He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 474 Extreme water pressure!

"call out..."

The thunder light dissipated, and Water Arrow Turtle and Chenglong were separated at both ends of the field in a confrontational state, and there were a few scorched black marks on their skin.

It is by no means the first time Chenglong's thunderstorm has been used. It is an old method with powerful power.

This time Chi took the initiative to attack and said:

"Use the wave of the dragon."


Blastoise lowered its body, and the two turrets on its back carapace also moved slightly, making a "click" sound like mechanical parts. After a while, a pink-purple energy condensed at the barrel mouth.


The sound of a dragon's chant faintly passed by everyone's ears, and the next second, a pink-purple energy beam came out of the body, and in the process of advancing, it suddenly began to change shape, transforming into a pink-purple energy void. The giant shadow dragon roared out with its teeth and claws open, its majesty mighty.

Dragon Wave!

Chenglong knows the electric attribute tricks, and the water arrow turtle does not only know the water attribute tricks.

"Ride the dragon, use the frozen light!"

Kona quickly instructed.

Hell, why does the dragon wave of a water arrow turtle faintly have the strength used by his colleague Du? !


Chenglong roared loudly, and the icy energy in his mouth condensed into a blue-white ball of light, and finally turned into a lasing electric snake, colliding with the energy giant dragon.

"Boom boom boom!!"

There was an explosion at the junction, and there were bursts of thick smoke, which finally turned into chaotic energy winds and spread out towards the surroundings.

Evenly matched.


Seeing this, Kona frowned.

This tie is outrageous. You must know that your frozen light has the bonus of this attribute, and the ice light also has a certain restraint effect on the energy of the dragon attribute. powerful...

But Chi's expression didn't change at all, and he even started the next round of attack.

"Water arrow turtle, use the broken shell."

After the words fell, the Water Arrow Turtle let out a low growl on the spot, secretly accumulating strength, and there was a sudden piercing sound of carapace shattering inside its body, and then a series of rays of light fell on the former's body. become fierce.

Speed, double attack increased significantly.

Double defense drops.

Breaking the shell is undoubtedly a trick to ruin the boat.

"Oh, brother Chi, did you steal the tactic that I stole from Abin?"

VIP eating melon feast? Xiaozhi's eyes brightened.

At the beginning, Abin’s broken shell and white vanilla props were stolen by him and used on his own Kami turtle? Now put it on the water arrow turtle, I am afraid that the power will be even more terrifying...


It's only been a long time? The white vanilla hasn't come out yet? Xiaozhi was a little confused, didn't the water arrow turtle carry this prop?

What is this understanding?

Speaking of which, when Brother Chi took out the Water Arrow Turtle Poké Ball, it seemed that he also took out something that looked like a bracelet and put it on his hand...?

Xiaozhi still has an impression of this bracelet? It was in Ziyuan Town that day? It was a glass round stone given by an old man named Fuji, who said it was related to evolution.

Then in Jinhuang City, Xiaozhi met the cousin of Fangyuan champion Dawu, Dache? The latter is an ancestral stone craftsman? He helped Xiaozhi make a stone into a bracelet for free.

It's just that the use of this kind of props seems to lack the assistance of other props, Xiaozhi didn't take it to heart, and put it aside casually, unexpectedly, Chi suddenly took it out and used it today...?

Can it really evolve?

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and quickly looked at the field again...


The water arrow tortoise whose shell has been broken is like a sharp sword at this moment. The whole body exudes a fierce fighting spirit, which makes Kona and Chenglong swallow their saliva. They are waiting for the opponent's attack.

Chi turned his head and glanced at the auditorium again.

Xiaoxia: "!"

At the target, she hurriedly sat upright, knowing that old brother Chi was going to get serious? She quickly widened her beautiful eyes, not daring to take a breath.

Then Chi turned his head again and spoke slowly.

The tone is flat? But with a bit of unquestionable domineering? It seems that the script has been written, full of confidence.

"Blades, use the high-pressure water pump!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded, wondering if the trainer suddenly lost his mind and went crazy.

"Hey, hey, brother Chi, are you crazy? Chenglong has the ability to store water, is it free?!"

Xiaozhi in the vip troll seat couldn't help but blurted out curses.


