He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 489: The Sword of the Cliff!

In the distance, the God of Volcano was still moving slowly and firmly, not paying attention to the melee in the sky.

Just like Prometheus brought fire to the world, Gulardo at this moment also brought warm and bright white light to this sea and sky.

It seemed that the bad weather around him affected him, and Gulardo's moving figure choked and stopped in place.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Then, there was a deep roar that resounded through the sky, Gulardo straightened his slightly hunchbacked upper body, and a terrible sound exploded in the sea like thunder, gushing out of his mouth.

In the next moment, the weather in the sea area of ​​Asia Island was completely covered by white light, and the dark clouds dissipated in an instant. The clear sky was full of dark clouds, and even a bright sun appeared.

Sunny day! !

Gulardo, don't like this gloomy weather.


In an instant, the sun shone brightly, and the dazzling sunlight blinded the eyes of Xiao Gang and the others.

Of course, this is not the real sun, but a "pseudo-sun" unique to sunny days, but it can also provide solar energy.

The mighty and fiery oppressive aura of Guradon also shrouded the sea area with the rays of the sun, and for a while, the aura was even stronger than before.


In the sky, the six divine birds finally noticed the ancient god who suddenly entered.

The oppressive feeling of the superiors made them calm down, and they temporarily stopped attacking each other, but looked down at the giant lava beast.

"Is this the God of Volcano... Turtle..."

On the Frozen Bird, Xiaozhi finally broke away from the previous frantic fighting mode and gradually calmed down.


The next scene became a bit strange, six divine birds in the sky, and a group of humans by the cliff, just watching Gulardo in the distance walking slowly on the sea, approaching them.

Ten minutes passed.

Gulardo finally reached the central waters between Asia Island and Sanshen Island.


The huge body like a hill was covered with a ferocious lava-like carapace, covered with black cracks and sharp thorns, and the scorching high temperature and terrifying momentum followed.

At this time, a voice appeared in the hearts of everyone, including the six divine birds.

This is not telepathy, although most first-level gods actually have the ability of telepathy? But the three gods of Fangyuan are different? They don't like to use telepathy.

They prefer to use something like "will" to force outsiders to perceive their unstoppable will!

"Get out? Get out of the way."

For a moment? Everyone felt Gulardo's will.

The next moment, they were all shocked by this domineering will? Not daring to move, Gulardo continued to move forward with satisfaction.

If it weren't for this is the only way to go to his hometown? Why would he be too lazy to go this way? Especially there are six miscellaneous birds flying around in the sky...

Before doing it differently, Gulardo must have gone berserk, and he must shoot down all six birds in the sky.

But now it, besides being a little irritated? Not a big problem.

Since the last time I had fun in the magma in the core of the earth? It was accidentally erupted along the volcano, and after more than a month of harassment by human media helicopters, Gulardo's mood has stabilized a lot now.

After all, as the God of Volcano, one needs to maintain a restrained, stable heart? A heart as immobile as a mountain...



Suddenly, a pulse of blue-white ice light burst out? But Gulardo moved slowly and had no time to dodge, and the surging ice light just exploded at the lava carapace on its neck? The energy of the ice mist splashed wildly.


Gulardo: "!"

Rage value +100.

It suddenly stopped walking home, as if frozen in place? But the violent energy in its body at this moment? It was indeed visible to everyone with the naked eye? Even the air was ignited.

It seems that a volcano is about to erupt, and the surrounding is kilometers away, and the momentum is suppressed to the extreme...




In the sky, the five divine birds had already protested against the Ice God who made a sudden attack, and even the Fire God and Thunder God wanted to rush his pig teammates away.


If someone else wants to go home, let him go home. You can't control your own hands, can you?


However, the God of Ice shook its wings and retorted loudly, and the other five divine birds quickly understood what it meant.

"It's just a first-level god, what are we afraid of? We even rushed to the sea god, and now we are afraid of a red-shelled turtle that can't fly?"

Young and frivolous, high-spirited!

The strong self-confidence of the God of Ice soon infected the other Gods of Thunder and Fire, and his aura froze.

That's right, we even killed the Sea God, so why are we afraid of the God of Volcano? !

The three gods of the Orange Islands are not afraid of anyone! !

want to go home? Go the other way!

Even Xiaozhi, who was driving the Frozen Bird, was infected by the confidence of the three gods. Just when he was about to agree, a voice suddenly came from his mind.

That was Brother Chi's voice. No matter how critical the situation was, Brother Chi hadn't spoken before. Now it was the first time he spoke.

And Xiaozhi even heard from his tone... haste?

This is the first time...

"Hey, replace your body with me!!"

Although his mind was full of doubts, Xiao Zhi subconsciously switched control of his body to the other party.


And the moment Chi took control of his body, he directly drove the Frozen Bird to take off and break through the clouds, flying straight up to a thousand meters in the air, and simply left the battlefield.

"?" "?" "?" "?" "?"

This scene made Wu Niao look up at the sky, full of doubts.

Hmph, running the hammer, really embarrassing our family!


Suddenly, the entire area reverberated with a strange high-frequency trembling sound, full of oppression.


In the next moment, the five divine birds in the sky suddenly felt as if they were being bound by a ten-thousand-jin heavy stone. The terrible pulling force left them with no extra strength to resist. They fell suddenly, and even their wings were broken on the spot. Fold over.

"Boom boom boom!!"

A strange force field descended, and the five divine birds immediately plummeted down from the sky like dumplings.


And in Gulardo's eyes, there was already a strange light. This strange scene was naturally initiated by him.

gravity! !

Forcibly change the force field of the surrounding field, so that all Pokémon flying in the sky are forced to fall to the ground!

Although according to the official information given by Fang Yuan, Gulardo, the god of fire, is actually unable to master the gravity trick of the super power attribute.

But humans, know a hammer Pokémon.

Just when the five fallen divine birds were about to slam into the ice on the sea surface, Gulardo started to move again, this time he even raised a lava-scarred arm and clenched his fist.

The last punch hit the sea in front of him hard!

"噗!!" "噗!!" "噗!!" "噗!!" "噗!!"

In the next moment, directly below the five divine birds, five lava thorns unstoppably broke through the ice surface of the ocean and sprang up.

Each one has an exaggerated body shape of nearly five meters high, with sharp tips, and the whole body is as golden as lava burning to the extreme. Each one contains unimaginable power...

The Sword of the Cliff! !

"Boom boom boom!!"

Under gravity, five invincible divine birds were hit on the spot by the protruding cliff sword, and the energy exploded instantly. The terrifying penetrating force and the lava force of the earth erupted at the same time!

"Boom boom boom!!"

Five terrifying explosions sounded one after another, the smoke and dust spread in this sea area, and the strong wind danced wildly! !

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