In the Orange Arena, the playing field here is not a very standard ground, but a soft sandy, half-mud, half-rocky ground.

Soon, the competition officially started, and the chief trainer Yuji released his first Pokémon.


A red light flashed, and a pink ooze-like Pokémon appeared on the field. It was small in size and had a pair of bean eyes that looked a little cute.


Imitating everything about the opponent, and then using the same habit skills to face the opponent, can be said to be a very difficult opponent.

This is also Yuji's usual method. Through the same fighting method, he can basically gain an insight into the level of the opponent's trainer.

Many people even fell into the hands of his ever-changing monster.

"Let me see, the level of the trainer who defeated the king of heaven Kona...!"

Yuji looked at Xiaozhi, and slapped his muscular fist, aggressively.

But Xiaozhi on the other end is not a big problem. My good friend Xiaolan also has a Pokémon like Ditto, and I have played with it for a while.

Having said that, it seems that he basically knows all the Pokémon in the Kanto area now, but he can lose the illustration book...

Then Xiaozhi thought of something and raised his hand.

"Pikachu, it's up to you!"


Pikachu froze for a moment.

In fact, Xiaozhi had already decided on today's lineup during the pre-match special training last night, and he didn't say he was going to play at that time.


But Pikachu still jumped onto the arena with a brisk walk. It might be a bit displeased if the opponent is a huge monster Pokémon, but this kind of opponent who is smaller than itself is undoubtedly its favorite.

It has always had an understanding of abuse.

"Game start!"

As the referee's voice fell, Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking.

"Pikachu, lightning flashes!"

A Pokémon like Ditto has only one unique move—transformation, so before launching the transformation, it is a sandbag without any means of attack. Naturally, Xiaozhi will not let this go.


Pikachu snorted softly, his hind limbs slammed into the mud and sand, and his figure jumped out.

Immediately after the sound of "whoosh", only a flash of white light could be seen, and Pikachu had already impacted Ditto's ooze body head-on.

"So fast... Ditto, use transformation!"

Yuji quickly said that he didn't expect this kind of fat electric mouse to show such speed.

"Pikachu, do it again, use Iron Tail!"

However, Xiaozhi's offensive is not over yet.

With the reaction force, Pikachu leaped high, and his figure rotated three and a half times in mid-air. The stepped tail had completely turned into steel, and he just smashed down head-on with the force.


The steel tail hit, and the strong force knocked it back several meters on the spot.


After enduring this force, Ditto also let out a wail, and the pink figure trembled for a while, gradually deformed, and its color also changed to yellow.


In less than a while, two electric mice appeared on the field, no matter in terms of appearance and size, they were exactly the same.

"Fortunately, Iron Tail hit early..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi blinked his eyes.

If it is transformed into Pikachu, the latter will have its own electrical attributes, and it will be resistant to the iron tail with steel attributes.

Looking at the slight fatigue on the opponent's Pikachu's face, it seems that this combination of lightning flash + iron tail has also achieved a certain effect.

Xiaozhi also understands the restraint of his Pikachu's attributes.

But now that the transformation is successful, let's see who is the qualified electric mouse...!

"Pikachu, do it again, lightning flash!"

Xiaozhi waved his finger.

"Dittomon, we also use Flash!"

Yuuji didn't show any weakness either.

The next moment, the two electric mice on the field rushed towards each other at the same time, with white lights flashing on their bodies, and the speed was so fast that even the audience's ears could hear the obvious whistling sound.



The two electric mice kept changing their shapes in the arena, and their cunning movements were dizzying.

"Hmph, in terms of speed, no one can beat my Pikachu!"

But Xiaozhi is extremely confident.

In less than a while, Pikachu's speed instantly increased by three layers, and his movements were so fast that even in the eyes of the fast-moving Divers, there were only afterimages left.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

With a flash, Pikachu successfully caught a loophole in Ditto's attack. Immediately, his pupils lit up, he kicked his limbs on the ground and hit his head on it, flying Ditto's head several meters away.

"Isn't it fast that case, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Yuji just quickly changed his mind.

After saying that, Ditto slapped his cheek, and the electric current exploded around his body, and finally all of them got out of the body and turned into a swift electric snake, which shot out towards the target.

"Pikachu, we also use one hundred thousand volts!"

Xiaozhi shouted in a low voice, his face was extremely confident.

He didn't dare to say anything about other aspects, but if it was a battle on the electric mouse, he would not admit defeat.


Pikachu's appearance was the same as Xiao Zhi's, and he was equally confident. He simply stopped in place, his little claws clenched his fists and exerted force. The same surging and violent electric current burst and exploded, and it also turned into a bunch of electric snakes and shot out.


The two 100,000-volt beams collided head-on in the center of the arena. The energy collided fiercely, and the current at the junction crackled, and the golden light shone on everyone's faces.

It's just that after less than a minute of stalemate, Ditto's strength was somewhat exhausted. On the contrary, Pikachu's power has just begun to bloom...


The 100,000 volts easily penetrated the opponent's current, pushing it all the way back, even 30% more powerful than before, and finally bombarded the Variety Monster directly.


The golden electric current exploded in an instant, stirring up a burst of thick smoke and dust, and the roar shook everyone's back tactically.

Today's fare is worth it!


When the smoke cleared, Ditto turned back into a pink ooze, with swirling eyes, and a scorched body, just fell to the ground.

Yuji: "..."



On the other side, Xiaozhi and Pikachu wiped their noses vigorously at the same time, and the corners of their mouths raised a confident arc. The movements of one person and one mouse seemed to be made by the same person.

Obviously, opponents of this level have not let them exhaust their strength.

"My Pikachu has a higher level than you!"

Xiaozhi even taunted loudly, once he is not superior in level, then Dittomon's transformation will have little effect.

The first battle ended so quickly, but it was a wonderful speed battle. Coupled with the powerful electric bombardment, this opening battle undoubtedly won the favor of countless audiences, who burst into cheers.

"Xiaozhi, it seems that you are indeed different from them..."

Even Yuji, who was defeated first, unexpectedly showed a passionate smile.

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