He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 460 Seven Islands, King Kona!

One day, in the Orange Islands, the three of them were still sailing leisurely on the sea.

Acquiring Chenglong, Crystal Rock Snake, and Kirbymon one after another made Xiaozhi even hum happily along the way, although now the latter two have some problems.

But it’s not a big problem, everyone is a good friend after feeding the Kirby, and the Crystal Rock Snake can be put back home no matter how bad it is.

"Well, now we will reach the southernmost tip of the Orange Islands, and we will go out if we continue to move forward. We should sail east now..."

Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Jian's relics, and directed the direction steadily.

The area of ​​the Orange Islands is like a square. After entering from the northwest, several people head south all the way, then go east when they reach the end, and then go north after reaching the end, just enough to make a circle around the Orange Islands.

Finally, go to the very center, the location of the Orange League stadium - Citrus Island.

"Chenglong heard it, now sail to the east!"


Hearing that Xiaozhi nodded, Chenglong under him also let out a loud cry, and adjusted his direction.

It's strange to say that Chenglong's normal tweeting statement is very pleasant and melodious, but when it switches to singing, it instantly changes into a pig-killing sound, which is outrageous.

Just when he adjusted his direction, the illustrated book on Xiaozhi's waist suddenly made a broadcasting sound.

"Didi. Alola Eat Melon magazine made a major revelation~ In recent days, eyewitnesses discovered that the King of Kanto and the Queen of Ice, Kona, are currently on vacation in the Seven Islands~~"

"Kona? I think I've heard that name before...?"

Xiaozhi was still wondering, but at this time Xiaoxia who was next to him had already erupted, grabbed the illustrated book, and browsed with a flushed face, her eyes widened.

"Ahhh, Master Kona is my idol!!"

After watching it, Xiaoxia let out a high-pitched scream on the spot, and Xiaozhi and Xiaogang immediately blocked their ears, like a new Miege.

Just like Xiaogang's admiration for the heavenly king Xiba, Xiaoxia also has a fanatical worship for the heavenly king Kona, but apart from seeing it on TV a few times, and the last time she saw a real person from a distance at the league venue, she Never had direct contact with Kona.

"Xiaozhi!! Let's go to the Seven Islands, shall we!!"

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaozhi's shoulders, opened her beautiful eyes wide, and there were even teardrops falling from the corners of her eyes, her face was bright red.

"Seven Islands?"

It was the first time Xiao Zhi had seen this picture of the fanatical fan of the other party, so he couldn't help but read it again.

"Didi. The Seven Islands, the seven adjacent islands, are located in the southern part of the Orange Islands."

The illustration book kindly reminded.

Seven Islands is just on the southern edge of the Orange Islands, and some people count it in the Orange Islands.

"It seems to happen to be near here? It's a coincidence..."

Xiaogang thought for a while? He was not very interested in the ice attribute king, but he couldn't help but see the charming figure of the king of heaven, Kona's charming face? Slowly, his face was even more rosy than Xiaoxia's.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also patted Xiaoxia on the shoulder, and waved his thumb:

"Okay? In that case, let's go to the Seven Islands! Take the dragon? Let's continue sailing south!"


Wen Yan Xiaoxia's eyes were a bit surprised? Sitting back in her original position, she couldn't help but say:

"Xiaozhi, you seem to be more handsome today, and you actually listen to me, a beautiful girl."

The two often bicker on weekdays? It is rare for this to happen.

"Beautiful girl? Is Tian Wang Kona a beautiful girl? Hearing that makes me hard."

Xiaoxia \u0026 Xiaogang: "?"

I saw that Xiaozhi had already clenched his fists? His arms were even trembling from exertion.

"My fist is too hard now, is the opponent of Tianwang... I really want to fight her."

The trainers in the Orange Islands are very average, and the roadside trainers I have met so far can't stop him at all.

Now he has defeated two of the four gymnasiums, but it's just over before he has fully exerted his strength. The war in his heart has never been vented.

It just so happens that today I will use your Heavenly King Branch to vent my anger!

Xiaogang \u0026 Xiaoxia: "..."

Huh? Just think about this sentence in your heart.



Seven Islands, the fourth island.

Xiaozhi took back Chenglong and stood on the pier.

How many people have swept across the entire island from a distance, and the scale is not too big? According to the map guide, the front end of the island is the pier here? In the middle is a human living area the size of a town? There are locals and tourists living in the hotel .

At the back is the wild Pokémon area cut in half? One half is a jungle, and the other half is a place called "Icefall Cave", which is said to be unsafe.

This fourth island is also the birthplace of King Kona.

"So Kona's native place is still from the Orange Islands?" Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

"No, Master Kona is from the Seven Islands, and the Seven Islands are not counted in the Orange Islands in terms of their native place."

Xiaoxia corrected seriously.

Seven Islands is a mysterious place. It is said that the seven islands have their own extraordinary secrets.

For example, it is said that legendary Pokémon such as flame birds live on one of the islands, and there are weird prehistoric miracles on another island, which can be traced back to the earliest human society.

"Do you still remember the ultimate trick skill machine that Dr. Oki gave you? It is said that the three ultimate tricks of Water Fire Grass originated from here."

Speaking of the hometown of Master Kona, Xiaoxia is like a treasure, and she knows everything.


Hearing the words, Xiaozhi and the two couldn't help but gasp, secretly thinking that there is nothing extraordinary in this world, every place has its own story and history...

Soon, a few people landed on the island, walked through a section of artificial stone road, and came to the residential area of ​​the fourth island. Several small houses were arranged in an orderly manner, with a large gap between them, and the overall scale was about 1/4 of a real new building. the size of the town.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is the luxury villa in the middle. It is 3 or 4 floors high, almost half the size of a football field, and the decoration and appearance are also very grand. A lot of people have gathered.

Roughly speaking, there are nearly 50 people, all of whom are young trainers, and there is not much difference in age between Xiaozhi and the others.

"Ahhh, that's the home of Master Kona!!"

Xiaoxia became excited again, dragged the two of them and rushed up, and squeezed into the periphery with the crowd to join in the fun.

At this moment, the gate of the villa opened, and an old gentleman with a white beard in a tuxedo slowly walked out of it. He behaved elegantly and nodded to everyone.

"Thank you all trainers for coming to participate in Miss Kona's exhibition match ~ now announce the rules of the upcoming exhibition match."

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, as if they just hit the plot?

"There is no limit to the qualifications for the competition. The competition will be conducted in a knockout round. Today the only champion will be determined, and then tomorrow morning, he will be able to play against Miss Kona in an exhibition match."

"It's getting late, all contestants can come in with me now, the competition venue is on the rooftop on the fourth floor...Of course, friends who don't participate can also come in and watch..."

After the words fell, dozens of trainers poured into it bustling with enthusiasm.

And Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi in the crowd also had their eyes brightened immediately, and they looked at each other with a tacit understanding, and there was a fighting spirit in their eyes.

"Xiaozhi, I want to meet Master Kona. Today I will win [Apex Novels www.xbooktxt.me] for the exhibition champion!"

"I'm sorry Xiaoxia, the chance to fight the king of heaven is rare, even you and I will do our best!"

The two did not back down.

Xiao Gang behind also nodded.

"I'll just take a look."

Immediately, the three of them also entered it, all gearing up for it.

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