He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 503 vs Electric Shock Beast

Pikachu's aside.

on the field.

"Woo hoo hoo..."

On the arena, the Frog Flower was panting heavily. Don't look at it aggressively killing the Crystal Rock Snake, but the avalanche of the last blow also caused extremely high damage to it.

The crispy skin of the big rock snake is crispy, and the strength is still very strong.

It is also in the state of a candle in the wind now, and it may fall if touched.

Seeing the confident expression on Yuji's face, Xiao Zhi palmed everything and replaced it with a new poke ball.


A red light flashed, and a blue crustacean, Chenglong, appeared in front of him.

"Chenglong, let them see the results of your practice!!"


Chenglong raised his slender head and let out a pleasant chirping sound, his eyes were less innocent and more determined and brave.

The rich food makes it much larger than Chenglong in the same age group, which is close to the size of an adult Chenglong, which also makes it not inferior to other people in strength.

"Riding a dragon, it's another relationship of mutual restraint..."

"It seems that Xiaozhi is going to put Snorby on the finale..."

The two people in the back began to comment, and ate a bucket of popcorn in their hands.

Noticing something, Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, it was obvious that Yuji was at an infinite disadvantage now, but the confident expression on the latter's face never changed, which only showed one thing.

This batch has something hidden.

"Is that the Poké Ball..."

The small eyes allowed Xiaogang to notice more things. He noticed the Pokeball pendant hanging on Yuci's neck. If it wasn't a simple decoration, it could only be the opponent's trump card in the finale!


"Miao Frog Flower, use the energy ball!"

At the start of the game, Yuji spoke first, and a green energy bullet was quickly condensed from the petals on the back of the Biaowahua. The energy condensed was very refined and huge.

"Ride the dragon, use boulders!!"

Xiaozhi instructed in the last step, but the order was a step slower, but Chenglong's movement was one step ahead, and an icicle with sharp edges and corners condensed directly on the mouth.

With a flick of the head, the ice edge also shot out.


The boulder took a step ahead and hit Frog Flower's forehead, and immediately burst into countless ice chips and gravel. The instant chill made Frog Flower shiver, and the energy bomb on its back also dissipated.

The effect is outstanding!

Boulder is a preemptive skill that ignores speed priority.

Xiaozhi's eyes were like fire, and he waved his thumb:

"It's not over yet, use the water jet next!!"


Chenglong understood, a large stream of water suddenly emerged around his body, turning into a coat of energy water and covering the surroundings, and his huge figure shot out suddenly like a rocket.


The jet of water hit it head-on again, and the strong force dragged it to the ground and knocked it several meters away.

Another preemptive trick.


Even if the effect is not outstanding, the power is not too great, but the Miao Frog Flower, which has already been blown by the wind, can no longer withstand the attack of ice and water, and there is a wail in its mouth.


After shaking in place for a while, his figure finally collapsed, unable to fight.


"Good job, Chenglong!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi waved his fist and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Yuji only has the last three left, and in addition to Chenglong, he also has a big stomach King Snorkel as the finale, and he has a complete chance to defeat the opponent's five Pokémon with the three he just captured!

Even if you can't beat it, your own Charizard and other veteran Pokémon have already done warm-up exercises and can take over at any time.

Today's Orange League trophy, I'm determined...!


"A fast-attack Chenglong, it's really rare..."

On the other end, Yuci took back the Miao Frog Flower, and he didn't expect it to end so neatly.

His blood was completely pumped out by Xiao Zhi, and one arm even subconsciously held the elf ball pendant at his neckline.

"It's probably your turn to play this time..."

But now there are two more. Thinking of this, Yuji fixed his eyes and threw a new poke ball again.


A red light flashed, and a half-height standing Pokémon appeared on the field. Its yellow skin was covered with black lightning-like patterns.

The limbs and fists are muscular, and there are two small horns like radar wires on the top of the head, and the expression is fierce and impatient.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, his two fists shook in place, and his body was covered with a layer of crackling lightning.


This kind of Pokémon is the elite monster that Xiaozhi once challenged the Lightning Bird in the unmanned power plant.

"Good job, this time Xiaozhi will definitely win!"

In the rear, Xiaoxia's face beamed with joy, and she slapped her hands immediately. The electric shock beast can be said to have restrained Chenglong to death.

"Not necessarily, in addition to attribute restraint, level is also a key point..."

Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, he could tell that the level of this electric shock beast was probably much higher than that of Chenglong.

Cold knowledge, among Xiaozhi's three heroes of the Orange Islands, the lowest level is actually Chenglong...

This is a tough fight.

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

The two couldn't help speeding up the action of eating popcorn.



"Electric Beast..."

Xiaozhi is also an old electric attribute trainer. The latter is filled with electric light around his body. It can be seen that the electricity is good, and he is easy to be electrocuted and killed at any time in close combat.

"In this case, take the dragon and use the freezing wind!"

Xiaozhi chose a long-range attack.


Chenglong let out a loud cry, and immediately sprayed a cloud of icy mist from his mouth, covering the sky towards the target.


As soon as the freezing wind came into contact with the Electroshock Beast, bursts of ice flowers could be seen from the latter's body, and its quick movements froze.

The ice slag covering it also lowered its speed by a notch.

"It's useless, such a trick!"

However, the Electric Shock Beast just turned its arms and fists on the spot, bursting out bursts of electricity from the inside out of its body, easily destroying the ice slag on the surface.

This action is like a generator.

Although the characteristic of the electric shock beast is not an electric engine, the special structure of the body makes it still have the function of a partial generator.

Yuji's eyes were fixed: "Next, use the discharge!!"


After Yuji's voice fell, the range of the Electric Shock Beast's arm suddenly increased a little bit, and this time the power intensity also increased a lot, and finally it came out of the body, turning into a large ball of lightning and shooting out, shining The ray of light indicates the power of this attack.

"Chenglong, use the freezing light to block it!" Xiaozhi ordered quickly.


Chenglong didn't dare to be careless, mobilized the icy power in his body, and the condensed icy energy turned into a icy electric snake by his mouth, and shot it away quickly.


The discharge and the freezing light just collided in the center of the arena, and the energy "sizzled" sounded, finally sparking a flurry of smoke and dust explosions.

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