He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 456: Kirby Beast


On the sea, the three of Xiaozhi were still sailing leisurely on the back of Chenglong.

"As expected of me, I got the first badge easily."

Xiaozhi stood up and proudly opened the hem of his clothes. At this moment, there was a shell-shaped badge on the inner lining, which was small and exquisite.


Xiaoxia next to her couldn't help scratching her head, feeling inexplicable.

"Hey Xiaozhi, when did you enter the first gym? We haven't been separated, right? I don't know anything."

Ah, did I miss something?

"What are you talking about, Xiaoxia, weren't you there at that time?"

On the contrary, Xiaozhi asked inexplicably, and even nodded to Xiaogang next to him to explain.

"Well, the first Gym Challenge, it can be seen that Xiaozhi's strength is really good now, and the Gym of the Orange Alliance is really hard for you..." Xiao Gang nodded, without hesitation in his praise, Seeing that Xiaoxia was still in disbelief, he just smiled slightly, looking like a master all the way.

"Xiaoxia, your realm is not enough, people with enough realm have seen it, and many people here can testify~"

Xiaoxia was taken aback.

"Huh? Who else can testify here?"

She looked up and looked around, couldn't help shivering, there was no fourth person besides them alone in the sea, how could there be so many people...


After a while, they saw a small island.

Maybe it can't be called an island, but a small archipelago composed of several small islands that are close together. There are as many as seven islands in one count.

It happened to have been sailing for two hours, and the few people planned to go up to take a rest, so Xiaozhi signaled Chenglong to approach the small island.



"Thank you, Chenglong."


Taking Chenglong back, they looked towards the interior of the island. The scale was not too big. The whole island was covered with lush vegetation and trees. Xiaozhi and the others even saw head-sized orange fruits growing on the tree in front of them. .

"Tuigui, are all the oranges in the Orange Islands this big?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help being surprised.

"Idiot Xiaozhi, this is Wendan, a kind of pomelo, not an orange."

Xiaoxia complained.

A few people were thirsty, and the pomegranate hanging on the branch was plump, juicy and full of flesh, Xiao Zhi volunteered to tiptoe, and was about to pick one to satisfy everyone's hunger.

Just as the palm touched Wendan's skin, a low voice suddenly came from afar.

"Finally let me catch you? You Wendan thief!!"

I saw a woman with a green ponytail running over suddenly? The word "angry" was written all over her pretty face, with a wooden knife in her hand? She didn't say much? She raised her hand and slashed at Xiaozhi's head.


In the next second, Xiaozhi clasped his hands together to explode the star-shaped wooden knife, and he held the wooden knife firmly in his palm, unable to go any further.

Empty hands catch swords.

This kind of sword technique is far inferior to that of Xiaolan who doesn't know where to hang out now? Xiaozhi naturally resists it with ease.

"Hello? This is very dangerous!"

Xiaozhi quickly complained, but the woman saw that a few people were dressed as foreigners, and they didn't look like thieves, so she let go of her guard? Slowly said:

"Are you guests... Excuse me? A Wendan thief appeared on our island these days..."

Seeing that there seemed to be a plot trigger, Xiaozhi and the others quickly asked questions, communicated in dragon language for a while, and knew the whole story.

It turns out that these seven islands are connected together and called the Seven Fruit Islands, which is a place dedicated to planting pomelo? And now is the season for fruit harvesting.

It's just that I didn't expect that the fruits on one of the seven islands were completely taken away by a villain yesterday, and the ones that didn't even have leaves were left with bare tree trunks.

And this woman's name is Nanako? How old is her grade and she is the manager of the fruit seven island plantation company? Now her mentality has exploded, so she has to patrol here to try to catch the thief.

Then I saw Xiaozhi's action of excerpting Wendan...

"Oh? That's our fault first..."

Hearing this, the three of them scratched their heads in embarrassment? They thought it was a pure natural fruit tree.

That's right? The trees are arranged in an orderly manner, and each tree is full of fruits, which are beautiful in size. It really doesn't look like a wild...

Before a few people continued to say anything, there was a burst of shouting from the other direction of the island.

"Boss, we found the thief!!"

Nanako was shocked immediately, and rushed forward with a wooden knife in her hand, while the three of Xiaozhi looked at each other and followed quickly to see if they could help.

When they arrived at the scene of the crime, they froze in place, only to find that the villain who stole the fruit was not a human being, but a...

a bear? !

It is about three meters tall and belongs to the level of a behemoth, with a round belly, short and thick limbs, a simple two-color body, blue-green fur, and a milk-yellow belly and face, and two eyes narrowed like a small gang , looks harmless to humans and animals.

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

It's just that this giant bear sat down on the ground, raised its paws and kept picking up Wendan from the tree or the ground, and stuffed them directly into the mouth of the abyss without even peeling the skin.

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

It didn't care about the arrival of several people at all, and even a few workers tried to push forward, but they didn't understand, and continued to enjoy the food on their own.

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Squirrelmon, eating and sleeping Pokémon, simple and cute in appearance, indifferent to the world, and doesn't care about other things except eating and sleeping. Be careful, don't disturb it in these two states, it will get angry , Even if the gods come, they can't stop the anger of the Snorby beast."

The picture book suggested.

In less than a while, a pomegranate tree full of fruits disappeared, which made Nanako panic, and hurriedly called his subordinates to stop it, but no matter what method was used, the Snorby couldn't stop eating for a while.

"I can't help it, call all the staff to collect the fruits, and pack up and send away the fruits before the Snorlax finishes eating!"

Nanako looks like a strong man cutting his wrists. It would be great if this was an ordinary Pokémon. She really has no way to deal with this kind of giant.

"Fortunately, it's only this island that's been lost."

After all, it is impossible for a Squirrel to swim, and the distance between each island is about 100 meters. It is impossible for it to cross the 100-meter sea area to harm other islands...

Immediately after Nanako and Xiaozhi said a few words, they left in a hurry, and raced with their employees to harvest the fruits...


"Um, didn't they think about the small island next door that has been ravaged..."

After the locals left, Xiaogang was the first to discover the blind spot, and couldn't help complaining.

No matter what the method is, this squirrel must have a way to reach another island, such as flying.

And at the current speed of harvesting fruits, uh...it seems impossible.


At this time, Xiaozhi next to him had already raised the poke ball, as if he was determined to win it.

"What kind of solution is grabbing the fruit? If I subdue the Kirby directly now, wouldn't the problem be solved?"

All he had in mind was the trainer's solution.

Snorlax is not a common Pokémon, and Xiaozhi is very satisfied with the tonnage of this tank.

As for what to eat after being tamed by the Snorlax, this is not a big problem, and he will always think of a solution.

If he can't think of it, Dr. Oki will always think of it...


(There will be three more updates later, should it? Also, please order! Recently, the number of subscriptions has been dropped..)

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