He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 491 Sea God, must die!

Flora: "..."

Seeing that the people around her looked at her with weird eyes, she coughed a few times in embarrassment and stuck out her pink tongue lightly.

Well, the Miko of the Sea is no longer pure.

Now she is the Miko, God of Volcanoes.

The dull king next to him raised his forehead, his head was suddenly blurred, his previous resourcefulness and scheming disappeared for a while, as if he had returned to the first stage of a dull beast, his brain was just blank.

"Stay dumb..."

For a while, Dumb King couldn't even speak human words, and what popped out of his mouth was Pokémon language...

Don't look at Gulardo showing kindness to them now, but he is a god in other places, and he has no way to deal with the harsh local environment. The situation is still grim.

"Well, let me try again!"

Flora had no choice but to raise her hand, signaling to everyone to give her another chance.

This time, she walked directly to the edge of the cliff, took a deep breath, and forcibly forgot the figure of the huge volcano god in front of her, desperately recalling the sea god in her mind.

Hey, what does the God of the Sea look like? Why do I have no memory at all?

"God of the sea, god of the sea, god of the sea..."

She even silently recited the name 20 times in a row in her mind, trying to forcibly hypnotize herself.

Finally, as if feeling something, Flora hastily raised the Tao Xun and blew vigorously.


The melodious sound of the flute echoed in this sea area again.


The power of faith in the sound of the flute made Gulardo shiver comfortably again, and then Flora's kindness in his eyes grew even stronger.

Everyone: "..."

As an ancient god, Gulardo can more or less perceive the good and evil of other creatures, but during this month's journey, he can feel most of the human beings' thoughts on it, seldom awe or belief, more It's mostly ridicule and watching dramas.

This is a great malice to the gods.

But Gulardo is a god who doesn't like to fight. Except when he meets the same god, the creator of the ocean, Kyoka, he will show an aggressive fighting spirit, and he is more restrained and stable at other times.

So as long as the opponent doesn't start with the word "Hai"? Don't touch me? I won't take the initiative to attack.


And the sound of the flute passed through the deep sea, slowly reaching the ears of the god of the sea, Rogia? Although this time is still almost the same as the last time? But Rogia still felt a trace of devout faith from it.

It is the taste of this power of faith that gives it a tasteless feeling.


Rogia finally opened his eyes again.

It doesn't matter, it's better than nothing, right?

And he is the god of ocean currents? He could already feel that the current climate was on the verge of collapse, and he had to make a move.

Thinking of this? Lugia's falling body turned over? Turned upside down, with his head upside down, his wide wings shook, accumulating strength? The surrounding ocean currents also began to vibrate violently...



The whistle ends.

The sea suddenly trembled violently? The ice layer covering the surface shattered layer by layer, as if something was about to rush out of the sea.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Terrible water flowed into the sky, constantly sucking in and out of the surrounding seawater to grow itself, and finally turned into a huge tornado of water flow, just connecting the sky and the earth in a straight line? The momentum is huge.

For a while, everyone just stared at this huge water tornado in a daze.

"Huh huh huh..."

Traditional arts? After stirring like this for a few minutes, the water tornado began to gather towards the middle, gradually forming a huge blue water bomb.

The power of the extraordinarily rich and surging ocean energy and the breath of God has also been raised to the extreme.


The water burst instantly, and Rogia's silver-white figure appeared in everyone's sight again? Flying high in the sky.


The latter also let out a roar that seemed to be a beast? Or a bird? A cry that could shake people's bodies.

At this time, an extremely tyrannical will of God descended on everyone's hearts.

Although different from the reticence of the Fang Yuan three gods, Rogia actually prefers to use telepathy, but in this situation where divine power needs to be displayed, the will of the gods can better reflect their aloofness and greatness.

This is his aura as a sea god.

"I am the most powerful sea god, Rogia!!!"

The voice of will is like a giant drum, roaring in everyone's heart.

Gulardo: "!"

The humans on the cliff hadn't reacted yet, but the volcano god who was still in a daze was shocked. The word "Sea God" obviously violated his taboo.


In the next moment, the same terrifying breath of God broke through his body and soared to the sky, breaking through Rogia's suppression like a rotten one, and rushing out towards the latter.

The whole sky was only roaring, the oppression and deterrence of energy even turned into a physical impact, and the whole air and the ground were trembling.

At this moment, Gulardo only has anger in his eyes!

Everyone felt the second voice of will in their hearts.

That was Gulardo's God's will, the previous gentleness and stability had completely disappeared, and there was only endless anger and violence.

"Sea God, must die!!!"

Lugia: "?"

Only then did he notice the big red-shelled tortoise on the sea, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

What is this unfolding, why is the God of Volcano here?

Where is my script?

He couldn't help turning his head to look at the King of Silence on the cliff, sending out a suspicious telepathy.

"Old man, what's the matter?"

Dumb King just shook his head, and sent a telepathy with his backhand.

"Old man, I still want to ask you what's going on?"

Lugia: "?"

Now he is at a loss, why did the situation change after sinking into the sea?

Those three divine birds just rushed to the street like this?

Also, I stayed in the sea for a long time, and my eyes appeared double when I entered the water?

How did it become five divine birds?

Although he was full of doubts, Gulardo's anger was about to erupt like a volcanic eruption. Rogia had to deal with the bomb first, and quickly sent a kind telepathy.

"God of the volcano, calm down. I am the most powerful sea god Rogia, and I am not in the same system as your sea god Kyoka."

Rogia is a wise general, so he naturally understood the other party's anger in an instant, in layman's terms.

He had the wrong person.

"Sea God, must die!!!"

However, at this moment, Gulardo has completely lost his sanity, and the black marks on the lava armor covering his body seem to be about to burst...

It has a body like a hill, but its brain capacity is only the size of a palm, and now there is only a mass of rage left inside.

No matter what sea god you are, you have to die today! !

And it flies so high! !

Gulardo raised his head, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.


The next moment, a high-frequency tremor sounded, and that terrifying force field once again covered the entire sea area, and the strong pressure even pushed the thousands of meters of ice into the sea water.

gravity! !


As for the center point of the gravity trick, Rogia was hit head-on, and he, who had wide wings, didn't even react, and his body suddenly fell several meters.

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