He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 476 Mega evolution, super fort!

Mega evolution, this is an evolution beyond evolution, the strength and quality of the whole body will be greatly improved, but the conditions for evolution are also very harsh.

Not only does it require a high degree of bond between the trainer and the Pokémon, once the bond is not enough, either the mega cannot be normal, or the Pokémon will enter a state of berserk and lose its mind after evolution.

In addition, specific props are needed, namely the mega bracelet with the keystone inlaid in the trainer's hand, and the carrying props on the Pokémon - specific mega stones.

Of course, it doesn't have to be a bracelet, you can also make bracelets, pendants, rings, etc...

The harsh conditions also mean that the power after evolution is strong.


There was a sound of broken eggshells, and the colorful white light dispersed, and the water arrow turtle reappeared, but the appearance had changed dramatically at this moment.

The limbs and head have not changed much, but the carapace covering the whole body has become thicker, not like a turtle shell, but more like a covered carapace, especially the two barrels on the back, now only one is left Mounted directly above the head, the diameter of the muzzle is even larger than the sum of the previous two beams.

The arms that had protruded from the tortoise shell were also separated from the tortoise shell at the moment, and the backs of the two hands were covered with a separate layer of carapace, and a bunch of small cannon barrels were also mounted on it.

The lower limbs have become flatter, and it seems that they have become less good at moving, but they can support the ground more firmly, providing a strong recoil.

It can be said that the current water arrow turtle is more like a fixed fort, and the three black lacquered barrels are filled with extremely terrifying power.

"Use the wave of the dragon!"

Chi sipped softly, and the water arrow turtle understood. He lowered his body, and his thick lower limbs were firmly supported on the ground. The two cannon barrels on the back of his hand were raised, and then the extremely terrifying pink-purple energy spewed out from them. The beam of energy merged into one after being separated from the body, and even turned into a phantom of a howling energy giant dragon, which shot out with its teeth and claws.

Blastoise's body trembled even more suddenly, and even the surrounding ground shook, like the strong recoil of the body after launching a missile, which showed the power of this unique attack.

Dragon Wave!

The power is simply incomparable? The majestic Longwei? It even surpassed the power of Champion Du for a while.


The phantom of the giant dragon struck out and hit the ice wave under Chenglong's body fiercely? Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering sounded, and the terrifying ice wave was shattered cleanly and exploded into countless pieces. Cracks and shattered ice? The ice waves all over the sky shattered.

Kona's ultimate, was broken...

"How can it be!?"

Kona's eyes widened? The calmness and calmness of the past was completely gone from his face.

Does she know about mega evolution? But the power of the upgrade is definitely not so terrifying, otherwise, wouldn't it be invincible on the spot after mastering mega evolution?

"That's right, Brother Chi, are you cheating!?"

At the vip barrage seat, Xiaozhi couldn't help cursing again? A devastating blow that shattered the ultimate realm? It's too ridiculous!

Although this evolution is really cool.

"Super Launcher."

Chi just replied five words lightly.

After mega evolution, the characteristics of Blastoise have also changed into a super launcher, that is, the power of wave-like tricks will be improved, and the degree of improvement varies from individual to individual.

And the direction of Chi's training is? Once his Blastoise evolves, it will completely lose its ability to move? In this way, all the excess power will be accumulated on the characteristic super launcher, which will also increase the power of its wave-like tricks to An extremely terrifying situation.

Natural? This is also an extreme path.

If you have to name it, then you can use "Extreme Fort" to describe it.

Now even the king of heaven can master this realm? Chi's main Pokémon? Naturally, he will not only have one ultimate path!

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The ice wave shattered suddenly? This made Chenglong on the top dumbfounded, forgot to move for a while, and let Newton pull it down.

Seeing this, Chi even simply closed his eyes, and then said:

"End Blastoise, use wave missile."

The victory and defeat have been divided.


The water arrow turtle let out a low growl, and the dragon wave on the back of its hand was released, but the huge cannon barrel above its head was useless yet.

Strange light blue ripples lingered on it, and blue energy was accumulated outside the huge barrel, and finally condensed into a huge blue energy bomb, just like that, it was thrown out, and the terrible recoil made Blastoise's feet collapse on the spot Go down half a meter.

Although it looks like water, this energy has nothing to do with water. This is another kind of strange power.

The speed is obviously not fast, but Chenglong knows that he has been locked by this strange force, and he absolutely cannot escape...


In the next second, the wave missile exploded on its body, triggering a terrible energy explosion, and then the waveguide breath flowing around it made Xiaozhi in the soul space shudder, and the secret channel was somewhat familiar.


Immediately afterwards, Chenglong fell down with a bang along with the icy waves all over the sky. When the smoke and dust cleared, he fell into the ruins on the ice, with no breath, and his eyes were spinning.

