He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 461 Xiaozhi vs Xiaoxia!

On the roof of the villa, the area is not small and the view is wide.

But the most surprising thing is that there is a large pool in the center of the pool, and 1/4 of the pool area is still standing to provide a platform for standing, and the two ends of the pool are the command platforms for the trainers.

"Turtle Turtle...Is this a place of water..."

Xiaozhi immediately realized that there were even several steps on both sides of the water field, which even had seating for the competition. It was simply a small competition and viewing venue.

It was only after everyone climbed onto the roof that they realized that there was already a person standing at one end of the venue at this moment.

She has long wine-red hair tied into a ponytail, and a professional short skirt uniform that shows her devil-like figure to the fullest. She is about in her early twenties, with a charming face and a pair of round-frame glasses. She has an elegant and noble temperament, and she exudes With a sense of coldness.

"Hi everyone, I'm Kona."

The plain voice made the scene boil instantly, with bursts of cheers.

Both the figure and face are undoubtedly top-notch, as well as the iceberg-like glamorous temperament, or the elegant and intellectual femininity, and even the incomparably powerful fighting power, all of which have fascinated countless people.

If the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto really want to talk about fame, even Champion Du may not be able to match Kona.

But today Kola seemed not very interested, nodded slightly towards the crowd, and then walked to a corner on his own, leaning on the railing, holding his head with his hand, looking into the distance, the focus in his pupils gradually dissipated.

It looks like it has nothing to do with him.

This event was actually requested by the league officials to come to her hometown to promote it. It was rounded up as a meal event, so she was not very interested.

But this literary and sad appearance made many trainers boil again. Xiao Gang behind him even whistled excitedly, revealing the essence of SP without a doubt.

"Okay, trainers, those who want to participate in the knockout rounds can come to me to sign up, the competition will start immediately."

The old gentleman greeted the butler, and immediately the crowd flocked again, and the registration was completed in less than a while.

There were more than 50 people, and there were about 30 contestants. Due to the large number of people and the completion of the match within a day, the competition system became a 1v1 match? It was not until the final that the only match was changed to 2v2.

Since it was an informal competition, there were no other bells and whistles, and soon the melon eaters sat in the audience seats, while the contestants sat in the front row and waited for their numbers to be called, and the competition began immediately.


"Pikachu? It's up to you!"

At this moment, Xiaozhi was already standing on the field, and the Pikachu he had sent was standing on the supporting surface of the pool? The opponent in front of him was sending a last moth.

"Pikachu? Use Flash!"

As soon as the words fell, Pikachu's body turned into a white light, and it shot out in an instant, hitting his head on the abdomen of Moth. The latter let out a wail on the spot in pain.

"It's not over yet? Use one hundred thousand volts next!"

Pikachu didn't fall, but just hugged the target like this, the current on the cheek burst, and the next second, golden lightning burst out? Just like that, it exploded on the last moth at zero distance, and directly caused a decent explosion in midair.

"Last entry..."

Wait until the smoke clears? The last moth has already fallen on the surface of the water, eyes rolling.

"The last moth loses the ability to fight? Pikachu wins, and the winner is Xiaozhi!"

The old gentleman butler pronounced the sentence.

Is this a quick kill? This made the audience cheer? When did they come out with such a powerful trainer?

These fifty or so trainers are all locals from the Orange Islands and Seven Islands, and there are no outsiders.


Even the Heavenly King Kona, who was leaning on the railing in the corner and looking into the distance, noticed the movement and turned his head.

Looking at the trainer who was embracing his electric mouse behind him, Kona showed a playful look, with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"This young man, does he seem familiar?"

But she is old face blind, completely clueless.


"Starfish, use high-speed rotation!!"

Not long after, it was Xiaoxia's turn to appear on the stage, and the starfish she sent spun at high speed on the spot, and then transformed into a big dart, hitting the chest of a Gaaragala continuously.

The latter resisted the force of the impact, and was about to hit it with a stick, but Hai Xingxing retreated deftly to dodge it.

Xiaoxia waved her thumb and shouted coquettishly, "It's over for Starfish, use the last water gun!"

"Cha hiss!"

Starfish's whole body tensed up, and a stream of blue water spewed out from the tip of the top, bombarding Gala Gala head-on, the strong current pushed it several meters away on the spot, and finally fell to the surface of the water with a "plop".

The effect is outstanding!

"Gala Gala can't fight, Hai Xingxing wins, and contestant Xiaoxia enters the next round!"

The old gentleman referee hastily judged.

"Well done Starfish!"

Xiaoxia and Hai Xingxing happily embraced each other. Even though Xiaozhi was showing off all the way, it didn't mean that Xiaoxia was weak.

On the contrary, her strength is already enough to become a qualified gymnasium trainer!

"Oh~ a water attribute trainer?"

Kona turned his head for the second time. It can be said that looking at this big circle, it seems that only the girl and the previous electric mouse trainer are a little interesting...

The game is still going on, the second round of knockout rounds.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

"Use Lightning Flash!"

"Use Iron Tail!"


"Sea star, use high-speed star!"

"Use the wave of water!"

"Hey, Kodak, why did you get out...Forget it, just use the catch trick like this!"

Soon, after a few rounds, Xiaozhi won all the way without any surprises. The trainers of the Orange Islands couldn't stop him and Pikachu now.

His enthusiasm has been completely pumped out, and he can't wait to press Kona in the corner directly on the field and fast forward to the exhibition match.

The same is true for Xiaoxia on the other side. Although Kodak Duck's stealing scene in the middle almost sniped her winning streak, but luckily there was no danger in the end, and the opponent's flying leg kicked Kodak Duck on the forehead, Died on the spot.


Three hours later, the final game.

Xiaozhi is in the upper half of the district, while Xiaoxia is in the lower half. Neither of them has encountered a battle ahead of time. At this moment, both of them have defeated everyone in their respective half of the district and successfully entered the finals.

"The contestants who entered the finals have come out. On one side is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and on the other side is Xiaoxia from Hualan City!"

The old gentleman butler said.

When he said this, he was actually a little embarrassed. The purpose of this event was to promote the Pokémon League in the Kanto region to local trainers. As a result, two Kanto people entered the finals, giving people a sense of city people coming to the countryside to provoke Feel...

But the two standing on the field don't care about these bells and whistles. Their goal is to fight against the king of heaven, Kona tomorrow, and the fighting spirit in their eyes seems to be able to swallow each other.

The two of them only played against each other once in the very beginning, but at that time both Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia were very good at the level, but now it's different...

"Xiaoxia, you are not my opponent."

Before it even started, Xiaozhi couldn't help talking trash.

"Hmph, Xiaozhi, I know all your Pokémon, but you don't know mine!"

Xiaoxia just sneered, full of confidence.

"Today, I will show you my true strength as a Hualan Gym trainer!"

Even the heavenly king Kona, who had been indifferent all the time, turned his head and was ready to eat.

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