He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 463 The battle continues

"Is it the freezing wind again... Pikachu, use the lightning flash to avoid it!"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, Xiaoxia would not be ignorant of her Pikachu's speed, even though the surrounding platform area is not too large, but this kind of trick without cover, if it can hit Pikachu, it will be a ghost.


Pikachu's speed was still extremely fast, and after avoiding the freezing wind, he even attacked again, turning into a white light and slamming into the swamp king's chest fiercely. Since there was no trick that would have a good effect, Xiaozhi could only choose this way Slowly grinding blood.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

In less than a few breaths, Pikachu had already completed a five-strike combo of lightning, and the scraping was refreshing, and the speed and reflexes of the swamp king could even see Pikachu's figure.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Xiaoxia couldn't keep hiding anymore, and could only read out the AOE trick that she wanted to use from the very beginning.

"Marsh King, use the turbidity flow!!"

Xiaozhi on the other side also ordered at the same time: "Pikachu, Iron Tail again!"


In the next second, Pikachu jumped straight up, raised his tail, and slashed heavily at the marsh king's chin.


The latter was delayed for half a second, and then the strength in the body was aroused, and with the feet as the source, a faint yellow turbid current surf suddenly filled, and the scale became larger with the blessing of the surrounding pool, nearly three to four meters long. High, spreading towards the entire arena.

"What a powerful turbid current..."

"There's something about this trainer's mastery of water attribute tricks..."

The monstrous waves caused [biqudao www.biqudao.info] whispers of admiration from the spectators.


And the turbid current in the entire arena left Pikachu with no place to dodge, and was directly engulfed by the frontal cover. The pressure of the water flow and the sand and dirt contained in it made Pikachu whine, and his body flew upside down several meters away until it hit hard Stopped at the edge of the wall.

"It's okay, go pick up!"

Xiaozhi panicked, he didn't expect this move.


And Pikachu hasn't fallen down yet, struggling to stand up, shaking his whole body to shake off the water drops, but at the moment his expression is already somewhat tired...

You know, the previous few rounds were basically Pikachu playing? Today's exercise has exceeded the standard.

"Huh Pikachu? Don't blame me for being cruel..."

Seeing this, Xiaoxia was overjoyed, and immediately waved her thumb:

"End of the Bog King? Final Mud Shot!!"

Just when everyone thought it was over? But the marsh king didn't launch an attack for a long time, just froze in place like this? A pair of beady eyes couldn't see through what it was thinking.

"Marsh king, what are you doing, hurry up and shoot with mud!"

Xiaoxia is in a hurry? What the hell? Why does it feel like she is commanding the duck to fight? !


However, the marsh king really turned into a Kodak duck, and he didn't obey the order at all and stayed where he was.

"Although I don't know what happened, but since this is the case..." Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up on the opposite side? Naturally, he would not let this opportunity go? He raised his hand and pointed:

"Pikachu, Iron Tail again!"


Another iron tail hit the marsh king's body. Although the effect is mediocre, continuous scraping can always produce qualitative changes. This time the iron tail directly sent it flying several meters away? It hit the edge wall heavily superior.


When the smoke and dust cleared, although the marsh king's peasy eyes remained unchanged, he was completely out of breath, lying there peacefully. Obviously, he had entered a state where he could not fight.

This sudden change in the situation also made the field suffocated instantly? It's inexplicable.

"The marsh king can't fight? Pikachu wins!"

The old gentleman butler hurriedly pronounced the verdict? He has been a referee for many years, and his eyesight is much higher than that of everyone else. He added later:

"Just now, Pikachu hit the marsh king's chin with the iron tail, causing a dizzy effect."

After the words fell, everyone was in an uproar, looking incomprehensible.

A Pokémon like Marsh King has an exquisite body structure and bones, which can absorb most of the vibration effect, and rely on its own buffer to eliminate the vibration.

But its head does not have this kind of cushioning function. The chin can be said to be the door of the marsh king, and the iron tail of its chin directly shakes its brain into a paste, and then it enters a sluggish state.

"Ah, how could this be...!"

Xiaoxia was a little distressed and took back the Marsh King, her face was full of bewilderment, it was completely unlucky to lose.

"Is it because Borkby is not in my hands?"

She looked to the side of the auditorium from a distance, and at this moment Xiao Gang was holding a small pale yellow thorn egg, which was temporarily stored at his side because of the battle.

But at this moment, Xiaogang's attention was not on the field at all, his eyes that used to be slits were now wide open, even covered with bloodshot eyes, just staring at one direction.

"Ah, Master Kona is still watching..."

Xiaoxia quickly came back to her senses, pulled herself together, and prepared for the next battle.

Xiaozhi on the other side also waved.

"Come back, Pikachu."

I didn't expect Xiaoxia to hide such a powerful Pokémon. If she hadn't been lucky just now, maybe Pikachu would have been sniped.

It seems that Pikachu will have to master some new tricks next, otherwise when encountering this combination of water + ground, I really can only look at it stupidly...

"By the way, Xiaoxia, you are very strange. Why do you keep using Freezing Wind without using such a powerful skill like Turbidity Flow?"

Xiaozhi asked from a distance, the dead point turbidity flow at the beginning, his Pikachu might not even be able to hit Iron Tail...

"I want you to manage!"

Xiaoxia's expression darkened immediately, and she threw the second elf ball.


A red light flashed, and what appeared in front of her was a purple ten-pointed starfish. The body seemed to be composed of two starfish at the same time, and the red gemstone in the center shone with a strange light.

Gem starfish, this is Xiaoxia's signature Pokémon. In the beginning, Xiaozhi barely defeated it by relying on Bibibird, but now he has many choices...

"It's up to you, Froggrass Bliss!!"

Xiaozhi immediately dispatched Froggrass which had an advantage in attributes. It was obviously the second stage, but the strange state of lush flowers blooming on the back caused the entire arena to discuss and look shocked.

When fighting against one another, attribute restraint must be arranged.

"Hmph, I knew you were going to use Frogweed..."

Seeing this, Xiaoxia didn't panic as expected, instead she smiled triumphantly:

"My gemstone starfish is super energy + water. The super energy attribute can restrain your poison attribute. We are 50-50 in terms of attributes, and you are not at an advantage!"

Xiaozhi sneered and started talking trash.

"Really? Then you probably forgot the terrifying power of my Frog Grass, it's not something you can resist!"

Two Pokémon are facing each other on the surface of the water. Just as the competition is about to start, the scorching sun is suddenly covered by dark clouds...

"Da da da..."

In less than a while, it even began to rain lightly. The area was not large, and it only covered the surroundings of this villa. It was obviously a man-made product.

"Pray for rain? When did you use it?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, and blurted out, this rainy weather is definitely a great weakening of his Frog Grass.

"Oh, interesting..."

It was Kona, the king of heaven who had been watching the battle silently, with strange fluctuations in his eyes.

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