He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 501 Freeze-drying and knotting

Freeze drying, quickly lowering the temperature, extracting the target moisture, and causing damage through drastic changes in temperature.

Although it is an ice-type skill, the drastic change in temperature can have an outstanding effect on water-type Pokémon, let alone a rock snake covered in rocks.

"Rock Roar..."

The big rock snake immediately let out a low growl of pain, feeling as if its body was about to split open.

The effect is outstanding!

"Big Rock Snake, quickly use the wild swing to break free!"

There was a bit of urgency in Yuji's tone. It was the first time he had encountered the fighting style of the crystal rock snake, but if he didn't break free, the freeze-dried spray from the latter's body surface alone would be fatal.

After the words fell, the big rock snake began to riot violently, struggling to break free with all its strength, and the sound of friction between rocks and crystals was ear-piercing and painful.

Not to mention, if it really breaks open a gap, it will turn into a spirit snake to avoid the latter's strangulation and restraint.

However, Xiaozhi just looked fearlessly, and immediately roared loudly:

"It's over, use Frozen Tooth!!"

"Rock Roar!!"

The big rock snake has just climbed out about one meter, and the edge of the huge mouth of the crystal big rock snake has gathered terrible chill energy. Location.

It is the instinct of snakes to strangle.

But if the target loses stubborn resistance, it will strangle and bite a snake to make the target completely quiet.


The Frozen Tooth hit the front, and a terrifying chill immediately spread along the bite, and quickly spread towards the whole body of the big rock snake, and the icy cold also covered it, freezing into layers of ice slag.

The effect is outstanding! !

Finally, with a vigorous shake of the head of the crystal rock snake, the whole frozen rock snake was thrown out, and a big hole was smashed in the ground not far away, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the Big Rock Snake fell into the pit faintly, surrounded by broken ice, and the referee quickly pronounced the sentence.

"The big rock snake can't fight, the crystal big rock snake wins!"

Although Pokémon like the Big Rock Snake seem to be extremely ferocious, they are actually a bunch of flimsy ones. It can be regarded as a big crispy skin, and basically the strength of two squirts of water guns is about the same.

The second consecutive victory also boosted Xiaozhi's morale, and even the Crystal Rock Snake let out a high-pitched roar.

"Rock Roar!!"

The special training these days has not been in vain. Although the current Crystal Rock Snake still has the weakness of stretching its hips, it can still be avoided as long as it has a good strategy.

A giant frozen beast with huge strength and size, it still has fighting power!


"Good job, Ash..."

Yuci has taken back the Big Rock Snake, and the defeat in the second consecutive battle did not break his Dao Xin. With his trump card finale, Yongci has a lot of information.

Without much hesitation, he threw the third poke ball backhand.

The red light dissipated, and what appeared in front of Yongji was a huge cyan toad with huge and plump plantain flowers on its back. Dragon bell.

Thanks to the fierce sunlight in the waters of the Orange Islands, the plants on the back of this Pokémon are also very lush, and there are even a few bunanas hanging from the roots in the middle.


Wonderful Frog Flower.

"Wonderful Frog Flower..."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly it was another old friend.

He has to check the Kanto Pokédex when he goes back to see if he has met all the Pokémon in his hometown.

"Then keep fighting, Crystal Rock Snake!" Xiaozhi waved his thumb.

"Rock Roar!!"

The crystal rock snake focused its eyes and opened its mouth to growl. The chill that came out of its mouth made the surrounding temperature drop a lot.

"It's difficult this time. The ice attribute of the Crystal Rock Snake restrains the grass attribute of the Frog Flower. Xiaozhi has no advantage."

Xiaoxia couldn't help but open her mouth as the VIP watched the competition seats.

"What kind of ICU understanding do you have, if you follow the attribute, you are naturally a great player."

Xiao Gang next to him immediately retorted.

Xiaoxia: "?"

The inverse attribute is great, and the cis attribute is also great, so isn't Xiaozhi invincible?

"And there is no cis attribute. Ice restrains grass, and grass restrains its rock."

At this time, Xiao Gang's brows also became serious, neither going well nor going against, this is the most troublesome situation.

If you close your eyes and throw a stone at random among the 18 attributes, there is a great possibility that it will hit the attribute that can restrain the crystal rock snake. Bingjiayan is such a hip-pull...



Game start.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

At the beginning, Miaowahua shook the plants on its back, and immediately ejected several wide and thick plantain green leaves, rotating at a high speed and turning into sharp blades that shot out, even piercing the air.


The speed is not fast, but one can clearly feel the strength of this force.

Xiaozhi immediately commanded: "Crystal Rock Snake, use freeze-drying!"


The crystal rock snake opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of blue ice mist, covering all the flying leaves and fast knives that came from the lasing.


The menacing Feiye Kuaidao just froze directly in the air, and then burst into countless ice slags, filling the air with ice mist.

Freeze-drying is different from freezing light, the latter is to directly freeze the target into a large ice cube, but freeze-drying directly destroys the inside of the target through drastic temperature changes, and then explodes as the outer ice layer explodes. Countless crumbs.

The moves look more gloomy and colder.

Taking advantage of the puff of smoke in the center before the match, Xiao Zhi immediately ordered: "It's now, use the iron tail!!"

He stole the backhand of Yuji's previous sneak attack.

I saw the crystal rock snake coming meanderingly, and in the process, it held the end of its tail in front of its body. The crystal rock tail turned into metal steel, and under the cover of ice fog, it headed towards the target with great strength. smash it!

Seeing this, Yuji showed a smile that had been planned for a long time, and said softly.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the Grass Knot!"

After saying those words, a gleam of emerald green light had already lit up in Miao Frog Flower's towering eyes.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In the next moment, as the crystal rock snake was advancing, several green vines suddenly extended from the ground, just hooking the bottom of the former, and the extremely tough vines just tripped the crystal rock snake.


The Crystal Rock Snake immediately slammed into the street, its head hit the ground heavily, and it was dizzy from the fall.

Compared with the huge figure, there is only a green grass knot of less than one meter, and then he was tripped like this. The picture looks very funny, but even this happened.

The effect is outstanding!

Not only is the effect outstanding, but the unique trick of tying grass knots is also related to the weight of the target. If it is Pikachu...

If it's a Pokémon of the size of Bokby, the damage is minimal, but if it's a Pokémon of the size of the Crystal Rock Snake...

The effect is outstanding! The effect is outstanding! !

Crystal Rock's torso was almost torn apart by the blow.

Seeing this, Yuji did not give up the opportunity to chase, and immediately roared loudly:

"It's over, Miao Frog Flower, use the power of the earth!"

Needless to say, this is another attribute trick that is extremely effective against the Crystal Rock Snake...!

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