He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 468: The Power of the Crystal Rock Snake!

"Rock Roar!!"

The red light flashed, and the figure of the crystal rock snake appeared in everyone's field of vision. The body of the crystal structure looked crystal clear and extremely beautiful under the sunlight, just like an extremely elegant work of art.

This incomparably strange appearance made the entire arena suffocate, and everyone's eyes widened.

"I've got a tortoise..."

"There are big rock snakes like this...?"

"I have long heard the legend of the Crystal Rock Snake in the Orange Islands, so it is true!?"

Many locals even started to talk about it. Even Kola at the back couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his pupils dilated, and stared blankly at the crystal rock snake in front of him.

"What a nice view..."

She couldn't help blurting out.

With a crystal-like body and an icy aura emanating faintly, this is undoubtedly the most perfect Pokémon she has ever seen in terms of appearance alone.

The Seven Islands are adjacent to the Orange Islands. The legend of the Crystal Rock Serpent was heard by Kona when he was a child, but he did not expect this legend to really appear in front of him today.

"This young man seems to be very special..."

Then Kona looked at Xiaozhi, the crystal rock snake, the flowering frogweed, the god-like armored chrysalis... It is an extraordinary fortune to get one, but this boy has both, and may even have There are more...

"Then let's see what surprises you can come up with!"

In the next second, Kona's iceberg-like face gradually revealed a fanatical expression, and his hands became fists.

The game officially begins!



"Crystal rock snake, pre-emptive strike, use crystal to drop rocks!"

At the beginning of the game, Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking.

The crystal rock snake shook its head. Although the tacit understanding between the two of them was not enough, they still condensed three large crystal-shaped rocks in front of them and smashed them fiercely towards the target.

At that time, Xiao Zhi used tyrannical methods to physically subdue it, but the bond was not established, but the Crystal Rock Snake actually had a somewhat intention of going out to see the world, and Xiao Gang's food was really delicious, so now even though he is with Xiaozhi's intimacy is not high, but he is barely obedient and cooperative.

"Oh~ Ice attribute and rock attribute..."

Kona's glasses flashed a sharp edge, instantly piercing through the target's attributes.

The shape has changed so much, and the attributes will naturally not be the same.

Although the shape is curious, the chill that hits her face makes her sure that it has ice attributes? Moreover, the falling crystal rocks flying at this moment are not only ice attributes, but also rock attributes? It is a dual-attribute trick.

Is it similar to Pikachu's flying weight? Contains both flying and fighting attributes.

Kona: "..."

Ice attribute plus rock attribute, this is definitely the worst combination of attributes she can imagine.

If there is a worse attribute combination than this? It should be ice and steel.


Seeing the ice stone attacking, the power is impressive? The rock attribute restrains the ice attribute? After being hit, even the white sea lion with a difference in level may not feel good, Kona immediately raised his finger.

"Use water jet!"


The white sea lion was not in a hurry, and even took the time to clap its palms. A layer of water flowed up around its body, and it rushed out like a rocket in an instant.

Make the skill first, whether you release it in advance or not, I will do it first!


The speed of the jet of water was so fast that it directly bypassed the crystal falling rock, and then hit the body of the big rock snake? The energy of the water flow followed the impact force.


It's just that Kona didn't expect that the crystal rock snake couldn't help being harmless at this moment? It even showed a satisfied look, as if this jet of water restraining its attributes was a great tonic?

"It's useless, the characteristic of my crystal rock snake is dry skin! The ultimate water attribute is to restore physical strength for us!"

Xiaozhi laughed triumphantly? Dry skin equals little water storage.

"Dry skin..."

Kona thought about it a little bit? The dry skin characteristic usually appears on lizard Pokémon? But in fact, ice-type Pokémon can also have such a characteristic, such as Miss Lips, so it is not a big problem that the Crystal Rock Snake also has this characteristic. ...

However, before Kona could react, Xiaozhi had already struck out again.

"Big Rock Snake, use it tightly!!"

In the next second, the crystal rock snake immediately curled up its body. Its huge snake-shaped body was entwined, and it tied the white sea lion who had just used the water jet and hadn't panted on the spot.


The white sea lion struggled subconsciously, but the strength of the crystal rock snake was obviously superior. Even in the curled up body, the hard and cold crystal rock rubbed against each other, causing the former to let out a whine.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed. Looking at this posture, he might really be able to win the main Pokémon of a heavenly king today, and then waved his thumb:

"Throw it, use shoot down!!"

"Rock Roar!!"

The crystal rock snake loosened its shackles on the spot, and threw the white sea lion into the air at a height of three meters, but this height was still within the attack range of the former. The snake-like body whipped like a long whip, and the tail at the end of the crystal It came to the front of the head of the white sea lion, and finally made a heavy chop towards the target.


The body of the white sea lion suddenly fell like a ball, hitting the ground fiercely, causing a terrible movement of smoke and dust, and the sound made many onlookers tremble.

The effect is outstanding! !

Shooting down is a rock-type trick, and it will definitely hurt the white sea lion.

"It's not over yet, use the rock seal now!!"

Xiaozhi's offensive is not over yet, at this moment it is desperately connecting dots to restrain the rock attribute trick.

This trick was borrowed from Xiaogang from the ancestral secret transmission CD of the Nibi Gymnasium, as a meeting gift from Xiaozhi to the Crystal Rock Snake. The latter is also very talented, and he learned it in just a few days.

But what shocked Xiaozhi was that he found that the Crystal Rock Snake was not a special case, but all the external rock tricks performed by the Crystal Rock Snake, in fact, they all have two attributes of ice and rock, which is really scary .

"Rock Roar!!"

Following the roar of the big rock snake, in the next second, several crystal boulders appeared above the white sea lion. The former had just propped up his body when those crystal boulders crashed down.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Immediately, smoke and dust exploded together, and the entire roof of the villa trembled, so loud that it even completely engulfed the white sea lion.

The effect is outstanding again! !


"This crystal rock snake is so powerful that it can beat the king of heaven..."

"The strength seems to be much stronger than the ordinary big rock snake..."

In the crowd, there were constant tortoise sounds, all of them were shocked by the terrible suppressing power of the crystal rock snake.

Even Xiao Gang among them nodded heavily, he is the elder brother of the Big Rock Snake, and Xiao Gang knew that this crystal Big Rock Snake was not only a beautiful vase, but also a powerful one, far surpassing the ordinary Big Rock Snake.

But the only downside is also fatal...


"The power is good, but its appearance is not wasted."

At this time, at the other end of the arena, Kona slowly gave out a burst of admiration.

Then she gently pushed the glasses, and the reserved icy aura instantly became fierce and stern, making the hair on the back of Xiao Zhimi who was closest to him stand up.

Soon, the smoke and dust on the field also dispersed.


The white sea lion struggled up and let out a low cry. Its thick body of fat meant that its skin was not thin. Although it was hit by a series of extremely effective tricks, the difference in level was there, and it hadn't lost the battle yet. Ability, but the damage received is not low.

"But now it's my turn to attack, Ash."

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