He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 505: The Song of Perdition, No One Survives


The Lightning Fist hit head-on, causing Chenglong's body to be sent flying several meters away, and a powerful electric current shot out and clung to the surroundings of his body.

The effect is outstanding!

The terrible electric attribute trick made Chenglong's consciousness blurred and crumbling.

"Ride the Dragon!!"

It was still Xiaozhi's voice, which gave it new strength, and also made Chenglong raise his head again, and stare with his raised eyes.

The second round of Miege.

It's just that at this moment, Chenglong's body is covered with various electric shock scars, and the electric arc bursts out, not only entering the state of a candle in the wind, but even falling into a state of paralysis.

"Can you hold on, it's really strong perseverance..."

Yuuji couldn't help admiring this will.

But the battle can't accommodate any water release. Although this is Mie Ge's last round, the latter is determined not to be able to block any more tricks.

Yuji's eyes were fierce, and he shouted: "It's over, use the discharge!!"

The Electroshock Beast's body and arms turned on the spot for a while, turning into an extremely powerful golden electric shock, which shot out overwhelmingly, and even the ground below was crushed layer by layer along the way.

Chenglong, who was originally slow, still has the effect of paralyzing the speed reduction. At this moment, he can only look like a wooden man, just watching this beam of electric light infinitely magnifying in his eyes...


The next moment, the electric discharge exploded on Chenglong's body.


The high-voltage and strong current flowed and burst wantonly, and the violent crackling sound, accompanied by the screams of Chenglong in the electric light, even made many audiences turn their heads and couldn't bear to look directly.

"Ride the dragon!"

Among the crowd, only Xiaozhi's eyes did not fluctuate in any way, just staring closely at the blue water beast in front of him.

The latter almost fainted on the spot the moment he was exposed to the electric shock, but Xiaozhi's strong fighting spirit turned into a fettering force and connected with Chenglong's inner indomitable will, so he could continue to hold on.


The discharge attack was not over yet, and Chenglong's physical strength had already been exhausted at this moment, but his gaze was still staring directly at the target, and he did not close it heavily.

For a moment, Dianguang and Chenglong in Dianguang froze in place.

"How can it be!?"

Yuuji widened his eyes and blurted out.

At this time, the illustration book on Xiaozhi's waist suddenly heard the sound of broadcasting.

"Didi. Chenglong has mastered a new skill: hold on."

"Hold on, when you are attacked when the last point of hp is left, relying on strong willpower, you can survive. PS: continuous use will fail."

In other words, it is the combined technique of Qi waist and protection, which also follows the mechanism of "holding up but not holding up".

But at this moment, Xiaozhi has already completely ignored the sound of the outside world, his eyes are wide open, his face is flushed, and there is only one belief left in his and Chenglong's minds.

The last round, come on! !



in a minute.

The discharge trick is over.

"call out..."

As the lightning dissipated, Chenglong still stood upright on the field, with a few wisps of white smoke floating on his body covered with burn marks.

It's just Chenglong's eyes, but there is no wave of defeat in the slightest.

Seeing this, even Yuji slowly closed his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"I lost..."

As soon as the words fell, the Electric Shock Beast in front of him was suddenly enveloped by the power of mystery. It was almost full of HP, but its eyes immediately turned into a whirlpool and fell to the ground.

The same is true for Chenglong, the power of mystery finally deprived it of its last hp, and it crashed to the ground.

Song of death, no one survives.

"Electric Beast, ride a dragon, and lose the ability to fight at the same time!"

The referee quickly pronounced the verdict.

Although they all died together, the level of Electroshock Beast is much higher than that of Chenglong, and it is an absolute leader in both long-range and melee fields.

Even so, it was defeated.

"I lost this game..."

At this moment, Yuji only has the last two Pokémon left.

This is the song of perishing, a skill based on domain rules, as long as there is no huge gap between the two levels, it will definitely work.


"Thank you Chenglong, you performed well."

On the other side, Xiaozhi slowly took Chenglong back into the elf ball, his expression was not happy after victory. For him, even if the weak defeated the strong, they would all die together.

Moreover, the method of using the song of death is also a strategy that is used when there is really no way out, and it is a tricky technique.

"Next time, we will definitely do better!"

Xiaozhi patted Chenglong's elf ball, and comforted him softly.


"I also said that even the song of perishing was used, why didn't the protection be used? It turned out that he chose to hold on to the ultimate move."

Behind, Xiaoxia couldn't help but speak.

The three rounds of Miege can be dragged through two rounds by protecting or not protecting. The same is true for holding on, but the risk of the latter is higher.

"It seems that even Chenglong is very eager to win, so he mastered the trick at the last moment..."

Xiaogang couldn't help sighing, he didn't expect Chenglong, who has always been used as a means of transportation and has a gentle personality, to have this fighting posture.

"Ba ha ha ha ha..."

The two of them kept grabbing popcorn, and even took a big mouthful of Pepsi.

The battle was already in the second half, and as Xiaozhi's brain trust, they naturally saw that Xiaozhi was interrupting his intention to send the Pokémon he captured in the Orange Islands to challenge Yuji.

So now there is only the last one left.

"Have you seen a good show..."

"It really sucks..."

The two knew that Xiaozhi's last Kirby was the strongest...



On the field, the game continues.

Amidst the cheers of the surrounding audience, the two threw new poke balls forward at the same time.


Appearing in front of Yuuji was a purple-black ghost Pokémon, standing on all fours on the field, with big blood-red eyes and a big grinning mouth on its face, and a slender red tongue was also flicking Moving, the breath is eerie and strange.

Geng Gui!

It's just that this Geng Gui is not fat, and even looks a little thin.

And the one in front of Xiaozhi is naturally the big eater Kirby tamed in the Seven Fruit Islands.

It has a black and blue giant bear-like body, a creamy yellow face, and its eyes are narrowed into slits. It is thick and huge, and it even caused a small-scale earthquake when it landed on the ground.


Snorkel stood up, waved two fists the size of sandbags, narrowed its eyes, and even let out a low growl.

Full of fighting spirit.

Today's Snorkel is 60% full. It will neither faint due to hunger and hypoglycemia, nor fall asleep due to overeating. It is the best fighting state.

"Spirby, I'll leave the remaining two to you, and I'll ask Xiaogang to cook you a big meal tonight!"

Xiaozhi in the rear used the trick of painting cakes.


After successfully drawing the cake, Snorkel's fighting spirit rose by a level.


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