Kona's trump card, Chenglong, was defeated by Chi just like that.


In this scene, not only was Kona stunned in place, but the entire auditorium was instantly quiet, with only a few subconscious blurts of "Turtle Turtle".

A heavenly king who had exerted all his strength was actually knocked down by a passer-by trainer in this kind of border area?

And look at the age of this trainer, isn't it old?

Tonight, it is destined to make it difficult for countless people to sleep. Whether it is Chenglong's combination of water and ice, or the two completely different powers of the water arrow turtle, they are far beyond the world of ordinary people...


"Turtle!! How can my kami turtle be as good as your water arrow turtle? How about I let my kami turtle evolve on the spot!?"

In the soul space, Xiaozhi has already climaxed.

You must know that his cammy turtle experience is already enough, but the latter prefers a light body and has been suppressing it to not evolve.

Although after evolution, the nipples will become rough and not smooth enough.


Chi ignored him, just said "Thanks for your hard work", and decisively took back the water arrow turtle, and then forcibly switched his body to go back to retire.

Its purpose today is first to point Xiaoxia, and second, it is a little itchy. Now that both of them are done, I don't bother to take care of other things.


This is as it should be.

And when Xiaozhi switched to the right to use his body, the audience around him also started to boil violently after a short period of silence, and he froze in place for a while.

"The gap between me and the strong is still so big..."

This is the only thing that is still thinking in his mind, witnessing Brother Chi's battles again and again, refreshing his world view again and again...


Pikachu next to him jumped on his shoulders, one person and one mouse looked at each other, cheering each other up.

The harder, the more fortunate!

The shocked expression of Kona, who was defeated on the opposite side, gradually eased, and finally there was only a wry smile left.

"The current Houlang, have they all turned into monsters..."

Her heart was as stable as a millennium's ice, but her Dao heart was also a little shaken for a while...

This exhibition match has also officially ended, but it seems that a monster has accidentally exploded out.



Afterwards, the three of Xiaozhi released Chenglong on the pier, and they were about to leave.

Kona also stood on the pier to see the three of them off. Since the alliance's official dinner event is still a week away, she still has to stay on the fourth island for a few days.

Before leaving, Xiaoxia pulled Kona aside and solemnly said to her:

"Master Kona, my dream is to become a master of water attributes, and I will also become the one with the strongest water force!"

Ice attribute is not her way, she is very firm now.

Hearing this, Kona finally smiled at her, and even raised his hand to gently rub Xiaoxia's head.

Soon, Xiaozhi's trio sat on Chenglong's back again and headed towards the Orange Islands.

"It's a pity, Xiaoxia, in the end, I still didn't worship Master Kona as my teacher."

In the ocean, Xiaozhi and the two couldn't help but regret.

Kola, who has mastered the ultimate power, has such a teacher, which is definitely what everyone desires.

"Hey." But Xiaoxia laughed lightly, and took out her mobile phone quite proudly. The address book on it was written with the words of Master Kona.

"Master Kona and I are already very Jimmy~ Our relationship is even closer than master-student~"

Kona gave her her own private account, which also means that Xiaoxia can communicate with the former at any time now, not only in daily communication, but also naturally can ask questions on the road of Pokémon battles.

It can be said that the current Xiaoxia and Ke Na have formed a relationship between teachers and friends.

"Xiaoxia, push Master Kona's account to me!"

Hearing this, Xiao Gang who was next to him hurriedly begged.

"Hee hee, don't even think about it~"

Now Xiaoxia is in a happy mood, not as lonely as she was during the day, then she thought of something, turned her head and said:

"By the way, Xiaozhi, help me say thank you to brother Chi."

She naturally knew about Brother Chi's good intentions.

Xiaozhi: "?"

what happened?


On the fourth island, on the pier, Kona was the only one standing there at the moment, calmly looking at the three people who gradually disappeared into the distant ocean.


The sea was tumbling, not particularly turbulent, but it made Kona frown. She is from the Seventh Island and knows the law of the ebb and flow of the surrounding sea.

"The ocean currents seem to be getting weird...?"

"And it's getting hotter, too?"

It was clearly approaching dusk at this moment, but the sun was still dazzling, and the temperature was much better than usual.

Before she could think about it, the communicator on Kona suddenly rang. She added Xiaoxia as a friend just now, but forgot to turn off the notification sound.

It happened to be boring, so Kona casually clicked on it to have a look.

"Announcement, announcement, the God of Volcanoes, Graton, has officially entered the waters of the Orange Islands, please do not disturb God's journey at will..."



(It’s not the same as the daily routine, it’s going to be a birthday tomorrow, please order!! [Biquge www.biqugeso.me] I have a blood collapse recently.)

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