He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 464 Froggrass vs. Gem Starfish!

"Let me give you a hint, the characteristic of my Marsh King is moisture."

Xiaoxia showed a bright smile and said with a ostentatious smile.

"Moisture?" Xiaozhi scratched his head, this was the first time he had heard of this feature.

"Beep. The characteristic moisture makes it impossible to perform self-explosive tricks such as big explosions and mist bursts."

The illustration book reminded in time.

"Hmph, the moisture characteristics are not only that, by increasing the humidity in the surrounding air, the moisture will increase, and combined with the water attribute tricks that are constantly displayed during the battle, it can even reach the level of rainfall in the end!"

Xiaoxia smiled triumphantly, this is also a secret she discovered by accident on weekdays, after many attempts, she barely managed to use it, although there was a little delay effect.

But the rain feature, this is a divine feature, the title of "Little Gaioka" can add another marsh king today!

"Is there still such an application, Xiaoxia, she really has a good understanding of water attributes..."

Xiaozhi frowned. He is a player with all 18 attributes, but if he only talks about the water attribute, his understanding is far inferior to that of Xiaoxia.

And without a sunny day, this is definitely a serious blow to my froggrass...


"Two, the game begins!"

Soon, the gentleman's old butler's voice fell, and the two of them fixed their eyes at the same time, and their fighting spirit reached its peak in an instant.

"Frog Grass, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

"Jewel starfish, use bubble light!"

At the beginning of the match, the two chose long-range attacks at the same time. Immediately, countless green leaf blades and energy bubbles shot out towards the center of the arena. They collided continuously, causing a burst of explosions on the spot, and smoke filled the center.

Evenly matched.

Don't look at the extraordinary adventures of Frogweed, but Gem Starfish is also Xiaoxia's trump card along the way, and her level is not low.

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed: "Then try this trick, Froggrass, use parasitic seeds!"

As the words fell, a brown seed was shot out through the air under the cover of smoke, and landed on the gem in front of Gem Starfish. In the next second, countless vines spread out from the seed, forming a large vine whip net Bind the target firmly.

Xiaoxia calmly said, "Huh? Use high-speed rotation!"


The gem starfish soared into the sky? Its body began to rotate at a high speed, tearing and shattering all these seemingly tough vines in less than a while.

High-speed rotation? It is born with the positive effect of breaking these tricks.

"Huh Xiaozhi? I know the length of your moves like the back of my hand."

Xiaoxia smiled triumphantly, this time it was her turn to take the initiative to attack.

"Jewel starfish? Use phantom light!"

The gem on Gem Starfish's chest lit up with a strange light, and the next second? That strange colorful energy came out of the body and landed on the body of Froggrass? .

After staying with Kodak in the same team for a long time, Gem Starfish's super power is also not weak? Then it suddenly exerted force? It knocked Frog Grass far away from several meters away.

The effect is outstanding!

Xiaozhi didn't give up, and immediately said: "Froggrass, just use the grass slide like this!"


The eyes of Froggrass rejuvenated brightly, adjusted its body shape while retreating, and stepped heavily on the wall with its hind legs? The joints were bent, and the muscles were exerting force? After blooming, its physical fitness has also been qualitatively improved, and it can withstand Such a strong pressure.


The next second? Borrowing this strength, Froggrass rushed out suddenly. Its body instantly turned into a blue shock wave. Finally, it hit the jewel starfish's chest heavily. The powerful force sent it flying several meters on the spot.

The effect is outstanding!

In the final analysis, even if there is no grass field, the power of the grass slide will not change at all. What is lacking is a super high speed, and this acceleration condition can also be met by kicking the wall with force.

"Stabilize, use freezing light!!"

Xiaoxia stopped the loss.

Even so, Gem Starfish rotated its body during the backward process, and condensed an icy-cold energy in the center, which turned into an ice-blue electric snake and shot it away, and finally bombarded Frog Grass which had not fully recovered.

The effect is outstanding!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

In the next second, the two Pokémon backed up and hit the wall behind at the same time, the smoke and dust billowed, and the damage was not bad.




The game was not over yet, and soon, Jewel Starfish and Frog Grass stood up again with a few meters away, but they both had a lot of scars on their bodies at the moment.

"Froggrass, use photosynthesis!"

"Gem starfish, use self-regeneration!"

The two chose similar moves again, but it was rainy at the moment, and the effect of photosynthesis was undoubtedly weakened to the minimum, so Xiaozhi had to temporarily change his mind.

"Shooting Sunshine Flames!!"

Photosynthesis and Sunshine Flame both store solar energy at the beginning, the difference is that one acts on itself and the other emits outward, but even so, under the cover of dark clouds, the speed of accumulation of Sunshine Flame is still slow...


When the solar energy turned into a hot laser and shot out, the gem starfish also recovered from self-healing, and Xiaoxia waved her finger immediately.

"Block it with the wave of water!"

In front of Gem Starfish's chest, a water flow energy bomb was instantly condensed, and with the blessing of the surrounding rainy weather, the power rose to a higher level, and it was thrown out.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flames of the sun and the waves of the water collided head-on in the center of the arena, immediately causing a terrible explosion. The high-temperature energy and the water flow burst and spread, and dispersed in an evenly matched state.

"How can it be?!"

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi was stunned, Sunshine Flame is a grass attribute's ultimate move!

"Hmph, the sun's flames are not only slow in rainy days, but also their power will decrease, and the power of water fluctuations will increase in this kind of weather..."

When it comes to water attributes, Xiaoxia is like a treasure, obviously taking rainy weather into consideration.

"Now let you see the trick I created..."

Xiaoxia first glanced at Kona who was watching the battle, secretly cheered herself up, and finally raised her fingers high.

"Jewel Starfish, use Surf!!"

In the next second, with the jewel starfish at the center, there was a continuous stream of blue water rushing out from under him, billowing waves appeared out of thin air, and within a short while, a water wave nearly five meters high had been created.

"Huh huh huh..."

There is a constant tumbling water flow in the ear, combined with the rainwater falling from the sky and the surrounding swimming pool, the scale of surfing has increased several times, and the black shadow falling from a terrifying height, like a giant beast, completely covered Froggrass and Xiaozhi live.



In front of the huge waves, one person and one turtle gasped at the same time.

It is not the first time they have seen the surfing trick, but it is definitely the first time they have used this posture. It really feels like a big tsunami...

Can't stop it!

"Duck, when did Xiaoxia cultivate to this level!?"

Yet Xiaoxia's offensive isn't even over yet.

"It's not over yet, gem starfish, then use the freezing light!!"

I saw the gem starfish jumping onto the waves suddenly, and the gem on the chest once again shot out several icy electric snakes and landed on the surface of the surrounding water.


With all the icy coldness, the terrifying waves turned into endless ice on the way, freezing and spreading layer by layer.

In less than a while, the huge waves that were still monstrous before have now turned into an extremely terrifying ice age. The ice waves instantly turned into countless hard ice rocks, blasting towards Xiaozhi and the other overwhelmingly.


The coercion is terrifying, the entire arena is filled with thick white mist of water vapor, and the sound of ice friction is permeating.


It's just that unlike the shock of all the audience, Kona, who had been watching the battle, frowned.

"Well done!"

Not only Kona, but also within the attack range, Xiaozhi, who hadn't thought of a countermeasure, suddenly brightened his eyes and raised his hand.

"Froggrass, then use crazy plants to block it!!"

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