He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 490 Devout Faith

When the smoke cleared, everything returned to calm.

Under the sunshine, the five condescending divine birds were already lying on the ice on the spot in a state of sudden death, looking miserable.


The mouth is still moaning vaguely.

Between heaven and earth, there was only one giant red beast still standing upright on the sea surface. The sea water surged around his body, touching the former's high-temperature carapace, turning into bursts of white smoke.

Everyone can even feel the second will from Gulardo at this moment, which is incomparably domineering and mighty.

"Never, don't fly around in front of me!"

This is the true power of a first-level god, one move of the sword of the cliff can instantly kill five divine birds!

This power is definitely not something that a few second-level gods can fight together, even the three native gods with the blessing of original power.

And the Flame Bird and Lightning Bird that Xiaozhi called over were lying on their guns. If it wasn't for Chi's quick response, now Xiaozhi and his Frozen Bird should also be lying on the ice below and screaming...

"I'm a big turtle..."

"I'm already looking stupid..."

"The God of Volcano is too high...?"

The people on the cliff of Asia Island were stupefied, they were all a little dizzy from the combination of this incomparably domineering gravity combined with the sword of the cliff.

Originally, in the eyes of everyone, the God of Volcano was actually positioned as a comedian, and even this month in the Fangyuan area, the lava group that believed in the God of Volcano, and now the company is about to file for bankruptcy.

But this cliff sword overthrew all the black spots and stains, proving once again the power of the God of Volcano!

"Unfortunately, no one seems to be broadcasting live..."

Xiao Gang glanced around, and the helicopter that used to broadcast the Volcano God 24 hours a day did not appear nearby, as if it was going to live broadcast the harsh environment around the Orange Islands.

In other words, this scene was actually only seen by a few of them, and in the eyes of the world, Gulardo is still a silly comedian...

The lava group was also immediately acquired by the water fleet...


Even Flora, the Priestess of the Sea, couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes, and then blurted out:

"I seem to have a new belief...!"

Hearing this, Daidaiwang raised his eyebrows, and was about to explain something, but couldn't say anything.



"It's outrageous old man, if you don't show your hands again, your witch will really run away...!"

The Dumb King shook his head, closed his eyes, and the ruby ​​on the spiral carapace lit up with a strange light, and the superpower of the god spread out, sensing the changes in the surrounding climate.

Now that the three god birds have all fallen, then this farce should be over...?


Just spreading out the perception, but the serious expression of King Dudu still did not ease...


On the other side? Above the clouds? Xiaozhi and Frozen Bird looked at the giant red beast below with lingering fear, and they were still terrified.



One person and one bird gasped at the same time.

If it wasn't for Brother Chi being decisive enough? The two of them are also lying dead below now...?

As if being splashed with ice water? Xiaozhi also calmed down instantly. He knew that with his current strength?

The real power behind this world? Far beyond his imagination...

But even so? Xiaozhi didn't lose his fighting spirit, but secretly clenched his fists.

"God of the volcano, I remember you, I will be Xiaozhi from Xinzhen in the future? I will definitely overthrow you!"

Xiaozhi immediately patted Frozen Bird's wings to signal it to fly in one direction.

Now that he is no longer fighting, he finally remembered the legend, he should go to the Ice Island to get the Ice Orb first, and then meet up with his friends.


Frozen Bird also flew towards the Ice Island with lingering fears. It didn't look like being stabbed by that horrible lava...

slip away...


Taking advantage of this unobstructed gap, Frozen Bird quickly flew to the Ice Island, the rock altar of the God of Ice.

Xiaozhi's sharp eyes noticed the ice-blue orb in the mouth of the Frozen Bird sculpture, and raised his finger.

"That's the one!"


The frozen bird understood? The bird's claws stretched out, and it kicked unceremoniously with a left kick? It directly kicked the rock sculpture of the ice god into rubble? It had long been upset with that bird god.

Then the other foot stretched out and firmly grasped the ice orb in its claws.

