He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 459 Subdue the Snorlax!


"Witch and centipede!"

A few minutes later, Qu San and Cheng Long stopped singing, and the dark singing finally disappeared, but the terrifying sound of the hell monster still echoed in everyone's ears, and they sat on the ground limply, sweating profusely.

A song of death, heartbroken.

For a moment, several people even felt as if they had already died once...

Xiaozhi was completely stunned. I asked you to sing, to sing a lullaby, and then you sang me the song of perdition? !


Chenglong just tilted his head in a cute way, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Didi. Cold knowledge, some talented Chenglong did not sing the song of lullaby after birth, but the song of death."

The illustration book kindly reminded.

According to the official paper data, ordinary Chenglong can learn to sing at level lv5, but the level of learning to sing Miege is lv65, and Chenglong, who is not yet an adult, has already mastered Miege. As a trainer, he has already mastered Miege You can snicker.

Xiaozhi: "..."

I would be laughing right now if you'd just let me know ahead of time...



On the other end, the Kirby who was still eating had raised his head. Although his eyes were still squinted, his brows were raised, looking angry.

Anyone who is eating and eating happily, and someone next to him is crying like a ghost, will be angry.

Even Xiaozhi is like this, not to mention the bear who was attacked by Miege head-on. He has never felt sick when he came out of the eggshell, but today...

"Kirby... yuck."

The next second, it spit out the Wendan in its mouth. For some reason, it suddenly felt that these delicious Wendan were tasteless, even deprived of its sense of taste. This was absolutely unacceptable to it.

Immediately, Snorby stood up slowly, turned to look at the humans and the noise maker in front of him.


The huge figure, sullen expression, and strong coercion made Chenglong shrink his head in fear, and then bit Xiaozhi's collar and dragged him in front of him, indicating that this human being asked him to sing.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Normal shouting and singing? No one would think that it is singing the song of death!


Is Chenglong a Pokémon that can perceive human hearts? After understanding what Xiaozhi meant, he couldn't help but yelled in protest from behind?

It can only sing the song of death? It can't sing the lullaby that comes with the mother's womb!

"Well... come back, Chenglong."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi had no choice but to take back Chenglong? After swallowing his saliva, he still stood up? Forcibly facing the giant beast in front of him.

"Speaking of which? What is the unique skill of the song of perishing? Does it perish after singing it?"

He couldn't help asking secretly.

"Didi. The song of death, the ultimate move in the domain of rules, three rounds after singing the song of death? The target and myself will die together."

The illustrated book replied.

The field of rules? That is, as long as the two levels are not too different, then it will definitely work. At this moment, Chenglong retracts the ball, ignoring this negative suicide effect, and the pressure comes to Snorkel.

"That is to say, as long as I survive three rounds, the victory will be decided..."

Thinking of Xiaozhi facing the Kirby beast? His fighting spirit gradually ignited.

At this moment, on the forehead of the other party, the seal already visible to the naked eye has turned black? The word "death" is faintly written.

It has probably been delayed for one round now, as long as I delay for two more rounds? I can directly defeat the latter, so the chances are immediately greater


But the next second? The Snorkel moved? Another bear hugged and swooped.

The speed is obviously not fast? But Xiaozhi just lost the ability to dodge for a while, unable to move, just looking at it like this...


Mount Tai overwhelms!

When Snorby got up again, Xiaozhi had turned into a paper man again and was inlaid on the ground, his eyes rolling.


Even Pikachu, who had just recovered next to him, was unlucky and turned into a mouse cake again...

With flesh and blood, one man and one mouse successfully dragged the second round of the Snorby beast, and they couldn't fight by themselves.


Seeing that the two had lost the ability to fight, but Snorlax's anger had not yet dissipated, this time it aimed its eyebrows at the two who had been watching the show behind.

Xiaogang Xiaoxia: "!"


The two immediately turned around and ran away without the slightest hesitation, and disappeared completely within a short while.

They don't have a strong body like Xiaozhi's. After being hit by dimensionality reduction, they can be resurrected with full blood. If they are really hugged, they may ascend to heaven on the spot...

Of course, Kirbymon didn't intend to let the two of them go, and immediately stepped forward, and each of them was about to attack Mount Taishan again.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a few steps, the ball-shaped Wendan that it had thrown on the ground at will slipped its footsteps, and finally fell on the street like this, and fell to the ground with its head in the sky.


Suddenly the ground vibrated violently. This big somersault was like tying grass knots. The heavier the person, the greater the damage...


At this time, the Kirby beast suddenly wailed again, and the rules of fate made his shadow of the word "death" in Yintang emit a dazzling light, and he fell to death on the spot, and his eyes turned into a whirlpool.

The song-killing round is over, and Snorkel has lost its ability to fight.

"Great chance...go for it...Pokeball..."

When the paper man's consciousness was dying, he pushed out a poke ball tremblingly, and slowly rolled it to the edge of the Snorby beast's soles. With a sound of "da", he completely inhaled it, and the poke ball stopped after shaking three times action.

"Great...I subdued... Snorby..."

Xiaozhi said tremblingly, and then finally couldn't hold on, and his eyes were dark.



"Well, anyway, it was so weird when I arrived at the scene. I only saw a paper man and a yellow mouse cake..."

Ten minutes later, Nanako returned here, only to find that the abyssal demon was gone, only Xiaozhi Pikachu and Mandi Cangyi were present, and now she was reporting the situation to the headquarters.

In general, the loss this time is only 2 islands, so it is not a big problem.

Even Wendan's seeds were scattered all over the ground due to a burst of eating by the Kirby beasts. Maybe the harvest in the coming year may be better.


In the setting sun, several butterflies landed on this island, and they shoulder the task of spreading pollen in the future...


Seeing that Xiaozhi was still lying on the ground in a two-way state, Xiaogang hurriedly stepped forward to send him a breath of immortal energy, and then pulled him back again.

"Xiaogang, haha, I just successfully subdued Snorby!"

Xiaozhi was instantly fierce, and he was in a very good mood now that he had added another general.

Although it can't be released right now, the Snorlax may become the demon of the staff of the Fruit Seven Islands, so let's put it in Dr. Oki's place to raise for a day...

Having said that, if I can keep the Snorby in an invincible eating state during the battle, let alone the masked man, I can punch a child even if it is Champion Du!

There is also Chenglong's Miege, if used properly, it can even defeat opponents across levels.

The future is promising!

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi casually picked up a loose-packed pomelo on the ground, peeled the skin and ate it, and a farce due to the Snorlax came to an end for the time being...



(There will be no more updates today, you have to think about the next plot...)

(Will no one miss it, I have been updating three times for 9 consecutive days, please order!)

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