He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 473: Water Attribute Battles

"Thank you, White Sea Lion..."

On the field, Kona took the white sea lion back into the ball and stroked it gently. It was a rare experience for her to be defeated so vigorously today.

Then she raised her head again and looked directly at the opponent in front of her, her tone became extremely serious at this moment.

"Although I don't know who you are, I will challenge you with all my strength!"

Chi just nodded noncommittally.

Kona can now be sure that the opponent in front of her is definitely not the previous Xiaozhi. Whether it is schizophrenia or soul seizure, it seems too unbelievable, but she knows one thing.

You must use all your strength to defeat him!

Only by breaking through to the realm that is only short of the last kick, can it be possible to defeat the "Little Wisdom" in front of him!

Thinking of this, Kona threw the second Poké Ball forward.


A red light flashed, and a huge blue water beast appeared on the ice. It had a dark blue body, a slender head, a spine shell on its back, and its fin-like limbs were attached to the ice. .

As soon as it appeared on the stage, the icy coldness and the mighty water energy lingered around its body, and its majesty as proud as a snow mountain showed its extraordinaryness.

"Come out, it's Chenglong!"

"This is definitely Master Kona's absolute trump card!!"

"Can you actually see a heavenly king using all his strength today!?"

All of a sudden, because of the appearance of Chenglong, the spectator seats were boiling.

Kona told Xiaozhi and the others before that she caught the first Pokémon in the ice waterfall cave on the fourth island when she was a child, and it was this dragon ride.

"Chenglong!? Good guy!?"

In the VIP spectator seats, Xiaozhi's eyes widened instantly. He also has a Chenglong, which can just copy Master Kona's use of this kind of Pokémon.

Miaowahua's physical strength is basically full at the moment, and Chenglong's attributes are the same as the white sea lion's combination of water + ice, so it's not a big problem...

"Come back, Miao Frog Flower."

It's just that Xiaozhi didn't expect that Chi suddenly raised his hand and took Miaowahua back, caught off guard.

"Hey Brother Chi, what is this Li sister?" Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.


Chi didn't answer, but just took back the elf ball, and his eyes slightly swept over a certain position in the spectator seats, where Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia were located.

Xiaoxia: "?"

In the crowd, she looked at him and subconsciously trembled? Inexplicably? She was at a loss for a while.

And it's obviously Xiaozhi's face, but once it's changed to Brother Chi to control it? Stared at by those cold eyes? But Xiaoxia dare not be careless.

Is Brother Chi looking at me?

What am I doing wrong?


But Chi quickly turned his head and returned his attention to the front of the arena.

Although Chi has always been not very interested in the plot of the outside world, he is still passively accepting the information from the outside world. Naturally, he also knows about Xiaoxia's situation in the past few days.

In Zengjin's electronic world, the other Xiaoxia is Chi's close friend, but now the former cannot come over, so how about taking care of her counterpart? Chi thinks this is what he should do.

"Then let's take a good look at the battle that belongs to the water attribute..."

Thinking of this? Chi Huan slowly threw the second poke ball in front of him.


A red light flashed, and a water turtle more than two meters high appeared in front of him, with blue body and limbs, a thick dark brown shell, and a simple head? There are two exits on the shoulder of the shell. , with two off-white cannon barrels mounted on it even more curiously.


The last of the Kanto Royal Sanjia? A perfect combination of biology and technology, Blastoise! !

"Wonderful Frog Flower and Water Arrow Turtle..."

Kona's expression remained the same? In his mind, he was secretly thinking about Xiaozhi's previous Cammy Turtle and Bulbia, and now he took out a set of Blissflower and Water Arrow? But it was obviously not the same individual.

There are not only two people? Pokémon also have two groups...?

But since it is a water arrow turtle with pure water attributes? It seems that the outcome of this battle has been decided... Kona is very confident at the moment.

Game start! !


"Blazka, use the water gun!"

Chi took the lead in opening the mouth, and the water arrow turtle immediately lowered its figure, and two streams of water spewed out from the barrel on its back, but the power was not too great, and the latter did not dodge, and the water streams broke and scattered on its body.


Chenglong didn't draw blood, and even a faint green light appeared on his body, which is a sign of the water storage characteristic.

"Is it really water storage..."

The red eyebrow raised slightly, it was a slight temptation, and it was not a big problem.

He is also an old brother of Chenglong. Chi himself has a Chenglong, and that Chenglong also set a major record of killing Champion Du with one move. He knows that the latter has three characteristics. However, the water storage feature is undoubtedly particularly inferior to the water arrow turtle with the pure water attribute.


In this tentative water gun, Kona's Chenglong did not give up this round, but instead raised his head high and screamed into the air.

"Da da da..."

The clear sky was suddenly overcast, and within a short while, there was already a heavy drizzle around the roof of the villa.

Ask for rain!

"Oh~ it doesn't look like the rain plate feature?"

Seeing the rainwater falling on the surface of the water arrow turtle just like that, Ke Na hooked the corner of her mouth, but her move was not to test her characteristics, she immediately shrank her pupils, with a fierce expression on her face, and said in a low voice:

"Use Thunder!!"

Chenglong blared again, and under the strange force, the sky was dark clouds rolling, only a thunderclap exploded, and a beam of thunder fell from the sky clouds.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The lightning beam from the thunder bombarded the water arrow tortoise. Under the lightning, the latter couldn't help but let out a whine. The power of the thunder and lightning was so great that the ice around the water arrow tortoise collapsed for an hour. pit.

The effect is outstanding! !

Thunder is a great move of the electric attribute. The only weakness is that the hit rate is extremely low, but in rainy weather, thunder is a must-hit move!

This is a combination punch.

However, Chenglong's combination of water and ice can display thunder, which has a greater visual impact.

"That's right, my gem starfish can also use one hundred thousand volts..."

Xiaoxia in the auditorium couldn't help but speak.

But her eyes were fixed on the movement of the water arrow turtle. Xiaoxia was quick-witted, and had already faintly guessed why Chi Laoge deliberately replaced the water arrow turtle, which was not superior in attributes...


on the field.

Before Dalei's attack was over, Chi suddenly said:

"Use specular reflection!"

I saw the water arrow turtle forcibly sticking to its heart in the thunder and lightning. When it opened its eyes, a strange film was faintly covered around its body. In the next second, the sky thunder and lightning on its body extended and split a lightning strike, heading in one direction Lasing out.


Caught off guard, Chenglong was hit head-on, and the terrifying sky thunder also exploded on it.

The effect is outstanding!

Mirror reflection, the official information says to take damage, and then counterattack the opponent with double damage, but the reality is obviously not as simple as written, and there are even individual differences.

However, the mirror reflection of the Chishui Arrow Turtle diverts the received attack and takes damage at the same time as the enemy, and even the enemy's damage will be higher.


After the thundering trick was over, smoke and dust exploded at both ends of the ice arena at the same time, making a lot of noise.

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