He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 508 The final battle, Kirby vs Kuailong!

In the sound of the dragon's chant, it was a brown-yellow giant dragon with thick hind limbs, a somewhat fat body, and a little short upper limbs. On the back was a pair of small wings that did not fit the body shape.

The face is cute and harmless to humans and animals, with a small sharp horn growing on the top, and two slender yellow tentacles growing on both sides.

It's just that no matter how cute it looks, no one will underestimate its actual combat effectiveness...

fast dragon.

The signature Pokémon in the Kanto region only represents those two words.

Although the bow is big!


It's just that after the fast dragon came on stage, its hind legs fell on the ground, and it couldn't help shivering, and the tentacles on its head stood up.

At this moment, under the attack of the blizzard and the freezing fist, this half of the field has been completely covered with a layer of ice, and the temperature is only a few degrees above zero, which makes Kuailong, who hates ice so much, uncomfortable.

"It turned out to be a fast dragon."

Xiaozhi remembered the Kuailong sculpture he saw at the Pokémon Center before. At that time, Ms. Joy also said that Kuailong was the patron saint of their island. It turned out that the chief trainer here had one in his hand.

"Is it the one from before?"

Xiaozhi's eyes were sharp, and he quickly recognized that it was just the one that competed with him in flying speed off the coast of the island.

The explosive power is not as good as I am than Diao, but the normal strength and endurance battery life have beaten him by several grades.

"It's a strong enemy!"

Xiaozhi swallowed his saliva, a normal person can tell that the level of the fast dragon in front of him is far higher than Yuji's previous Pokémon...

Moreover, Kuailong is known as a quasi-god in the underworld, with physical fitness comparable to the legendary treasurers.

"This fast dragon is my ace Pokémon."

Yuci clenched his fists tightly, and slowly introduced: "At the beginning, I relied on Hackron, which has not yet fully evolved, to successfully win the championship of the Quartz Conference."

Although Kuailong is a Pokémon that can be expected in the future, and the normal illustrations are classified as late-blooming Pokémon, in fact, in the second stage, Hackron already has a good combat effectiveness.

"Today, I will not lose!"

Yuuji punched heavily as a provocation.

"Quartz Champion..."

Xiaozhi nodded, he knew that the level of the Quartz Alliance was stretching his hips. If the masked man hadn't stepped in, he could at least be a top four or even a runner-up.

So it is not a big problem for this fast dragon to win the championship.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi also punched the air, and said without showing any weakness, with extremely majestic confidence in his tone.

"Then I, the king of Zhenxin Town, the top five in the Quartz Conference, the excellent controller who fought side by side with Poseidon, the future master of Pokémon, Xiaozhi of Zhenxin Town will never lose to you!!"


The series of titles made Yuji dizzy, so he had to take a deep breath and concentrate on the game.



Kuailong and Kirbymon on the field have also found their opponents, staring at each other closely, facing each other from a distance, and they still have a strong momentum...

Evenly matched, no less!


This is the last battle. For a moment, the entire Juzi Arena fell into a great commotion, and the cheers made the entire venue tremble...

"Who do you think will win?"

Xiaogang Xiaoxia at the back is also actively discussing.

"Let's guess Xiaozhi blindly. Although the fast dragon looks really amazing, our Kirby is not weak either."

"I also guessed blindly that Xiaozhi, the Kirby who is good at ice and snow elements, might leave work early with a frozen punch..."

Both of them put the victory on Xiaozhi, and now the latter's momentum is soaring, which is already an unstoppable trend.

The last game officially begins!



"Snorby, use Blizzard!"

At the start of the match, Xiao Zhi directly used his ultimate move, an ice-attributed blizzard, which could even kill him on the spot.


Immediately, the Snorby opened its mouth, spewing out countless ice and snow, covering it with a layer of strong wind, turning into a powerful blizzard, and whizzing away.

And Yongci is also the brother of Kuailong's unique skills. He took his time and instructed with his backhand: "Kailong, we will use the storm!"


Kuailong's eyes were fixed, and the wings on his back flapped violently, and a violent spiral whirlwind suddenly blew up, and it also bombarded out without politeness.

"Hoo hoo!!"

Two beams of violent storms just collided in the center of the arena, both of which are great moves in their respective attributes, the wind is strong, and even mixed with flying snow all over the sky.

In the end, the blizzard and the snow rose into the sky at the same time, offsetting each other, and even the field changed to snow for a short time.

Evenly matched.

But at this moment, the ice surface of the arena is a few centimeters thicker, which can be regarded as Xiaozhi has a slight advantage, which also makes Xiaozhi's eyes shine.

"In that case, Snorby, let's use Freezing Punch!!"

The ice surface undoubtedly has a huge advantage for the movement of Snorkel.


The fact is also the same, the gigantic figure of the Kirby beast is not slow on the ice, and it rushed to Kuailong in less than a while, and an extremely powerful chill condensed on the raised chubby hand.

There is no doubt that this blow of the Frozen Fist can also cause huge damage.

"Kuailong, fly straight up!!" Yuji said immediately.

No one understands the power of Kirby's Frozen Punch better than him, just run away!


Kuailong's reaction speed was also not slow. With a shake of its small wings, its fat figure suddenly shot up into the sky, making Snorkel's fist almost miss.

Seeing this, Yuji also showed a confident smile.

The terrain that occupies the sky can be said to have an absolute advantage.


And Kirby lost its punch, and its body tilted forward due to inertia, unable to stop the car.

Xiaozhi's eyes flashed, and he already had a new strategy.

"Snappy, just maintain this action and use a frozen fist on the ground!"

After saying that, Kirby also had a backbone, its body leaned forward like this, and the fist in its hand also bombarded the ground heavily.

Unexpectedly, although the fist looked extremely powerful, the ground did not appear to be cracked layer by layer.


On the contrary, the chill was even worse, adding another layer to the thickness of the ice layer covering the entire field. Many places even froze and solidified out of thin air, and several icy prisms one or two meters high stood up.

The field is deepened again from the field of ice and transformed into a field of icicles.

Dispersing the strength of the seven layers, but increasing the energy of the ice attribute of the seven layers, it shows that Snorkelmon has a super high control over the unique trick of freezing fist.

"Hiss...what a terrifying energy of ice and snow..."

In everyone's mind, they couldn't help admiring at the same time.

Using skills to change the attributes of the terrain, even Pokémon of this attribute may not be able to do it...?

"It's just a mystery, Kuailong, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Yuji did not doubt that there was him, and immediately instructed.

Kuailong's figure was flying in the sky, energy was aroused in his body, he opened his dragon's mouth, and finally flicked his head, a colorful energy beam flew out directly.


The light beam even condensed and deformed in mid-air, turning into a colorful dragon-shaped phantom with its teeth and claws open, as if it had wisdom, and everyone could even hear the mighty roar of the dragon in their ears.

Dragon Wave! !

Seeing this, Xiaozhi suddenly said: "Snappy, use the circle to block it!"

These words directly caused the two guides behind to look suspicious, and also made Yuci sneer...


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