to you, Charizard!"

As soon as the fiery red flying dragon appeared on the stage, several crystal falling rocks struck in front of it again, which was menacing.

"Fire-breathing dragon, block it with the air blade!"

Although I don't know what happened, but the fire-breathing dragon and Xiaozhi are also old partners, and they have a good understanding. Immediately, they shook their wings and shot several blue and white blades of white light towards the front? They bombarded the crystal rock in unison.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The rock instantly exploded into countless crystal slags? A burst of smoke and dust was stirred up, and the movement was so loud that the entire crystal cave trembled.

"Rock Roar!!"

It's just that the smoke and dust haven't dissipated yet? But a huge silver-white metal cold light broke through the smoke and dust, and fell heavily towards him.

Iron Tail!


The fire-breathing dragon immediately raised its claws and took the blow head-on, but the iron tail of this crystal rock snake is so powerful that it forced the fire-breathing dragon's hind legs down to a depth of half a meter? There was a sudden shock.

"Good job! Charizard!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. He didn't expect the fire-breathing dragon to block the sneak attack so vigorously, and then commanded:

"Now shake it off and use the flamethrower!"


The fire-breathing dragon understood? The dragon's claws turned sideways to release the force? The steel tail hit the ground beside him directly, and the wings on the back flew into the air with a shock. At this moment, the teeth were filled with flame energy.

Opening the dragon's mouth, violent flames also spit out.

Whether it's the chill from the crystal rock bursting, or the piercing ice? Xiao Zhi blindly guessed that the Pokémon in front of him might be of the ice attribute.


The result was as Xiaozhi expected? The flame bombarded the crystal body of the Crystal Rock Serpent, which made the latter let out a whine. Obviously, it caused a lot of damage.


Seeing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and took advantage of the victory to pursue him.

"Next, use the flame vortex!"


The flame in the fire-breathing dragon's mouth has not stopped releasing yet? But a cloud of white smoke spewed out from the nose? The size of the flame in the mouth has increased by 30% in an instant? Surround it.

Immediately, the flames covered its figure, and only the whines from the flames could be heard. It even made people wonder if the crystals all over it would be melted by the high temperature.

"Rock Roar!!"

However, the crystal rock snake's will is extraordinary. Even so, it still forced its body to break through the flame vortex that filled the sky, roaring, and the energy was aroused to start a riot.


It's just that the flame has just been broken, and the scene that catches the eye makes the crystal rock snake stunned in place.

However, the menacing fire-breathing dragon was keeping a distance of three or four meters from it, fluttering its wings and suspended in mid-air, and a terrifying energy had already accumulated at the mouth of the dragon, condensing into a ball of flame light, which could be faintly seen is a "big" shape.

Xiaozhi held a fist in his hand, full of confidence, the brilliance in his eyes was as bright as the stars, and then roared loudly:

"The final battle is the fire-breathing dragon, use the big characters to explode!!"


The fire-breathing dragon raised its neck, and the flame light ball in its mouth rushed out, and it turned into a huge "big"-shaped flame on the way, which was extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the temperature of the entire crystal cave increased a lot, and the hot wind danced wildly.

Many opponents encountered along the way in the Kanto region can use big characters to explode, and the fire-breathing dragon has recently officially mastered this fire-type big trick, and is worried about not being able to find sandbags.

"Boom! Boom!!"

In the next second, the big character explosion hit the front, and the flame instantly swallowed the huge figure of the crystal rock snake, and even aroused a terrible energy explosion, causing countless water flows in the entire pool.


And as the flames burned out, the big crystal rock snake had completely lost its ability to fight and fainted on the water.

"It's up to you, Poké Ball!"

Xiaozhi flipped his hat over, threw a blank poke ball forward, and directly took the crystal rock snake into it.

"Da da... click!"

After shaking three times, the Poké Ball stopped shaking, indicating that it was successfully captured.

"Great, I have subdued the Crystal Rock Snake!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed, hugged excitedly with the fire-breathing dragon that fell from the sky, and the latter happily sprayed a ball of flames on Xiaozhi's head, burning it into a black man on the spot.

This skillful switch between fighting and subduing also made Zhengmei brothers and sisters in the rear a little stunned. I didn't expect this seemingly ordinary young man to be such a powerful trainer...


At this time, the crystal cave also began to vibrate, and many crystal pillars fell. It seemed that the cave had become unstable because of the current battle. A few people dared not be careless and quickly retreated towards the entrance of the cave.

When the few people completely exited the cave and stood on the beach outside, the drastic change between the tropical sunshine and the cold inside made them a little uncomfortable.

"Boom boom..."

And the crystal cave has completely collapsed, and can no longer be entered...



A few hours later, dusk.

Xiaozhi and the others have already arrived at the pier of Ougan Island, summoned Chenglong, and planned to leave here.

The three of them are holding a palm-sized glass figurine in their hands at the moment, Xiaozhi's is a glass Pikachu, and Xiaoxia Xiaogang's is a glass Kodak and a glass fist stone.

This is Ah Gong's latest work after his epiphany. It is exquisite, compact and lifelike. This time, even the three laymen can vaguely understand the meaning of the "soul" that the former said.

Although it is made of glass, it is full of aura. Even Xiaoxia's glass Kodak is more like a duck than her Kodak.

This was an extraordinary experience. All three of them showed satisfaction. They carefully put the glass jewelry into their bags, got back on the back of Chenglong, and set off towards the next island under the dim sunlight. ..

"By the way, what are the attributes of that crystal rock snake?"

"I have done a physical examination in the illustrated book. Ice + rock attributes, the characteristic is dry skin, water will store water and return blood, and fire damage will double."

"So the characteristic is water storage with negative effects... and the combination of this attribute is also quite good. I didn't expect to be restrained by two or four times..."

"Strength is not important, as long as it looks good."


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