He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 466 Pajamas Kola

"Hey, it's all your fault, Xiao Zhi, now we can't even find a hotel, I don't want to go camping in the wild back mountain!!"

On the road, Xiaoxia complained.

The dusk was coming to an end, and the entire fourth island was getting dark, but the three of Xiaozhi were still looking for a place to stay tonight.

Because after the game, Xiaozhi swam on the roof of the villa for half an hour, causing several people to leave the villa behind the others, and now they can't find a place to stay.

On weekdays, the flow of people on this small island is actually not high, and there are not too many houses, but now because of the arrival of King Kona, the Pokémon Center is full, and the hotel is also full. Several people have even asked a few places People are also full.

"It's okay, I'll definitely find it!"

Xiaozhi patted his chest full of confidence, and then scanned the entire town. The scale and area are not too large, and he can even read it at a glance.

There is no nightlife in the rural town, but it is very quiet.


At this time, the sudden lighting of a house attracted the attention of the three of them. It was a small two-story house located next to the Kona Villa. The three of them went there before and knocked on the door to ask if they could stay overnight. No reply.

"The light is on, it proves that someone is there."

The three of them looked at each other and quickly approached the house.


Xiaozhi knocked on the door and said politely:

"Excuse me, can you let us stay overnight, we have a chef here, we can cook a good dinner."

There is a man with full life skills in the team, but he is reasonable wherever he goes,

After a while, a voice came from inside, and it was a female voice.

"Then come in~"

The three of them froze for a moment, the voice sounded familiar.

Without doubting him, Xiaozhi pushed open the door, the house is not particularly spacious, it belongs to the small and exquisite style, but the furniture is arranged neatly, and there is a faint fragrance in the air.

What is certain is that this is a girl's room. There are many plush Pokémon dolls on the floor, and even the walls are pink, full of girlish flavor.

"I'll prepare your room for you~"

After a while, a woman came out from the inner door. She was in her early twenties, and she looked charming and pretty. Wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses, her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, and her wine-red mid-length hair was so loose. on the shoulders.

"Heavenly King Kona?"

Xiaozhi blurted out.

"Pajamas Kona?!"

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia in the back also blurted out? Their faces turned red instantly.

At this moment, Kona is not wearing the traditional and capable uniform of the past, but is wearing pink pajamas, and the intellectual femininity is also full of girlishness, which makes Xiao Gang's eyes almost pop out.

Who can stand this...

Kona didn't say anything? He just smiled plainly at a few people, looking approachable.

"So it turns out that the king of heaven also has such a liking for little girls..."

Looking at the dolls around him, Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out, he felt a little surprised.

This move was blocked by Xiaoxia angrily, signaling not to be unreasonable to her idol? So Xiaozhi quickly changed his words:

"Oh? Hello, Master Kona, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and tomorrow I will be your opponent in the exhibition match. By the way, I also achieved the impressive result of being the top five in the previous Quartz Conference!"

Wen Yanke couldn't help raising his pretty eyebrows? Their Quartz Conference has always only had the top four and the top eight. What the hell is the top five?

But now she finally remembered Xiaozhi? Although his face was unfamiliar, the trainer who brought an electric mouse and a special flowering frogweed at the Quartz Conference at that time? This was still impressive.

"Master Kona, my name is Xiaoxia? My dream is to become the strongest water attribute trainer! I will also play in today's game..."

Xiaoxia at the back also quickly plucked up the courage to introduce herself? It's just Kona's casual nodding? Xiaoxia was a little discouraged.

"You really don't remember me..."

Then Xiaogang also introduced himself, and even invited Kona to participate in his future action movie as the heroine, but was rejected by the latter on the spot, so he had to take out the frying pan and go to the kitchen to light a fire to cook.

After a while, a large table of delicacies was prepared, and the three of them gathered around the table. Even Kona couldn't help but be attracted by the aroma, and slowly sat down.



"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

Xiaozhi was eating Haisai nonsense, but Xiaogang and Xiaoxia's eating method became much more elegant, as if he was not familiar with Xiaozhi.

After some chatting, everyone realized that the big villa next door was actually forced on her by the Pokémon Alliance, but Kona seldom lived there every time she returned to the fourth island. Will go to the roof of the villa.

And this small house on the second floor is actually Kona's home.

"I'm a native of the Fourth Island. I still remember the first Pokémon I tamed when I was a child. It was in the Icefall Cave in the back mountain."

Kona sipped his coffee, and said leisurely to the three of [biquge www.boquge.co].

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia's eyes lit up when they heard these official materials, but Xiaozhi obviously didn't have much interest in them. There is nothing to hide about the character's life. When he becomes famous one day, he will directly publish an autobiography. Write all your own experiences on it for the world to admire, and the title of the book will be...

"Xiaozhi Biography".

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi wiped the rice grains from the corner of his mouth, and said directly:

"Master Kona, if you don't understand, just ask, is there any great secret that can become powerful?"

He once asked this question to another heavenly king, Shiba, the king of fighting, and the result was quite fruitful.

That's right, the Heavenly King Xiba has gained a lot. He prostituted his free will on the spot, and even stepped into the extreme state with a backhand...

In other words, has this ice attribute king also mastered the legendary ultimate realm?

Don't look at Xiaozhi's armored chrysalis, which is even above the ultimate realm, but he is still at a loss about this thing, and has no idea what it is...

"Hehe~ I can't say it well~ You can't imitate something like the Great Profound Truth, but one thing is for sure, everyone has their own path..."

Kona just smiled lightly, propping his chin with his palm, and grabbed a little sea lion doll in his arms with the other hand, not knowing what he was thinking.


This sentence shocked Xiaoxia next to her. For some reason, she always felt that this sentence was about herself?

Could it be that Master Kona is implying something...?

Xiaoxia peeked at Ke Nade's face, but the latter was like a piece of thousand-year-old ice, completely invisible to the slightest crack or flaw.



late at night.

Xiao Gang and Xiao Zhi on the next bed had fallen into a deep sleep, but Xiao Xia on this side couldn't sleep, tossing and turning on the bed.

Thinking of her defeat in front of Kona during the day, and Kona's pointing at dinner before, she became a little upset. Finally, Xiaoxia put on her coat and tiptoed out of the room , planning to go to the second-floor rooftop to enjoy the cool breeze.


When she came to the rooftop, Xiaoxia was puzzled.

At this moment, Kona, who was wearing pajamas, was leaning against the railing, her eyes were looking at the sea in the distance, and the sea breeze was blowing her hair slightly.

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