He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 500: Crystal Rock Snake vs. Big Rock Snake!

The trainers of the Orange Islands are hip-pulls, and the trainers who came to challenge them in the past are also of average level, which makes Yuci long hope that there will be a strong opponent.

"Come out, my partner!!"

Thinking of this, Yuji immediately dispatched his second Pokémon.

"Rock Roar!!"

A deep and rough roar sounded. At this moment, there was an extra rock monster on the field. Its body stretched for 6 or 7 meters high. It was composed of dark brown round rocks. vulgar.

Big rock snake!

This is also Pikachu's old friend. When it was about to send a hundred thousand volts of electricity, Xiaozhi behind him suddenly shouted:

"Enough Pikachu, come back, today's protagonist is not you."


Pikachu's expression suddenly became unhappy, you let me fuck me and I fucked it, but you let me get off after taking off half of your pants?

"Hey Pikachu, next time, we agreed last night, let them come three this time."

Xiaozhi just smiled and comforted, and Pikachu just walked back to the arena with a puffy face when he saw this.

This is the Orange League, and just looking at the Divers, the opponent's strength is not too strong, so Xiaozhi plans to send the three Pokémon he captured in the Orange Islands to fight.

As for why Pikachu was suddenly replaced, it was because seeing Ditto, Xiaozhi recalled the battle between Xiao Lan and the Royal Masked Man. At that time, the latter used a quick attack method to defeat Ditto. , Xiaozhi wanted to try to steal it.

Next, the opponent still has five Pokémon, so I will use these three to defeat them!

Looking at the winding and majestic rock snake in front of him, Xiaozhi showed a fighting spirit, and threw the second Pokémon forward.

The red light of the poke ball instantly swelled several meters high.

"Rock Roar!!"

The same low and rough roar sounded, and it was also a huge and winding body.

It's just that its appearance is completely different from the big rock snake in front of it. The whole body is crystal clear, shining in the sun, as delicate and elegant as a natural crystal, which is a miracle of nature.

Crystal Rock Snake!

Two big rock snakes appeared on the field one after another, one grayish brown and the other blue and white completely different, and the visual impact was full in an instant.

"Crystal rock snake? So this legend is true?!"

"Tuigui, I remember my grandma told me about this legend..."

The auditorium immediately boiled over. The Crystal Rock Snake was a long-standing legend in the Orange Islands.

Even Yuji, who is the opponent, couldn't help shrinking his pupils. When he was a child, he heard it mentioned by his elders. As a result, the legendary thing in his childhood appeared in the hands of a young trainer from other places today, and he felt a bit like his grave was stolen.

"Eh... By the way, it's really no problem to use the Crystal Rock Snake, it's about attribute restraint..."

Xiaoxia couldn't help frowning as the VIP watched the race seats.

In the same team, Xiaogang has two big rock snakes, and Xiaozhi has one. Rounding off, the three of them each have one. She understands this kind of Pokémon.

As far as the combination of ice and rock breaking attributes of the Crystal Rock Snake is concerned, the ordinary Rock Snake can effectively restrain the former whether it is a rock trick or a ground trick, not to mention the "Iron Tail" that basically every Rock Snake can master. Accepting the move is four times restraint...

Don't look at the appearance, it's really good-looking, but it's really stretching the hips to the extreme.

"Xiaoxia, this time you are only on the first floor..."

Xiao Gang next to him slightly opened his eyes, his sharp edge flickered, and he looked extremely wise.

He not only understands the Big Rock Snake, but also Xiaozhi.

"If all attributes are inverse attributes to Xiaozhi, then his chances of winning will increase...!"

Xiaoxia: "?"

What does icu understand this?



"Game start!"

As the referee's voice fell, the two issued instructions at the same time.

"Big Rock Snake, use Falling Rock!"

This is the standard starting action of a big rock snake trainer.

"Yan Houhou!!" "Yan Houhou!!"

Two deep roars sounded, and the two big rock snakes condensed a rock two or three meters wide in front of them at the same time, but the former was a pure rock, while the latter was a crystal rock with ice properties.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The two huge rocks collided head-on in the middle of the arena. The powerful force could not last long due to the texture of the rocks. They immediately burst into countless rock debris and ice debris, arousing a burst of gravel smoke and dust, and the sand and stones captivated the eyes.

Yuji suddenly said:

"Good opportunity, use Iron Tail!"

The opponent's big rock snake immediately lowered its figure, and the tail at the end was instantly condensed with a layer of metallic cold light, which mixed into the gravel smoke in the middle, and just attacked head-on, with bursts of sonic booms.

The latter's completely different image must have changed its attributes, and the effect of natural cold air when it appeared on the stage, so it must be an ice-type rock snake.

Iron tail, can be effective!

"Dangerous Xiaozhi!"

Even Xiaoxia in the rear couldn't help but exclaimed, she didn't expect the other party to attack so decisively under the cover, Iron Tail was four times more restrained, with that strength, even if she survived a single move, she would die in the wind.

"Don't panic, Xiaoxia!"

Xiao Gang next to him showed a calm and calm expression, as if his heart was at ease.

And Xiaozhi on the field was even more so. The Iron Tail who was attacking in front of him, his expression remained unchanged, and he even had an expression of anticipation, until he approached...

"Now, Crystal Rock Snake, use Coil!!"

The crystal rock snake nodded in understanding, its eyes fixed, its huge body lowered its head, and suddenly ejected, it was an active attack.

When he was about to touch the iron tail, his figure turned to the side to barely avoid it, and then his figure followed the opponent's body and suddenly stretched away.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

In less than a while, the crystal rock snake completely entangled the opponent with its bent body, and then exerted force to tighten it. The crystal body roughly rubbed against the opponent's rock body, making bursts of noise.

The majestic and vigorous iron tail also lost its effect, and the light dissipated.

Regardless of the size of the big rock snake, it is still a snake in essence, and the ability to twist and strangle is born.

Seeing that the plan was successful, Xiaozhi didn't turn his head, but stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up to the rear, and Xiao Gang behind him also nodded knowingly.

Men's tacit understanding is always silent.

Xiaoxia: "?"

Both of them in the team have big rock snakes, so naturally they often exchange their breeding experience with big rock snakes. Faced with the "steel tail" with four times restraint, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang have already thought of coping strategies before.

Take the initiative to attack and strangle the opponent with your body!

After working with the trainer of Xiaogang Rock Snake many times, his Crystal Rock Snake has also successfully mastered this movement.


Even Yuji was stunned by this move.

However, Xiaozhi just laughed loudly, and then attacked again:

"Hmph, my move is not over yet, Big Rock Snake uses freeze drying now!!"

After the words fell, the crystal rock snake tightened its body again to tighten the opponent tightly, and the surface of the crystal-structured body suddenly spewed out a burst of ice-blue mist in all directions.

Without hindrance, it sprayed on the surface of the big rock snake's body at zero distance.


In the next moment, there was a creepy sound of rapid freezing, and the body of the big rock snake was also rapidly changing from gray-brown to blue-white.

The effect is outstanding!

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