He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 486 Rogia's sudden death!

"Is this, Pokémon...?"

Looking at the silver-white figure, Xiao Zhi stayed where he was, just staring blankly.

The whole body is silvery white, with a body size of more than five meters, much larger than the three god birds. The lower body is more like the body of a beast, with thick hind legs, a slender silvery white tail, and a blue abdomen.

On the upper body, there are a pair of broad arms that look like wings and palms, a slender neck, a pointed head, and dark blue shields around the eyes.

There is also a dark blue dorsal fin-like thing standing on the wide back.

In an instant, Xiaozhi's face was blurred by the breath of God. It can be said that this is definitely the strongest breath he has seen so far.

"What exactly is this..."

Several people blurted out in a daze.

"Oh, that's the god of the sea, Rogia."

A deep and slow voice sounded behind everyone, and they subconsciously turned their heads.

In the eyes, it is a pink upright Pokémon, with a spiked spiral conch on its head, with its hands behind its back, and the old god looks like a wise man.

"Didi. King Hippopotamus, King Pokémon, the evolution of the slow-witted beast. After evolution, it has a very high IQ and becomes the king of the group. It often gives correct guidance to humans in times of crisis."

Xiaozhi's illustration book reminded in time.

Hearing this, a few people nodded, there was no disturbance, they just turned their heads to look back at Lugia in the sky, the latter's sense of oppression made them forget for a moment that this Pokémon was talking in human language. Phenomenon.

You must know that this is a real speech, not a telepathy!

But one thing to say, there are a total of three Pokémon here, and two of them can talk.

Therefore, Pikachu, who can't speak human language, is actually a different kind...


"God of the sea, Lugia...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but read it again, he was still very familiar with the breath of God, and the breath of God in Lugia in front of him was so strong that his eyes were hot...

"The god of the sea... so it really exists..."

Flora beside him said slowly, her eyes were full of respect and admiration, now she is already a pious sea maiden, and she will offer three sticks of incense to Lugia when she returns.

"God of the sea, is this the ultimate existence of water-type Pokémon?"

Xiaoxia beside her couldn't help blurting out, but there was a bit of weirdness in her eyes.

Is her affinity for water the max? Although the latter's water tornado can be said to be the largest water control scene she has ever seen? But Xiaoxia always feels that the other party...

Doesn't seem to be water?

"Well, the God of the Sea doesn't have water attributes? It has super power and flight attributes..."

Daidaiwang in the back seems to have seen through Xiaoxia's state of mind? He replied slowly.

Hmm, this girl has a familiar aura of their race? It makes him a little kind...

Although it seems that the god of the sea does not have the water attribute, it seems untrue, but Rogia has a strange power to control the ocean currents? Ocean currents affect the climate and weather of the entire planet.

Say he is the god of the sea? In fact, there is no problem at all.


"Beep!!" "Beep!!" "Beep!!"

Above the sea area, the three god birds have already made provocative voices towards it.

They don't care about the gods of the sea or the first-level gods, they are supported by the original energy, three in one? In terms of strength, they can even approach the terrifying realm of the first-level gods!

Because of Gilluta's capture and provocation before? Then the continuous energy venting, the three divine birds have completely lost their minds. At this moment, all they have in their minds is to smash everything, and Rogia who turned out to be the first Which became their target.

die! !


The flame bird immediately spit out a ball of fiery flames, and the terrifying beam of flame energy swept straight towards it? The heavy snow falling from the sky turned into white smoke instantly upon contact.


Rogia also uttered a high-frequency roar like a beast in response, and his wide wings shook his body to deflect? The flames were completely avoided.



Seeing this, the Lightning Bird and the Frozen Bird on the other side also launched an attack at the same time. The terrifying current beam and the Frozen Pulse shot out? The continuous release of energy made the surrounding climate even worse...

Lugia flapped its wings again and flew? The vertical fins on the back were attached to the skin? The resistance was minimized? The body shape became flexible.


Rogia's huge figure just kept shuttling between flames, ice light, and lightning attacks, moving and dodging at high speed on the sea surface, sometimes flying high into the clouds, and sometimes skipping the sea at low altitude.

The three divine birds were chasing closely behind, their skills were released indiscriminately like money, and the energy explosion continued to explode.


The three god birds in the middle also caught a blind spot to avoid. When the flame of the flame bird was about to hit the target head-on, Rogia immediately aroused a burst of cyan energy shield, and bounced the raging flame away so easily.


This epic battle of gods completely stunned Xiaozhi and the others.


"It seems that I accidentally witnessed history...?"


After fighting like this for a few minutes, the environment in the waters of Asia Island was extremely bad at this moment, and the few people also faintly discovered something in this battle.

"By the way, why doesn't this Sea God do anything, just dodge and use protection...?"

Xiao Gang's gaze was burning like a torch, and he couldn't help being the first to speak.

Several people stared intently, and Rogia did as he said, just kept dodging, if he couldn't dodge, he blocked the next blow with protection, and finally continued to dodge, infinite loop...just not attacking.

"Good sea god?"

"The sandbag of the sea?"

"So it's the Sea God, Sure enough."

When the world is in danger, the big-hearted people still can't help but complain.


But the situation cannot always be like this.

The tricks of the three god birds are released more and more smoothly, and their power is constantly increasing. This time, the flame bird once again grabbed a dead corner of Rogia's dodge, and the flames spewed out.


Lugia couldn't dodge, so he had to repeat the same trick to stir up the protective barrier again, blocking the sky full of flames.


At this time, taking advantage of the gap just after the attack, the Frozen Bird and the Lightning Bird directly launched the ice light and lightning, and two electric snakes, one blue and one yellow, shot out, and Rogia was still shaking backwards with his skills, temporarily unable to dodge. He could only watch the attack fall on him with wide eyes.

Now it can't be counteracted with protection.

Protection can only protect but not protect, even if God comes, you have to abide by this rule!


Lightning and ice light bombarded Lugia's abdomen head-on, and the flame bird beside him once again aroused the flame beam to climb out and hit the former together with it.

Three completely different energies exploded on Lugia's body, and the damage caused by the terrible energy impact was also extremely terrifying, and the power had barely reached the full blow of a first-level god!

Suddenly, an extremely wide range of smoke and dust was directly aroused in the air, and the energy storm danced wildly around, and the sky was also roaring, just like the end of the day...


"Don't worry, God of the Sea, it's not a big problem."

"There is no harm in smoking, and God must abide by this law."

Rogia must be on his side, Xiaozhi and the others naturally trust him very much and encourage him repeatedly.

However, a few seconds later, there was smoke and dust.

The sea god Rogia fell vertically from the smoke, and fell into the sea water like an entity.


The height of the water splash is not even three meters.

Xiaozhi and the others waited expectantly for a few minutes, waiting for Rogia to break through the water, show the proud posture of the Sea God again, kill all directions, and then...

Then, there was no more, the sea surface calmed down completely, and the ice layer even covered the exposed sea surface again.

Rogia seemed to have fallen, and there was no more movement, and nothing happened.

Several people:"..."

They died so quickly, this is what they didn't expect...

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