He knows Pokémon better than me

Text Chapter 458 Riding the Dragon, Use Singing!

An hour later, Xiaozhi gradually recovered his physical body from the paper man, and the entire island was completely bare, and there was not a single fruit on the tree.


Kabimon stood up, rubbed his belly, and his mouth was full of Wendan's juice.

It ate about 3/4 of the island, and Nanako and the others managed to collect the remaining 1/4 with the cooperation of dozens of people. They carefully sealed it to prevent the smell from being smelled.

"It's finally over..."

Nanako waved her hand in a relaxed manner. It is a blessing in misfortune to lose only this little amount.

But in the next second, several people quickly cheered up again, and saw that the Kirby began to move slowly, and everyone had to follow its pace, walking all the way to the edge of the island.


The sea is ahead, and the squirrel's fat body is half squatting, with its bear paws folded and raised forward, as if it is about to do something.

"Do you exercise after dinner?"

"Should we fly there?"

"Snorby can't fly, I guess it's going to jump directly."

100 meters away from the sea area in this direction is another island of the Seven Fruit Islands.

In the next second, there is an answer.

I saw the Kirby jumping directly into the sea, and there was a burst of "booming" sound like a deep-sea bomb, and the water splashed even three or four meters high, spreading away in waves towards the surroundings.

Just when a few people thought that the Kirby was about to sink to the bottom, a huge monster suddenly jumped out of the sea, its body leaped out like a whale, raised its two bear paws, and its body formed a perfect upward curve.

Immediately, it fell.


It was another depth charge, and the Snorlax fell into the water in a swooping posture, and the water splashed high again.

Just like this, jumping out of the water, jumping forward a few meters, sinking, and then jumping out of the water and flying a few meters...

"Turtle, are you swimming...?"

"It's still butterfly strokes that I didn't expect."

Several people were frightened by this extremely curious and exaggerated scene. Among the various swimming styles, the butterfly stroke is the most cool and fancy, let alone a fat man using the butterfly stroke, he directly became the most beautiful boy in the audience!

Looking at the extremely fast swimming speed of the Kirby beast in the distance, and gradually drifting away, Xiao Gang couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"I see. Is that why Snorby suddenly appeared here...?"

On the other hand, Nanako, regardless of the reason, was completely stupid, but her professionalism still forced her to come back to her senses. She commanded her subordinates to drive the speedboat towards the direction of Snakemon.

It turns out that the worst case is only one island? Now seven islands will suffer! ?

How about I just change direction and resign on the spot?

"Let's follow up too! It's up to you? Chenglong!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also took advantage of the opportunity to call out Chenglong on the sea? The three sat on his back familiarly, and quickly followed.


"Damn it? You can't let the Snorlax just keep eating it..."

On Chenglong's back, the faces of the three of Xiaozhi are full of thoughts at this moment? Are they just following up now? But the key problem is still unresolved.

A few people are also the masters of digging and filling in uneven roads. The fruits of these seven islands are a year's harvest, which is related to the hard work of many people...

As for the Snorlax, it is purely meaningless overeating.

Eat half a month's worth of food in one go? Snorkellings will sleep for a week? Wake up and continue eating...

But eating a year's worth of food in one breath, the Snorkel still sleeps for a week, wakes up and continues to eat...

Its digestive system is so weird, eating a lot, a lot, a lot, is the same as eating a lot? The fruits of an island are actually enough.

Snorkelling must be stopped!

It's just that this big guy has an invincible buf with domain rules? They can't stop its abyssal mouth and bear's paw at all...

"Snappy, eating and sleeping Pokémon..."

Xiaozhi re-read the introduction of the previous illustrated book? Once in trouble, the introduction of the most plain and unpretentious illustrated book may hide the strategy to break the situation.

It's the same this time? As soon as he read the second sentence? Xiaozhi's eyes brightened up.

"Sleep! That's right, if the Snorlax relies on sleep as much as eating, then just let it go to sleep and you're done!"

"You understand!"

The three looked at each other, as if they had found the answer.

Take back the dragon and go ashore. At this time, the Snorkel has already sat on the ground again and started a new round of gluttony, while the surrounding employees have once again entered the harvesting race and are very busy.

"Must put him to sleep..."

This time Xiaozhi stepped forward with a serious face, thinking about the next step in his mind.

Now Froggrass can't fight, can't use sleep powder, and they don't have any fat people who can sing behind their buttocks, so how can they make Snorlax fall asleep...?

My own Geng Gui is exploring in the Kanto region, but I didn't bring it here...

The yawn trick of Xiaoxia's dumb beast is less reliable than Kodak's water gun...

You can't go to the Kirby to count the sheep by yourself, right?

"Let me tell you some cold knowledge, Chenglong can master the singing skills..."

Hearing the advice in his mind, Xiaozhi slapped his thigh suddenly, secretly thinking that he is indeed the old brother Chi, who can always give the best strategy in the face of danger.

"Picture Book, tell me quickly, can my Chenglong use the singing trick!"

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book and asked, his Chenglong is still underage, whether he has learned it or not is still a question mark, but the answer from the illustration book in the next second made him feel at ease instantly.

"Didi. It has been retrieved, and you can use the singing trick."

In fact, Pokémon like Chenglong are inherently related to beautiful voices. According to the official information, Chenglong's learning singing level is lv5, which is basically the same as it comes with it after hatching from an egg.

Even in the remote Galar region, the special gigantic Chenglong is related to the rhythm and singing.

"Then it's up to you, Chenglong!"


Xiaozhi threw the poke ball violently, and the red light flashed, appearing on the land made Chenglong feel a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, Xiaozhi waved his thumb and shouted in a low voice: "Chenglong, please, just use singing like this!"

Chenglong nodded, looked softly at the giant bear in front of him, slowly opened his mouth, and his movements were light. In his mouth, the voice like the sound of heaven seemed to be floating out soon. In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that he could still See the staff of the colorful melody...

In the next second, the colorful light suddenly turned into a purple-black unknown object.

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

"Wu Wu, centipede, witch, filth, no tungsten, evil, Wu Wu ⑤ Wu Wu!!!"

As soon as Chenglong's voice came out, everyone's ears burst instantly.

Every word "草" came out of Chenglong's mouth, and a layer of dark and dim sound waves could be seen with the naked eye. The piercing sound directly made several people's scalps tingle, and they quickly pressed their ears tightly.

"Hey, isn't singing tricks very comfortable..."

"Chenglong's voice is so nice, why does he feel like killing a pig when he opens his voice..."

"Stop singing, we are all on our own..."

For a while, the three of Xiaozhi's legs felt weak, and they wailed in their mouths. There was only darkness in front of their eyes, and a chill of death rose in their hearts for no reason.

This taste is definitely more difficult than the loud roar of the blazing roaring tiger that day!

"What the hell is this? It's definitely not a singing trick!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly, trying to cover Chenglong's piercing voice.

"Didi. It's confirmed. It is indeed a unique singing skill. It is a song of perdition."

The illustrated book in his hand reminded him kindly.


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