He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 457 Domain Rules: Eating State = Invincible

"Snappy, fight with me!"

Xiaozhi put on a handsome pose of declaring war.

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

It's just that he just stood in a stalemate for three minutes, and Kabymon had already ordered three bowls of rice again, and ignored him at all.

It is vegetarian and does not eat meat.

Seeing that humans are not enough to attract the attention of wild Pokémon, Xiaozhi immediately waved his fingers:

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

To tame Pokémon, you can't lose the ball first, you have to fight first. Three-year-old children understand this truth.


Pikachu next to him suddenly bowed his back, and the powerful electricity turned into an electric snake and shot out. After the lightning fell on the target, it burst instantly, and the golden light scattered.

"Kirby...? Baba..."

After being taken aback for a while, the Snorkel continued to feast, completely ignoring the one hundred thousand volts.

"How can it be!?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. With Pikachu's current power, how could there be a Pokémon that could block it without a problem?

"In that case, use Iron Tail!"

When the plan failed, Xiaozhi made another plan, and this time Pikachu charged forward with his whole body, and his tail turned into steel, just like that, hitting the target's back heavily, and the air wave suddenly spread towards the surroundings.


Snorkel received a slight serious injury on the spot, and even groaned comfortably.

It can be said to be an ultimate enjoyment when someone beats your back while eating.

Pikachu: "?"

"Hey Pikachu, you are really unreliable..."

After Xiaozhi complained secretly, he was not discouraged, and threw two more elf balls with his backhand.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

A red light flashed, and it was his two big eight Pokémon, who were powerful enough to rank among the top eight in his team.

"Froggrass, use the Flying Leaf Knife! Kami Turtle, use the water cannon trick! Aim at the Snorby's head!"

Seeing that Pikachu didn't react at all after attacking the back, this time Xiaozhi learned his lesson and aimed directly at the target's head, maybe he could hit the vital point.

"Hi... Grass!"

Froggrass's body trembled, and the roots of the plant on the back that had already bloomed with brilliant flowers immediately shook out countless green leaves, spinning at high speed out of thin air and turning into terrifying sharp blades, and "swish swish" salvo? vulgar.


Did the Snorlax react this time? It squinted its eyes, and directly held the green leaf blade with its stubby bear paw.


And when Fei Ye cut it across with a sharp knife, the Wendan, which was the size of three sandbags in its palm, was also successfully divided into several small petals, and then it swallowed them all.

Eat, eat bit by bit? Only then can you live longer.


Then there is the water cannon trick of Kami Turtle, which is nearly one meter in diameter? The water pressure is extremely high? It is enough to smash a rock head-on.


This time, the Snorby opened its mouth directly, poured all the water cannon into its mouth, and then swallowed it in one breath.

After eating the fruit, I really need a little water to buffer it.

Then the Snorlax continued to invest in a new round of eating...

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."


"How can it be..."

Xiaozhi was completely stunned? Is this the trick of his three generals? Why didn't he react at all! !

Even Yunyun, the flame bird he had met before, couldn't block these tricks so harmlessly. Could it be that this Kirby beast is even more outrageous than a divine beast?

"That's right, a Pokémon like Snorkel is so unreasonable..."

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in Xiaozhi's mind, with a calm tone? It was Chi who had just woken up.

The level of the Orange Islands is a little hip, and there is no secret place? It made him a little boring, and even fell asleep on the spot? It wasn't until the appearance of this Snorkel that he was a little bit interested.

But Xiaozhi subdued Chenglong again, and now he met a Kirby again? It made him miss Zeng Jin's adventure...

Having said that, Chi is also an old Kirby fan? I have a deep understanding of the habits of this kind of Pokémon, and some Kirby with unique and extraordinary aptitude are so outrageous.

That is, when the Snorlax is in the feeding state, it is invincible.

Even if a god like Gulardo is present in person, it is impossible to interrupt the eating state of the Snorlax without a little effort. This is like the ground crack or the absolute zero trick, which are unchangeable domain rules.

"Brother Chi, I haven't read the book, don't lie to me, how can there be such nonsense domain rules!?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but spit out loudly.


At this time, Snorbymon finally noticed the crowd. It was fine to be stared at by humans while eating, but it couldn't accept being watched by a group of small Pokémon. Then it squinted its eyes and raised its body suddenly. This slowly fell towards the three of Pikachu, Kami, Turtle, and Frog Grass.

Obviously the speed is not fast, but under the cover of the huge shadow, the three little ones even forgot to dodge for a while, just staring blankly.

In the bear's embrace, Mount Tai is overwhelmed! !


The Snorkel was completely pressed to the ground, the kind with zero distance.


After a few seconds, the Snorby got up, turned around and continued to eat on its own.

"Pickup..." "Grass..." "Turtle..."

But the three little ones were directly hit by dimensionality reduction, and even turned into two-dimensional pieces of paper, embedded on the ground, with swirling eyes.

One hit three, instant kill!


This time, not only Xiaozhi was shocked, but Xiaogang Xiaoxia who was behind was also completely dumbfounded.

Pikachu aside, it is indeed easy to pull the hips inexplicably.

But Frog Grass is different from Kami Turtle. They are veterans who have experienced many battles. How can they be killed by the enemy so easily!

"This is the domain rule, invincible is invincible..."

It was only then that they recalled Brother Chi's words, and faintly believed them.

Then again, there seems to be such unreasonable Pokémon in this world...


In less than an hour, the Snorlax had eaten up half of the mountain, and at this moment, half of the vegetation on the island had become bare, with no leaves left.


At this time, Kabimon suddenly stood up, rubbed his stomach with his bear paw, and now he is probably 90% full...

"Oh, are you full at last?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened.

Indeed, the fruits and leaves on the half of the mountain should fill the stomach, right?

In the next second, as expected by a few people, Snorkel changed its position and continued to eat.

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

It's not a big problem, the unit of Snorkel's appetite has always been a 100-point system, and if you eat 91% full, you will be really full...

Several people:"..."

Xiaozhi became impatient for a moment, and he stepped forward with his whole body, rolled up his sleeves, and tried to forcefully push the Kirby down with his body.


Kabimon's body suddenly tilted, and fell to the ground facing Xiaozhi.

In the bear's embrace, Mount Tai is overwhelmed! !


After the blow was over, the Snorby got up and continued to eat, and Tuliu was also beaten into a paper man by the dimensionality reduction, and Xiaozhi fainted beside him.


Seeing this scene, Xiaogang Xiaoxia couldn't help taking a deep breath at the same time.

In my heart, I secretly said that old brother Chi never lied, the rules of this field are bull cups, even if the center of the world comes, you have to kneel down obediently...

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