Chi didn't answer, and the water arrow turtle in the center was even more so. Like a soldier sticking to the order, he lowered his body immediately, and there was another sound of mechanical rotation of the engine, and the two cannon barrels on the back stretched out a lot.

In the next moment, two thick blue streams of water spurted out from the cannon barrel, bursting out with violent roars, extremely swift and violent, as if carrying a mighty force, they burst out with a bang.

"Boom boom boom!!"

For a moment, as if even the surrounding air was pierced through, the air on the field was instantly chilling. The terrifying water flow even made a long mark on the ice surface one meter below by the leaking breath, which showed its strength. fierce.

"Block it."

The attack came, Kona said.

I have to say that the power of this high-pressure water pump is indeed the most powerful she has ever seen, but the water storage feature is the water storage feature. No matter how powerful your water cannon is, it is just to replenish blood for yourself.


Chenglong also kept his neck in place like this, and the water it stored was enough to flood the fourth island, so it was easy to handle.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the next moment, the high-pressure water pump exploded on Chenglong's body, but the water flow was sucked into the body by the latter, turning into a faint green light to nourish his physical strength.


It's just that the situation changed very quickly.

It is true that the water flow energy of the high-pressure water pump is sucked away by you, but how do you offset this impact force?


The unprecedented water pressure contained in the water cannon finally made Chenglong unable to stand upright, and his entire huge body was pushed out with a bang, hitting the edge wall of the arena like a shell.


The continuous pressure of the water forced Chenglong's head to be pressed against the wall, and he couldn't even raise his head...

"How can it be!?"

Kona looked dumbfounded, she had never seen such water pressure...


Finally, under the terrible water pressure, Chenglong let out a painful whine, which also indicated that the damage caused by the water pressure had exceeded the replenishment of its own water storage characteristics...

This terrible water flow lasted for a full three minutes. During this period, no matter how Kona gave instructions, Chenglong couldn't respond, and just passively pressed to death against the wall, causing continuous damage.


When the water dissipated, Chenglong landed back on the ice, as if all the bones in his body had been washed away, his breathing was disordered, and his whole body was sore and limp even if he moved.

It's dying.

The impact damage caused by the water pressure has far exceeded the energy replenishment of the water storage feature.

"This power..."

Looking at Blastoise and Chi in front of him, Kona finally had a bold idea in his heart, and couldn't help but gasp.

This level of water cannon has far exceeded the scope of normal skills, as if it is the legendary...

The ultimate realm? !

Impossible, the boy in front of him has stepped out of this realm? !


Seeing this, Chi just smiled lightly. He didn't hide anything, so he just said casually:

"This is the ultimate path of my Blastoise, whose name is..."

"Extreme water pressure!"

What can water do?

It can have countless ways, such as swift and gentle, it can breed life, and it can also be huge waves, but in Chi's eyes, there is only one way.

The ultimate water pressure can break through everything! !

No matter how high or strong the dam is, it will definitely not be able to stop the dancing tsunami. This is the ultimate power that water can display. It can show the impact of devouring and crushing everything, so powerful that it does not make any sense at all!

Water storage?

Water storage can indeed be immune to absorbing water flow energy, but it cannot absorb the incidental pressure created by water flow. In reality, it is by no means as simple as it is said in the textbook!

"And cold knowledge, the water storage feature can only absorb the first damage in an instant."

Chi couldn't help but speak.

This is written in textbooks.

For example, Shuriken of Water, this is a trick that attacks continuously for 2~5 rounds.

In fact, the water storage feature can only absorb the energy of the first water flow, and the next second method or even three, four or five shots cannot absorb it.

But if you condense all your strength on a shuriken, and you happen to meet a Pokémon with water storage characteristics, you will indeed be completely immune to absorption.





Xiaoxia in the auditorium slapped her thigh fiercely and yelled three times in a row, her face was ecstatic, and her head seemed to be opened up, and it was already unimpeded.

Yes, the water attribute is already so powerful, why should I seek help from the ice attribute? !

My Xiaoxia's dream is to become the strongest water attribute trainer, so there will always be only one path for her.

Extreme water flow! !

"I realized...!"

An ultimate path has been vaguely formed in Xiaoxia's mind...

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