He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 504 Chenglong, use the singing trick

"Is it evenly matched..."

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the electric light and ice light disappeared together, neither of them achieved any results.

Xiaozhi also nodded. It seems that although his Chenglong's level is not too high, the frozen energy is still very strong.

"In this case, let's try this trick..."

Yuji changed his strategy and instructed: "Use Lightning Fist!"

After the words fell, the Electroshock Beast turned its arms on the spot again, made a sound of engine noise, covered its body with a layer of electric light, and then rushed out with a kick.


The speed of the Electroshock Beast was extremely fast, and there were even black and yellow afterimages left on the field. At this moment, a powerful electric shock was concentrated on a fist.

This Pokémon's speed aptitude is extremely high.


Caught off guard, Chenglong was hit head-on with a punch, and his head was deflected by a large amount in the direction of the fist's force.


The electric current is also attached to it, and the effect is outstanding.

"So fast!"

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help being taken aback, quick attack has always been his field of expertise, he didn't expect to be educated by his opponent today.

Seeing that the electric shock beast was bouncing on the spot and was about to attack again, Xiaozhi quickly shouted:

"Use Freezing Light!!"


Chenglong forcibly ignored the numbness of his body, gathered his strength, and the ice-blue electric snake pulse came out of his mouth.

"Electric Beast, use the light wall to block it!"

The electric shock beast stretched out its palms in front of its body, creating a strange and translucent air wall out of thin air. The menacing frozen light passed through the light wall, and its strength suddenly dropped by half.


The remaining power of the electric shock beast even swung out with a punch, directly crushing it into countless ice slags.


Then the Electric Shock Beast kicked back and kicked out. A terrifying electric spark had already condensed on one of its fists, and it hit Chenglong's neck heavily.

Lightning fist!

The effect is outstanding! !


Chenglong couldn't help letting out a whine, his huge body backed up again and again, and was even covered with bursts of electric arcs. Obviously, the two strikes of the lightning fist caused a great deal of damage.

If Pokémon like Chenglong were not born with super high durability, these two fists would almost be able to tell the winner.

"So strong..."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

The long-range attack has a light wall defense, and the opponent in melee has super high speed and lightning fist, even in terms of level, there is a big gap...

"There seems to be no other way."

Xiaozhi's eyes fixed immediately, and he made up his mind that there was no other way to defeat his opponent except that move.

Immediately he raised his hand and instructed: "Chenglong, use your singing skills!"

Hearing this, Chenglong's face also showed a resolute attitude to die, he took a deep breath, raised his head high, and was about to start singing.

"Singing? Haha, let me tell you some cold facts, the characteristic of my electric shock beast is drive."

Seeing this, Yuji on the opposite end seemed to see some big joke, and even laughed out loud.

The characteristics of the Electric Shock Beasts are actually very strange. They are often misled to have the characteristics of electric engines or lightning rods. In fact, the only characteristics of Electric Shock Beasts are static electricity or drive, and electric shocks cannot be ignored.

And use the prop power booster to evolve into the ultimate electric shock beast roar, and the power booster will give it a new feature-electric engine.

As for energy, Pokémon with this trait will always be full of energy and won't fall asleep.

The use of singing tricks on the energetic Pokémon undoubtedly poked Yuji's jokes.

"If this is what you rely on, then the outcome of this match is already..."

Before he finished speaking, Chenglong on the opposite side opened his mouth, and the sound waves in his throat also spread out.

"Witch, filth, centipede, mist, no tungsten!!!"

The voice was rough and hoarse, none of the notes were stepped on the scale, and the ghosts were crying and howling.

In an instant, this terrible noise pollution made Yuji's face freeze instantly, as if there was only darkness left in front of him.

Not only did the nearest Yuji subconsciously plug his ears, but the auditorium tens of meters away also blocked his ears one after another, looking suspicious of life.


Isn't Chenglong described in the illustrated book as a Pokémon with a beautiful and melodious singing voice?

Even the previous chirping of this Chenglong sounded very melodious!

Why did it immediately turn into the sound of killing a pig as soon as I opened my voice? !

"Toxic, it turns out to be a song of perdition...!"

"Singing the song to kill the song will kill the song, and it is said that it is singing to fool people...!"

Many brothers in the audience finally understood what happened, and greeted Xiaozhi's family backhandedly.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia may be the only ones in the crowd who have no serious problems. After hearing Xiaozhi yell "singing trick", they blocked their ears with their backhand...




Chenglong closes his voice.

When a song of Miege falls, the liver and intestines are all broken.

As for the center of the target, the Electric Shock Beast's face turned livid and black, and his stomach felt nauseated and retched, obviously disgusted by this song of death.

"Have you surpassed the level to master the song of death..."

Soon, Yuji had recovered from the sound of killing pigs, and he took a few breaths before turning his attention to the battle.

The song of death is the last trick that can be comprehended during the natural upgrade process of Pokémon like Chenglong. After the singing is over, you and the enemy will die at the same time after three rounds.

"So, I'm going to beat you in three rounds..."

Yongji's eyes were fixed, obviously it was not the first time he had encountered this trick, and he quickly attacked and said:

"Electric Beast, use the most powerful discharge!!"


In the next moment, with a vengeful mentality, lightning burst out on the electric shock beast, and finally a terrible electric current bombarded it all out.

Chenglong's huge body is doomed to be unable to move on this half-sand half-soil ground, so Xiaozhi had to choose to attack from the front.

Now we have to drag through three rounds!

"Chenglong, use the wave of water!" Xiaozhi instructed.

I saw Chenglong's head raised, and a huge water energy bomb was condensed near the mouth, and it was just thrown out.


When the wave of water approached the target, it exploded even more violently, and the water splashes all over the sky attracted all the discharge away, and exploded again and again in the sky, creating countless crackling electric sparks.

Xiaozhi still has research on the offense and defense of the electric attribute. If he defends with a water gun, he will also be electrocuted at the source because the water conducts electricity.

But the fluctuation of water is different, throwing it flying will cut off the source, and the large-scale water splash that bursts can completely absorb the discharge.

Speaking of which, Chenglong's Water Wave was prostituted from Xiaoxia's ancestral move disc of Hualan Gym...



But in the next moment, the body of the electric shock beast suddenly sparked a burst of lightning, and the speed increased several times in an instant, and the body turned into an afterimage, rushing towards it.

In the fist of his right hand, a fierce electric current energy has been condensed.

"Electric Beast, use Lightning Fist!!"

Yuuji shouted in a low voice.

This is the second round.

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