He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 487 I choose to defeat the Three Divine Birds!


On the edge of the cliff, Flora couldn't help taking a few steps back, with a strange expression on her face.

The sea god's hip stretching made her newly established faith a little bit collapsed.


And the three divine birds lost their breath after seeing Rogia fall into the sea. The sea surface was covered by ice again, and their attention also turned. The three pairs of eyes looked straight at the cliff altar on the main island. The position where Xiaozhi and the others were standing.


The terrible oppression made several people sweat profusely on their foreheads, and they all took a few steps back. There is no doubt that the characteristics of the three divine birds in front of them are oppressive.

"Only the sea god is useless. The power of the sea god, combined with the three orbs that only the controller can get back, is placed on this altar. The witch will blow the flute of the sea god, and the gods will calm their anger. to return to peace..."

Silly Beast pointed to the rock altar next to it. There are three high platforms standing there. This is where the three orbs are placed. From a distance, the high platforms correspond to the Island of Fire, the Island of Ice, and the Island of Thunder. islands.

Then he pointed to Xiaozhi, holding the two orbs in his hands at this moment, he was undoubtedly the legendary controller who fought side by side with the Sea God.

There is one thing to say, the sea god stretched his hips so fast, making it feel a little embarrassed.

"Old man, it's still so old-fashioned, it's really troublesome..."

Daidaiwang couldn't help but shook his head, as if he knew something inside.

It is also an old acquaintance with the sea god Rogia, and the King of Silence is much older than everyone imagined...


"That is to say, it's enough to calm down the anger of those three divine birds, right?"

At this time, a confident low voice sounded, and everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound source.

But Xiaozhi had already taken a step forward without knowing when, his small body was facing the three violent divine birds above the sea area, his expression was fearless, without the slightest panic.

"Then I choose to defeat them directly!"

Xiaozhi's voice is not loud, but it contains extremely strong self-confidence.

He is not a person who likes to follow the tradition. Even if the three gods have the bonus of the original power, in the end it is just a Pokémon. The riot of wild Pokémon naturally depends on the trainer to conquer.

Xiaozhi chooses to use physical means? Calm the anger!

Can fight three mighty divine birds? Just thinking about it makes his blood boil.

"Hey Xiaozhi, they are not simple!"

"Are you relying on the fire-breathing dragons? It's too difficult..."

"You don't have to rely on Brother Chi, do you? That's really stable."

"Little ghost head? Don't make trouble, obediently go get the orb and it's over!"

How many people around have different expressions? Even the old god was there, and the king of Daidai was a little dazed, and couldn't help murmuring in a low voice:

"Old man? This is a little different from your script..."


"No? I'm not going to send charizards and them..."

At this time, Xiaozhi pressed down on his hat, and he had already walked to the edge of the cliff alone. His palm reached into the inner lining of his jacket, and he slowly pulled out three feathers of different colors from it.

An ice blue glazed feather? A golden spiked feather? A flame feather.

Although the divine power in it was basically exhausted to make Brother Chi's hat, the aura and connection that belonged to God did not dissipate...

Immediately, Xiaozhi held up three feathers in one hand, posed in a handsome pose, and roared loudly:

"Come out, my Frozen Bird!!"

The opponent is the three gods? He also plans to send three gods to fight.

This is the agreement Xiaozhi made when he met three divine birds when he was still traveling in the Kanto region: Complete the trial? When you need help in the future, you can use the feathers to remotely call them once.

Of course? Whether you want to come or not depends on your willingness.

But the current climate disaster has spread to the entire Guangdong region, Xiaozhi knows? They will definitely come!


Then he just put up the gesture of raising his feathers? There was three minutes of silence on the spot.


The people behind were also stunned for three minutes? Xiao Gang couldn't help but said weakly:

"Xiaozhi, although it's a good idea, it may be a bit far away, how could it be possible to fly over in three minutes...?"

Indeed, this is normal logic.


In the sky, the expressions of the three divine birds also became irritable, feeling the homologous aura from the feathers in the human palm...

Especially with this human being making provocative body movements.


The Frozen Bird in the middle immediately spit out a terrifying freezing light, and the icy electric snake shot away.


The Pikachu in the back just wanted to stimulate 100,000 volts to resist, but the lightning bird next to him also fired a shock on the spot, completely blocking Pikachu, and everyone could only watch helplessly as Bingguang approached Xiaozhi quickly. ...



At the critical moment, there was another high-pitched cry, but this time the source of the sound was behind everyone.


Before he could turn his head, a beam of icy blue energy pulses shot out from behind, colliding with the dangerous beam of frozen light one step earlier, and it exploded more than two meters in front of Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi lowered his figure, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

"call out..."

When the smoke dissipated, Xiaozhi just stood there intact.

And beside him, at some point, there was an extra frozen bird. He raised his head high, the coldness spread out, and stared at another frozen bird not far away without fear. .



High in the sky, two more high-pitched beeps sounded one after another.

However, another flame bird and lightning bird appeared, hovering and flying above the crowd, looking at the three god birds on the opposite side.

"It's the Three Divine Birds again?"

Flora looked at the sky above the opposite sea area for a while, and then looked at the sky above her own. At this moment, six divine birds had appeared here, and her expression froze instantly.

Who can tell me what the hell happened?

Moreover, the newly appeared Frozen Bird seemed to be very familiar with Xiaozhi. The former bent his head and lightly pecked Xiaozhi's head.

She was completely dumbfounded.

In the crowd, except for Xiaogang and Xiaoxia who had no serious problems for the time being, everyone else was already dumbfounded, even the wise man, Dumb King, couldn't turn his head around for a while.

What is the direction of the plot?


"Frozen Bird, long time no see."

In the center, Xiaozhi rubbed the neck feathers of the Frozen Bird with some excitement. The soft and cold feathers of the latter gave people a very comfortable touch.


Frozen Bird also rubbed Xiaozhi's face, conveying the joy of reunion.

"You are here too, thank you!"

Immediately, Xiaozhi raised his head again, and said loudly towards the flame bird and lightning bird in the sky.

What Xiaogang said was too far away, Xiaozhi naturally thought of it, so he used the feather to call. In fact, Xiaozhi had secretly exerted his strength a few hours ago when they were still on the Sky Fortress.

Of course, he also planned to take the opportunity to see his Frozen Bird.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi just took a deep breath, ignoring the expressions of the people behind him, picked up Pikachu with one hand, and then stepped directly on the back of Frozen Bird.


The latter understood, and the ice-blue wings trembled, soaring up, and the strong air current blurred the faces of the people behind.

The divine birds of the two teams, whose appearance is exactly the same, are facing each other in the sky above the ice sea area, their eyes are sharp, their aura is suppressed, and today's divine aura is particularly strong...

"Please help me defeat the divine bird on the opposite side!"

Xiaozhi said in a low voice.

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