He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 506: The Ancestral Grave Is Digged by the Kaby Beast

"Is it actually a combination of Kirbymon and Geng Gui? Isn't it impossible for anyone to beat anyone...?"

Xiaoxia from the comment group couldn't help but said.

Ghost attributes and general attributes can be said to be the most special combination of opposites. There are often sayings that ghosts can bully ordinary Pokémon, but in fact there is no such thing as one bullying the other. General tricks and ghost tricks are mutually immune of. "

"It's not entirely true. It can only be said that the best fighting methods of the two can no longer be used...but they can still fight."

Xiao Gang next to him corrected.

But the Geng Ghost on the opposite side was outrageous, its body was lean and lean. This made the two of them, who were used to Xiaozhi's fat Geng Ghost, a little uncomfortable, and their brows frowned deeply.


Soon, the battle begins.

"Geng Gui, use raid!"

Yuci took the lead in attacking, and saw Geng Gui's body was covered with a layer of dark light, then his figure turned into a ghost and rushed out suddenly, hitting the Snorby beast's belly.

Very fast!

This is not a unique move of the ghost attribute, but a unique move of the evil attribute. The Geng Gui family also understands the ultimate move of the evil attribute.


It's just that the high-speed surprise hit the Snorby beast, and then it seemed to hit cotton, and Geng Gui rebounded straight back, and his figure even retreated again and again.


The surprise attack didn't have any effect, and the expression of Snorbeast didn't change at all.

This is not a physical attack type Geng Gui.


The Geng Gui was taken aback for a moment, but quickly backed up a few times to stabilize its figure, and its flexible movements perfectly matched this lean body.

"In this case, use the wave of evil next!!"

Yuji did not stop, and attacked again.

As the words fell, Geng Gui opened a huge crescent moon again at the corner of his mouth, and with a swing of his arms, a layer of evil energy was condensed in the palms, and finally shot out violently.

Even in the process of advancing, the energy beam gradually changed into dense black halos, and the attack was fierce and fast.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Waves of Evil!


The Snorby didn't dodge either, and the wave of evil just exploded on Snorby's big belly, and the energy smoke was everywhere.


Just waiting for the smoke and dust, Kirby shook his head, still looking like there was no big problem.


"How can it be!?"

This time it was Yuuji's turn to be shocked.

It can be said that the effect of physical attack is not good, how can the wave of evil of the special attack have no effect now? !

"This only shows one thing, my Squirrel is much higher than your Geng Gui."

On the other end, Xiaozhi just said proudly.

He had been pressed and beaten all the time, but this time it was finally his turn to feel proud.

Regardless of the fact that his Snorby had just been tamed not long ago, when Xiaozhi and Xiao Gang conducted a physical examination on him, they unexpectedly found that the Snorkel was of a ridiculously high level.

It's not even inferior to his fire-breathing dragon Gengar, it's a mature Kirby.

And the stomach is the part with the highest defense of Snorkel.

"Furthermore, it's common knowledge that the weight of a Pokémon like Geng Gui is linked to its strength."

Looking at the thin Geng Gui opposite, Xiao Zhi, who is a Geng Gui expert, couldn't help but reminded him.

The fatter you are, the stronger you are!

Such a thin Geng Gui is not only unattractive in appearance, but also greatly reduced in strength.

Yuji: "?"

"Now it's our turn to attack!"

Xiaozhi fixed his gaze and raised his finger.

"Snorby, use Blizzard!"

This is the second characteristic that Xiaozhi discovered. Although his Kirby has normal attributes, it is unexpectedly close to the element of ice and snow. It is a heretical Kirby.

He didn't even master the freezing light, so he directly mastered the ice attribute's ultimate move - Blizzard.


I saw the Kirby roared, its mouth opened wide, and then it bulged its cheeks and let out a loud cry.

"Sa Sa Sa..."

Immediately, countless snowstorms and icy air spewed out, the chilly intent chilled, and the temperature of the entire arena dropped accordingly, as if a blizzard had really blown up.


When the wind and snow hit, Geng Gui shuddered, and quickly dodged to one side.

Fortunately, the disadvantage of the blizzard - the low hit rate - has not been eliminated. With Geng Gui's high-speed maneuverability, it is not a big problem to avoid the blizzard.


The blizzard hit the ground, and the powerful chill fell on the ground, and the half of the field was about to freeze into an ice field, which also made Yuci and Geng Gui raise their eyebrows.

It turned out to be a Kirby who specializes in ice and snow...

"In that case, Geng Gui, use our ultimate move!"

Geng Gui nodded knowingly, and his face returned to a confident and playful look.

The purple-black figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot again, and appeared directly in front of Snorbymon's face the next moment, even Snorbymon was taken aback.


A pair of blood-red eyes just stared wide open, and a strange energy radiated from them, turning into ripples of light, completely covering the Snorlax...



The Kabimon swayed on the spot for a while, and finally tilted its hind legs, and the big buttock sat on the ground like this, with a peaceful expression and no other movements.

Under the hypnotic halo, the slit eyes also turned into a slit.

Hypnotism, success!

"Well done, Geng Gui!"

Yuji was overjoyed when he saw this, and unceremoniously launched the combo technique.

"Next, use the nightmare trick!!"

This is Geng Gui's old combo technique, even Xiaozhi knows a thing or two.

Once the hypnosis is successful, it can cause a huge amount of damage when combined with nightmares or dream-eating. It's just that Geng Gui didn't suffer any damage at this moment, and nightmares are the best solution.


Geng Gui's blood-colored pupils suddenly became fierce, and his purple-black figure trembled, and a translucent phantom that looked like Geng Gui flew out strangely, and rushed towards the motionless Kirby like a ghost.

After a while, Snorkel's body was covered by a miserable red light, and the simple and honest face did not open its eyes, but it just frowned.


There were also bursts of humming in the mouth, looking uncomfortable.

At this moment, in Snorlax's mind, countless sumptuous delicacies are placed in front of his face.

It's just that I was about to reach out to grab the entrance, but found that my mouth was completely sealed with 502 glue, and I couldn't open it at all.

Big nightmare.

This made Kirby, who was only 60% full, completely angry, and even the slit eyes stood up sideways.

A terrifying aura is also constantly condensing and rising on Snorkel's body.


For no reason, Yuji and Geng Gui on the other end shuddered at the same time.

And what appeared in their eyes was a huge bear beast with a whole body covered in a miserable red light, its legs were standing upright, its eyes were squinted up, and its aura was like a demon god in the world.


Interrupting the sweet dream of Snorby is still the dream of eating.

Combining two crimes into one is even worse than digging up Kirby's ancestral grave! !

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