He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 477: The Beginning, Asia Island and the God of Fire

The end of the Orange Islands.

Asia Island.

This is a medium-sized island. The front of the island is a small town inhabited by humans, while the back end is a bushy jungle, which is no different from an ordinary island.

But at the rear near the edge of the ocean, there is a cliff. At this time, a pink Pokémon is standing there, with a short and fat body, but its waist is straight.

He wears a white-gray spiral spiked carapace on his head, and a ruby ​​with a strange light is inlaid on it, his arms are behind his back, and the light in his eyes is obviously not like ordinary Pokémon, but a wise man look like.

Slow King, a branch evolution of Slow Beast.

It is said that out of 100 dumb beasts, 99 will evolve into dumb hippos, and only the chosen one will evolve into dumb king, becoming the wise leader of the group with a very high status.

At this moment, the focus of King Dudu's sight is the three small islands attached to Asia Island, which are located in three directions behind the island. for a few kilometers.


At this time, there was a burst of propeller rotation above, and the sound of gears turning suddenly came, the sound was loud and majestic, and a strong wind blew up around it.

I saw a spaceship breaking through the clouds, its size was as huge as a sky fortress, and the shadow of this size alone could cover an entire small island, and its momentum was terrifying.

The shape of the spaceship is more like a top covered with countless mechanical parts. The thick main body is surrounded by countless propellers and mechanical gears running at the same time, which can maintain the huge body suspended in the sky.

On the main driver, through the glass, a man is slowly looking at the leftmost one of the three islands.

I saw that the man was in his early thirties, with short brownish-gray hair with spikes, a strand of curly hair falling on both sides of his cheeks, and his eyes half-closed.

Wearing an elegant and noble tuxedo, with a goblet in his hand, he looked like an aristocrat.

"Boss? The fire god has detected signs of life."

In the communicator? There was a serious report from his subordinates.

"Oh~ If that's the case, then let this god come out."

This man's name is Mrs. Gillu? I saw him snap his fingers lightly? His subordinates understood and immediately operated, and soon? Several barrel devices protruded from the lower part of Sky Fortress, and then several beams of shells were directed to the left. The island bombarded out.

"Boom!!" "Boom!!" "Boom!!"

The cannonball bombarded the island like a carpet? Powerful? But it didn't cause any flame explosion, but instantly covered the ground with a layer of ice.

This is not a thermal weapon shell in the conventional sense, but a freezing bomb.


The successive bombardments soon covered the entire island with a layer of frost. At this time, a corner of one of the caves suddenly lit up with a fiery red light.


There was a high-pitched chirping sound, and the flames shot out into the sky, instantly melting the surrounding solid ice, and then a giant golden bird flapped its wings, its head? fiery red flame.

The shape is gorgeous and gorgeous? It exudes a strong breath of God.

"Oh~ this is the God of Fire, the legendary flame bird..."

Seeing this, the man showed an expression of admiration, but apart from the desire for possession, there was no reverence for the gods in his eyes.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

How many more freezing bombs came? That flame bird also sensed the source of the threat? It flapped its flame wings and attacked the huge sky fortress, trying to avoid the attack of the shells as it advanced.


It may be because the flame bird's movements are not very smooth just after waking up from sleep. After dodging a few rounds, it was caught off guard by an ice bullet. A layer of blue-white ice.


In just an instant, the ice layer was melted by the blazing high temperature of the flame bird, but the speed of the former was dropped by a level.


At this time, several suspended circular iron rings were projected from the Sky Fortress. The speed was extremely fast. Before the flame bird could react, it successfully surrounded them in the middle, and a burst of electric current pulse was triggered in an instant, and then it turned into a transparent ring. The barrier shrank for a while, locking the flame bird into a flame ball.


The flame bird still wanted to struggle, but the electromagnetic cage also had a hypnotic function, and after a while, he closed his eyes and was finally teleported back to the sky fortress.

The flame bird, successfully captured, is as easy as drinking soup.

"Tsk tsk~ The god of fire, under the power of technology, it's nothing but insignificance..."

There was a smug smile on the corner of Gilruta's mouth, and then his pupils shrank, his expression showing a bit of fanaticism.

"But my target is not you, but the legendary existence in the depths of the ocean..."

After succeeding, the sky fortress went up, returned to the high altitude above the clouds and disappeared, as if nothing had happened, but the waves in the surrounding sea area obviously rolled over and became no longer calm.

"Hey, I'm in trouble~"

This scene was also completely seen by the dull king on the cliff, and it actually made a human voice, with deep emotions.

But it is a wise man who does not use hands, but there is a bit of distress on his face...




Somewhere in the Orange Islands, Xiaozhi and his party are still sailing peacefully, completely unaware of what happened.

At the moment, they were on a small yacht, chatting casually, and there was a woman in her early twenties standing on the bow, with green hair and long hair tied up, a baseball cap on her head, full of energy, hands Hold the rudder.

The woman's name is Xiaomei, and she is a freelance tour guide in the waters of the Orange Islands.

This was when Xiaozhi and the others met suddenly when they were sailing on the back of a dragon. After some introduction, Xiaomei immediately warmly invited them to board the boat after hearing Xiaozhi's name.

The Seven Islands are adjacent to the Orange Islands. A few days ago, a young trainer named "Xiao Zhi" defeated the King of Heaven, Kona, which caused quite a stir in the surrounding waters. Naturally, the little girl is also happy to make friends .

Thinking that Chenglong had also sailed for more than 2 hours, the three of Xiaozhi nodded in agreement, just in time to take a rest.


Suddenly, the clear sky was shrouded in black clouds, and the surrounding sea area instantly became dark and oppressive. There were even low-pitched thunder sounds from time to time in the clouds above, and the atmosphere became extremely dignified.

The weather is changing so fast that Xiaomei, a local, frowned. Such a change is a bit unreasonable...


Pikachu seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly jumped onto the bow, staring closely at the front.


Even the surrounding sea water became turbulent, the waves rolled back and forth, and sometimes waves more than two meters high caused the whole boat to start tossing from side to side, and everyone had to hold on to the railing tightly so as not to be thrown out.

"What's wrong?"

The three of Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, but saw that the turbulent water around them gradually formed a fixed trajectory, pushing the boat forward in one direction.

Not only that, not only their small boats, but also many seafood Pokémon emerged on the sea, also advancing along this strange ocean current.

Xiaozhi even saw a huge carp king, which was more than five meters wide, with a propeller sticking out of the tail...


After sailing passively for nearly half an hour, they had already deviated from the place Xiaozhi and the others wanted to go. At this time, an island gradually appeared in their field of vision, as if it was at the end of the ocean current.

"Are you here... Asia Island?"

Captain Xiaomei blurted out, with a bit of caution and doubt in her voice.

Although there are indeed some specific ocean currents in the Orange Islands every year, this is the first time she has encountered such a strange ocean current trajectory...

"Asia Island?"

Xiaozhi read it again curiously.

"Well, Asia Island, the island at the end of the Orange Islands..."

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