He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 502 Qualified Thief Pokémon


Following Miaowahua's loud roar, her forelimbs were raised high and then fell heavily, and the ground in front of her suddenly began to vibrate violently, turning into layers of seismic waves and spreading towards the target.

The power of the earth of the ground attribute can directly determine the winner if it hits.

Seeing the Crystal Rock Snake still stumbling to the ground and not recovering, Xiaozhi immediately shouted loudly, trying to give the latter strength with his voice.

"Big rock snake, quickly use the iron tail to stop it!"

Hearing this, the Crystal Rock Snake fixed its eyes and raised its upper body. At this moment, its tail was still in a state of steel and metal.

Hitting a straw knot just interrupted its progress, not the Iron Tail trick.

"Rock Roar!!"

The Crystal Rock Snake roared immediately, the tail behind it flipped to the front, and then plunged heavily into the ground vertically.


Immediately, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the uncompromising magnitude of the vibration turned into terrifying ripples and spread away.

"Boom, boom!!"

The two seismic fluctuations collided violently in the center of the arena. The terrible impact made the entire Orange Arena seem to collapse for a moment, and the center ground even split into a huge gully on the spot.

When the shock ended, Miao Frog Flower and Crystal Rock Snake retreated several meters at the same time, apparently evenly matched.

In terms of physical strength, the Crystal Rock Snake also has strength beyond its kind!


The battle has completely entered into anxiety, and Yuji once again swung his fist and launched an attack.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the energy ball!!"

Xiaozhi didn't show any weakness, and gave up his defense completely, followed by attacking: "Crystal Rock Snake, let's use Avalanche!!"

Miaowahua's body was immediately covered with a layer of emerald green light, and finally all the light condensed towards the mouth, turning into a green energy bomb more than half a meter wide, which was thrown straight out.

"call out..."

And before the Crystal Rock Snake's ultimate move was condensed, the energy ball had already bombarded the former's chest first, and the terrifying grass-attributed energy burst into bright green light, directly blasting the Crystal Rock Snake back again and again. There were bursts of painful wailing.

The effect is outstanding!

Miao Frog Flower's speed is even faster!

The Crystal Rock Snake, which was originally a big crispy skin, was about to fall heavily on the spot.

"It's not over yet, Crystal Rock Snake!!"

Xiaozhi in the rear roared angrily, his voice contained a wonderful magic power, which brought people back to life.

"Rock Roar..."

The fiery voice, combined with the warm feeling of fetters in his mind, finally made the crystal rock snake, whose eyes were about to close so heavily, open their eyes again.

Immediately afterwards, the neck was vigorously shaken, and a strange light flashed in the eyes. The sky directly above Miaowahua's body condensed a layer of white-gray metaphysical energy, and finally turned into substantive gravel, from which there was a loud explosion. fall.

The trick of Xue Beng has not dissipated!


In the next moment, countless ice stones fell from the sky and hit Miaowahua heavily. They fell straight for a minute, with a huge momentum, and the ice mist wave also rose.


The effect is outstanding!

Moreover, the avalanche skill also has a characteristic. Once you are attacked by the opponent first in a round, the damage of the subsequent avalanche will also be doubled.

Late strike · avalanche! !


Terrible and continuous debris and snow, just like that, completely engulfed Miaowahua's huge figure, and gradually piled up to look like a small snow mountain...


A minute later, the avalanche is over.


A few gravels fell.

Looking at the snow-capped mountains that had lost all breath, Xiaozhi clenched his fists and curled his mouth.


It's just that Yuji on the opposite side also hooked his mouth at this time, and suddenly snapped his fingers.

"End of the Frog Flower, use Sunshine Flame!!"

In the next instant, the snow-covered stone covering his body was scattered and melted by the hot sun energy on the spot.

Before seeing the body of Miaowahua, the fiery and terrifying golden light energy spewing out is like a beam of laser pulses, suddenly bombarded out at an extremely fast speed.

The natural weather of Citrus Island at the moment is sunny!

"Boom boom boom!"

The sun's flames bombarded the crystal rock snake head-on. Not only was the effect of the grass attribute outstanding, but the sun beam also had a high-temperature burning attribute, which was definitely an extremely terrible blow to the latter.


When this beam of bright sun beams dissipated, the body of the crystal rock snake fell down very simply.


Only then did Frog Flower reappear from the icy mist, and the golden plantain flowers on its back were still twinkling, which showed the power of this blow from the sun and flames.

"The crystal rock snake can't fight!"


"Thank you, Crystal Rock Snake..."

After a while, Xiaozhi retracted the crystal rock snake, frowning slightly.

It is true that the weakness is avoided, but the essence of the weakness is still there, and the big crispy skin of the crystal rock snake is still an unavoidable point.

"Why don't you put it in front of your house as a sculpture in the future...?"

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of such a picture: a big rock snake covered in crystal like a handicraft clings to the outside of his house, under the sunshine, it is as dazzling as a palace...

"The big rock snake is too heavy, the house should collapse." Xiaozhi denied this idea.

house, no.

"We can only see if we can solve this problem through evolution in the future."

I heard from Xiaogang that it is possible for Pokémon like the Big Rock Snake to evolve...


"Hey Pikachu, what's wrong with you?"

The game was still going on, and when Xiaozhi was about to release the next Pokémon, he saw Pikachu at his feet suddenly froze in place, his small eyes widened.


Xiaozhi quickly reacted.

This kind of look and expression is usually the mode he will enter when copying other people's tricks. Pikachu is his destined partner, and the copying ability and appearance are the same as him.

So is it copying something?

avalanche? Flame eyes?

Speaking of the battle between the Crystal Rock Snake and the Frog Flower, no matter which move it is, the electric mouse can't master it, right?

"Didi. Pikachu has mastered a new skill: straw knotting, with a proficiency of 1%."

At this time, the voice of the illustrated book gave the answer.

Tie grass knots, this is the trick that electric mice can master.

The marsh king who faced Xiaoxia last time, the combination of ground and water attributes directly disabled all Pikachu's skills, and the rat was almost overwhelmed.

At that time, Xiaozhi wanted to find a unique move with other attributes to make up for Pikachu's side leaks, but he was short on money and couldn't afford any move recording CDs, so he could only tell Pikachu to keep his eyes open all the time, and copy directly when he encountered a suitable one.

If you can't afford a recorder, you have to steal it on the spot with your eyes!

It took Pikachu a while before he shivered and came back to his senses.


Then it raised the little paw on the left as if showing off its skills, and a faint green light appeared in its eyes, and the next moment, a green sprout slowly appeared on the ground in front of it, breaking through the ground.

Although it is only the height of a small bean sprout, it cannot be used for battle for the time being, but as long as there are bean sprouts, it will be enough, and sooner or later it will grow to the strength that can trip the big rock snake.

"Pika pickup~!"

Only then did Pikachu lick his left paw contentedly, while his right paw couldn't be licked.

The right paw is used by Pikachu to release the poison, which belongs to the poison claw.

And the left paw now has a new purpose - making grass knots!

"As expected of Pikachu."

"What a qualified thief Pokémon."

Seeing this, the two relatives and friends behind also showed comfortable smiles.

Yuji: "?"

The chief trainer on the other side slowly put a question mark.

The thief waits for everyone to leave before stealing. I am still here, so you steal it for me on the spot and use it?

"And it's outrageous, how can there be a Pokémon that can master someone else's unique move just by looking at it!?"

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