This is still a transparent shell, with beautiful beads of snowflakes shining inside.

"Nice job!"

Xiaozhi praised, and heard that Frozen Bird was also happy to pick up the bird's claws, and the ice orb was thrown up.

He just wanted to stretch out his palm to grab it, but the Frozen Bird had already taken a step ahead, bent his head, bit the Ice Orb, and swallowed it directly into his stomach.


The orb fell into the belly.

Xiaozhi: "?"

This is what he did not expect.

Frozen Bird: "?"

Frozen Bird just replied with an innocent expression, indicating that it wasn't meant to be eaten?

Such a rich ice-cold energy is simply a great supplement to it.

It is a foreign bird and does not understand local legends.

Xiaozhi: "..."

One person and one bird haven't met for a long time, lack of tacit understanding, they froze in place for a while...



Asia Island, on the edge of the cliff, King Dudu put his palm behind his back and looked at the sea from a distance.


Although the three god birds are all dead at this moment, the disorder of the climate has not changed at all, it's just that this sea area is temporarily suppressed by the sunny day of Gulardo, so it can't be seen.

That doesn't mean the disaster is over.

Even without the suppression of the subjective will of the three divine birds, the three original forces have been completely messed up!


Dull King's super power has a strong perception range, even spreading to a height of more than a thousand meters. It has already sensed that Xiaozhi and Frozen Bird are approaching the direction of Ice Island.

It seems that the controller has not forgotten his duty...

Daidaiwang couldn't help showing a gratified smile, and then his eyes turned solemn.

Well, now it is needed as a guide to let the legendary plot go on normally!

"The witch of the sea, it's time, blow the flute of the sea, and wake up the sleeping god of the sea!"

As if performing a drama, the King of Silence stretched out his voice and shouted artificially.

The God of Volcano can kill 5 divine birds with one move, and Rogia, the sea god who belongs to the same first-level god, can actually do it. Even though Rogia is not particularly good at attacking, it is not so hip-pulling.

The reason why Rogia died suddenly on the spot in front was all to follow the process of historical legends.

It has to die suddenly at the beginning.

In other words, this god of the sea is a traditional and conservative god.

First died suddenly on the spot, then the maiden of the sea blew the flute, the god of the sea woke up, fought side by side with the controller, and saved the world together.

Everything must be strictly in accordance with the script!

But now that even the God of Volcano from the crew next door has come, Dull King feels that he has to do something, otherwise it seems that there is really nothing about the God of the Sea.

"Blow the flute of the sea, let the god of the sea feel the pious belief of human beings, and the god of the sea will also show his true divine power!!"

The Dumb King was still guiding with a long voice, but he didn't notice that Flora's shoulders trembled suddenly, and her expression became weird.

"I see!"

But in the end, Flora still took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to step forward, and took out the ancestral Tao Xun.

In my mind, I recalled the music score that my sister forced me to learn when I was a child. I blew lightly and pressed the mouth of the xun with my fingers methodically.

The next second, the melodious flute sounded.


As if blessed with metaphysical energy, the obviously not loud sound of the flute reverberated across the entire sea area at this moment, even penetrated into the sea surface, and went straight into the deep sea of ​​hundreds of meters, in the ears of Rogia, who was like a corpse.


However, Rogia did not have any fluctuations.

Because it didn't feel any trace from the sound of the flute, human beings are devout to the god of the sea.

At the end of the song, the sea was exceptionally calm, without any waves...


Dumb King: "?"

Old man, are your ears clogged and you can't hear?


It was just unexpected that Gulardo, the god of volcanoes, shook his rope inexplicably out of thin air, and the entire sea shook accordingly, forming a wave that spread outward.

Then it slowly turned its head and looked towards the direction of the cliff where everyone was.

The strange thing is that at this moment, the fierce light in its eyes is slightly less...?

Because in the sound of the flute, it feels the pious belief of human beings.

Not to mention, it's so comfortable...

Dumb King: "?"

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