He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 507 One Punch, Instant Kill

Snorlax is a Pokémon that eats and sleeps, and Xiaozhi's Snorlax has a special characteristic-both defense and combat power will be pulled to a very high level in the eating state.

The same goes for when you are interrupted while sleeping.


At this moment, the Snorby has stood up from the ground, with a ghastly red light shining around its body, and its slit eyes stand up.

It's angry.

With a movement of his body, he raised two big fists like sandbags, as if he was about to punch.

The current Snorkel is still in a sleeping state, and it is impossible to tell whether it is sleeping or not just by looking at its eyes.

It's like you knocked Xiao Gang out with a punch, but you can't tell whether Xiao Gang is fainted or not just by looking at his eyes.

"I'm still fighting while sleeping, so this is separating the consciousness from the body, relying on the instinct of the body to actively fight..."

Behind, Xiaogang concluded with a deep brow.

Xiaoxia who was beside her raised her eyebrows and blurted out, "Zizijiyi?"

Although she didn't know what Zizai Jiyi actually was, but just from the description, it sounded very similar.

"No, it's Sleeping Arhat."

Xiao Gang just replied lightly.

In fact, there is nothing fancy about it. To sum it up in one sentence, it is just a dream talk trick in a state of anger sleep.

Sleep talk: In the sleep state, randomly use the tricks you can master.

For a Pokémon like Snorkel that is prone to falling asleep at any time, talking in sleep is naturally a must-have trick.


At this moment, one of the fists raised by the Snorkel has already condensed a layer of strong ice-blue energy light. The chill is so strong that the temperature of the entire field has dropped a lot. Coupled with the previous blizzard, the field's The ice was a few centimeters thicker.

On a hot day, many people even shivered.

Xiaozhi suspects that the snowman's blood is flowing in his Kirby, and the ice attribute tricks such as blizzard and freezing fist are all easy to come by.


The Snorkel has already taken steps, and walked towards the goal on its own. The movement is not very fast, but the huge body combined with the horrible red light on the upper body, and the angry expression on the simple and honest head, are like an attacking plane. Like a small tank, Geng Gui couldn't help but take a step back.

"Don't be afraid of Geng Gui, use the wave of evil to attack its head!"

Yuuji quickly reminded.

Geng Gui came back to his senses immediately, swung his arm, and condensed a dark energy beam, which turned into countless nested dark halos, and blasted straight at the Snorkel's head.

Head-on hit!


It's just that the smoke and dust dissipated, and the Snorlax didn't show any abnormalities, and it didn't even stop moving forward.

Once the domineering body is opened, gods and demons don't love it.

"Then use dodge!"

Yuji had no choice but to dodge. This Kirby is too strange to be able to match. After all, his Geng Gui's speed is there, so it shouldn't be a big problem...

It's just that the voice just fell, and the Snorkel has already walked to his side of the field.

Under the bear's paw is the field of ice, which makes the speed of the Snorlax suddenly countless times faster, moving at a high speed with a sliding action on the ice, smooth and silky.

A big fat man with such a fast speed and flexible figure looks very curious.

Just like that, the gigantic figure of the Kirby beast appeared in front of Geng Gui, less than one meter away, and a huge shadow fell on the guardian.


In the past, it was Geng Ghost who frightened others, but today it was his turn to be frightened, and his body even froze in place for a while, staring blankly with his big blood-red eyes.

Geng Gui fell into a state of cowering.


In the next moment, the Snorlax had already swung its fleshy bear paw fist, the surface was still covered with an astonishing chill, and it just hit Geng Gui's abdomen heavily with such a punch.

With strong force, Geng Gui didn't take half a step back.


Because in an instant, Geng Gui's entire body froze into a big lump of ice, so fast that he didn't even have a painful expression on his face.

A quick-frozen Geng Gui sculpture just appeared on the field, shining brightly under the sunlight.


After a few seconds of delay, the ice cubes shattered, and Geng Gui fell directly to the ground along with the shattered ice, his eyes turning into whirlpools.

One move, instant kill.

"Turtle, this Kirby beast..."

"What a powerful frozen fist..."

"Or Geng Gui is really a big crispy..."

Immediately, there were bursts of exclamations from all around the arena, and then the restlessness of the discussion sounded.

Killing with one punch, even the horror with the power of the Snorkel, also needs Geng Gui's super crispy skin to cooperate, and it will fall down at the touch of a touch.


"Great job Snorlax!!"

From behind, Xiao Zhi threw out a punch, secretly winning another round.

And this heavy punch also revived Snorlax, but the delicious food in the dream also disappeared, which made it a little irritable, and its eyes stood up.

"Don't worry about the Snorlax, it's the last one. I'll give you an extra meal tonight after the fight! There are a lot of them."

Xiaozhi drew a big cake with his backhand, and the Kirby beast was suffocated, and the appearance of countless delicacies appeared in his mind, and the irritability in his heart subsided a lot, and then he focused his eyes and looked in front of him.


Snorlax is a very satisfying Pokémon, which is why Xiaozhi tamed such a high-level Pokémon, but the two of them didn't have too much estrangement or disobedience to orders.

If it were a fire-breathing dragon, the thorn head would have already fought with Xiaozhi.

But Snorlax is different, as long as your food is delicious, then we will be good friends.

"It's the last one, as long as I beat the last one, I can win the Orange League!"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists, his eyes gleamed with dazzling stars, and he looked straight at the muscular man opposite him.



On the other end, Yuji slowly retracted Geng Gui.

"So strong..."

Facing such a Kirby beast, even the well-informed Yuji couldn't help expressing emotion.

The electric mouse's appearance time is too short to see the actual level, but the level of this Snorby beast is obviously far higher than that of the previous Crystal Rock Snake and Chenglong.

But at this moment, only the last one of his six is ​​left, and Xiaozhi has four left... He has forgotten the last time he was forced to this point.

"Hmph, but I won't lose!"

But Yuji didn't have much disappointment about being defeated. Instead, his confidence soared, and he reached out to hold the poke ball pendant on his collar.

With the final trump card, a string of fours, it's not a big problem!

The level of Yuji's last Pokémon is also far higher than his other Pokémon

"Please, my ace!!"

Thinking of this, Yuji no longer hesitated, took off the necklace pendant, tapped the center button of the Poké Ball, and then threw it high.


A red light flashed, and a brown-yellow dragon-shaped Pokémon appeared on the field.


Then there was a burst of fierce dragon roars, circling and reverberating over the orange arena, with extraordinary power.

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