He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 467: Xiaozhi vs King Kona

"Master Ko... Kona! Why are you here?!"

Xiaoxia blurted out, her voice became a little loud and sharp, and she quickly covered her mouth.

"I can't sleep..."

Kona just leaned his body halfway, looking leisurely at the sea in the direction of the dock in the distance, and stroked the hair beside his ear, as if he was thinking about something.

She has actually been insomnia for several days.

Don't look at her as if she has nothing to do with her leisurely life, but in the battle of Pokémon, Kona still hopes that she can go one step further.

I didn't have too much entanglement before, just take it slowly, but now even that stupid Shiba has stepped into the ultimate realm, and the other two of the Kanto Four Heavenly Kings have already stepped into this realm, except She was stuck outside the door, which was unacceptable to her.

Kona has a metaphysical feeling, as if she can pierce the last layer of thin paper at any time, but she still can't take this last step, and she can't even find the direction.

In other words, she's stuck in a bottleneck.

The extreme is not as good as a dog. Only people like her who are stuck in the middle have the deepest understanding of this sentence.


Helpless, Kona had no choice but to temporarily take over the official dinner event, intending to return to his hometown, return to the original place, and look for opportunities for breakthroughs.

Although she was a little anxious in her heart, her expression was still like a piece of ice, and no one could see any flaws.

Xiaoxia on the side couldn't read the latter's thoughts at all, and only said that Kona was a bit of a young fan, who liked to lean on the railing to blow the sea breeze late at night.

At this time, something suddenly came to her mind. Xiaoxia knew that this was her last chance, so she quickly took a deep breath, stepped forward and bowed to Kona, and then said solemnly:

"You have always been my pursuit since I was a child, please Master Kona, please accept me as a disciple!"

Although it is very reckless, it's like Xiaogang and the king of heaven Shiba are apprentices. When an opportunity comes, you must take the initiative to seize it!


However, Kona did not respond for a long time, still half leaning on his body, looking into the distance with empty eyes.

After a few minutes of embarrassment, just when Xiaoxia was about to say it again, Kona suddenly got up, turned his head, and walked slowly towards Xiaoxia.

Then the two didn't even look at each other, they just passed each other, this action made Xiaoxia's nose sore for no reason? Her head could not help but droop? Her face was full of disappointment...

"I reject."

A cold voice came from behind, and Xiaoxia suddenly turned her head? At this time, Kona had already walked to the door.

"Don't make me a target? I'm not your path either..."

After finishing speaking, Kona walked into the house and disappeared.

Only Xiaoxia was left alone by the railing, and the sea breeze was blowing her hair...



the next day.

In the early morning, Xiaozhi was doing military boxing on the roof, and after a set of operations, his whole body was filled with energy and blood, and he walked back into the house satisfied.

At this time, Xiaogang has already set up a large table of sumptuous breakfast? How many people are seated.


Smelling the aroma of rice? Xiaoxia walked out of the room sleepily, her hair was messed up, and her mental state was not good.

"Xiaoxia, why are your dark circles so big?" Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

"Don't worry about it!"

Xiaoxia just gave him a blank look, and grabbed a sandwich and gnawed on it. She just took a bite and found that Kona was sitting opposite her, holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Master Ko... Kona? Good morning!"

Xiaoxia hurriedly sat upright, and the latter also nodded slightly to signal? Such a scene made Xiaoxia look a little embarrassed.

The sentence "I am not your way" by Kona last night made Xiaoxia lose sleep on the spot, and struggled with the meaning of this sentence all night.

Kona is the heavenly king of ice and water attributes? Obviously his path is similar to mine? What does this sentence mean?

Or do you simply feel that you can't even win an exhibition championship? Is it a mediocrity who simply refuses?

Even Xiaozhi noticed the embarrassment of confusion in the air, but he didn't realize it, the rice was still delicious and full.

"Hey, blah... By the way, Master Kona, we are going to fight today, and I will do my best!"

During the meal break, Xiaozhi took the time to raise his head and declare war.

Kona's expression remained unchanged, and he replied slowly:

"Then I look forward to it~"


The time soon came to the afternoon, the swimming pool roof of Kona Villa, the auditorium was already full of people eating melons, this time not only the trainers who gathered around, even the locals who did not fight came here .

And the swimming pool on the roof that was damaged yesterday has also been repaired, and the traces of the previous battle can't be seen at all.

The auspicious time has come, Xiaozhi and Kona are standing at the two ends of the arena respectively, the latter has also changed back to his previous smart uniform, his long wine red hair is tied up, and there is a bit of a strong chill in his restrained manner.

"This Heavenly King exhibition match is officially sponsored by the Quartz Alliance, and the Pokémon Alliance will always be your best choice..."

The gentleman old butler who was the referee in the middle was still wearing that formal tuxedo, and was chanting advertisements. It was able to attract so many people, and this time the event was considered a success.

"Because it's an exhibition match, and the opponent is still a king of the alliance, Xiaozhi on the challenger side can use up to 6 Pokémon at will, and there is no limit to the number of exchanges."

"Kona, on the other hand, can only use up to three Pokémon, and exchanging Pokémon is prohibited."

He slowly read the rules of the exhibition game.

It would be too much to use only one. After all, it is to promote the strength of the king of heaven. If it is really overwhelmed by the 6v1 wheel battle, it will be counterproductive. Three are just right.

As for the prizes, there was nothing substantial, after all, it was just an exhibition match.

"Both, the match begins now!"

After finishing speaking, the old gentleman backed up and completely handed over the arena to the two. The audience on both sides immediately burst into cheers, and the movement was so loud that it almost overturned the entire rooftop swimming pool.

"Come out, my partner."

Kona at one end threw her poke ball backhand without the slightest hesitation. No matter whether she was the host or was already famous, she had nothing to hide.

A red light flashed, and a milky-white sea lion Pokémon appeared on the field. It was more than one meter in size with a slender tail, a cute head, and fan-like fins on both sides of its body.


As soon as it appeared on the stage, it clapped its hands again and again, like a common performance in an aquarium, with an innocent look.

"Didi. The white sea lion is a water-type and ice-type Pokémon. It looks cute and likes to encourage others. It was considered by the ancients to be a mermaid in the sea."

The picture book suggested.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded, not too surprised. Yesterday he also secretly investigated Kona's information. Although the white sea lion is not the trump card of the latter, it is definitely the main Pokémon. It seems that the latter I don't plan to let the water go away today.

"But it's more to my liking!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were bright, and he touched his waist with his palm, and there happened to be a Pokémon he had never used to fight since he captured it...

"Then it's up to you, Crystal Rock Snake!"

He hurls the poke ball violently.

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