He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 509 Dragon's Dive, the mighty Kuailong!

"Xiao Zhi, turning round is to improve physical defense, and the defense power of special tricks will not be improved!"

Xiaoxia behind couldn't help but blurted out loudly.

Using circle to defend the wave of the dragon is undoubtedly an oolong strategy.

It's just that the situation on the arena is changing rapidly, Xiaoxia's voice has not completely fallen, and Kirby has already curled up its limbs towards its belly, its huge body shrinks directly into a ball, and the surface of its body also appears A faint white light.

The defense power is raised by a notch.


And the dragon-shaped energy fluctuations with its teeth and claws also bombarded the Snorby beast head-on, and the violent energy unique to the dragon attribute exploded, arousing a burst of energy smoke, and even the Snorby beast at the center also emitted a burst of dullness snort.

"It seems that you still don't know enough about Pokémon's moves..."

After a successful blow, Yuji couldn't help but joked.

Just looking at Xiaozhi's face opposite him, there was no change in the slightest, but a confident smile evoked, which made Yuci's heart skip a beat.

"No, it's because you don't know much about my Kirby!" Xiaozhi just punched out, without any fluctuation in his eyes, and said directly:

"Snappymon, use the rolling trick!!"


I saw the squirrel's ball-shaped body curled up and began to roll forward.

Its figure could not be seen in the energy smog, only loud noises like thunder and drums could be heard.

And the Snorlax is also accelerating on the ice, and its huge body casts a rolling meat tank chariot, which is extremely oppressive!

With the frankness of the Kirby, it doesn't matter if he eats a set of dragon waves for nothing. What Xiaozhi wants is the smoke and dust generated at the end of the trick as a cover to use the rolling trick.

"Boom boom boom!!"

And it's not just rolling on the ground, the icicle field made by Freeze Fist before also came in handy.

The figure of Snorbeast just broke through the smoke and dust with a tilted icicle, and its body rolled directly into the sky several meters high.

That's where Kuailong is.

The ice surface endowed Snorby with extremely fast speed, and taking into account the smoke effect of the surrounding smoke and dust, Kuailong didn't react for a while in midair and was hit head-on.

It didn't expect that the Snorbeast would fly directly into the air.


The curled up body just turned wildly on Kuailong's chest, accumulating damage.

The effect is outstanding!

The rolling of the rock attribute is very effective against the fast dragon of the flying attribute.

"Not only that, the previous rounding also doubled the power of rolling...!"

Xiao Gang from behind blurted out, his eyes were deep.

This is the usual tactic of his little boxing stone. First use the circle to absorb the damage, and then rely on the circle to double the power to roll to cause damage. Unexpectedly, it was stolen by Xiao Zhi early on.


The powerful rolling just knocked Kuailong several meters away, and the latter vibrated its wings quickly to stabilize its figure, so as not to fall directly, but its face was a little more strange.

"Snappymon, use Blizzard!" Xiaozhi took advantage of the victory and chased after him.

I saw the squirrel's curled body dissipate, revealing its simple and honest head. At this moment, the mouth has already been opened wide, and the power of the extremely cold wind and snow is still condensed on it.

"Hoo hoo!!"

With a puff of cheek, a terrible blizzard roared out.

"Kuailong, use big characters to block it!!"

Yuji's Kuailong quality is also not weak. With a flick of his head, a hot fireball is also condensed from the dragon's mouth and thrown out, and it even turns into a "big" shape in midair.

"Boom Chi Chi!!"

The big-character explosion and the snowstorm collided head-on in the center of the arena, and the contact of the two diametrically opposed energies immediately made a high-frequency scream like water vapor breaking through a kettle, and white smoke and water vapor all over the sky evaporated out.

In less than a while, the entire arena was shrouded in white fog, and the field of vision became extremely poor.


"It seems that we have been underestimated... Kuailong, let them see our true strength!"

At this time, Yuji suddenly clenched his fists and shouted loudly:

"Quick Dragon, use Dragon Dance!!"


Kuailong gave a low drink, and his eyes became serious.

Taking advantage of this gap, Kuailong began to fly at high speed in the area three meters in front of him, and danced a battle dance that belongs to the dragon clan. The aura around him also continued to rise with the progress of the dance, becoming even more aggressive .

"Bao!" "Bao!"

As soon as the dance was over, two red lights also lit up Kuailong's body.

Physical attack +1.

Speed ​​+1.

And the smog covering the field also made the Kirby look around like a headless chicken, losing its sense of proportion for a while.

Seeing this, the corner of Yuji's mouth twitched, and then roared loudly:

"Use that trick!!"


On the arena, under the smog, Kuailong could not be seen, but the domineering and mighty roar of the dragon could be heard.

Then a brown-yellow flying dragon broke through the smoke and dust, and its body folded and shot out towards the target. Terrible blue energy erupted around its body in an instant, turning into a huge blue dragon phantom The coat is draped over the surface.

It's like Kuailong turned into a real energy dragon, rushing forward with endless dragon power.

Dragon's Dive! !

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire arena became extremely oppressive.

"Snorby, use the circle to block it!!"

No way, the opponent's offensive was too strong, so Xiaozhi could only choose to forcibly defend.

Snorkel had no choice but to curl up its limbs again to improve its defense.

In the next moment, Kuailong, which was covered with a phantom coat of giant dragon energy, just fell heavily.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Dragon's Dive! !

Terrible impact, mighty and powerful dragon power, extremely violent dragon attribute energy...

The three are in one, and the burst of power at the same time makes the extremely frank Kirby beast unable to stop it at all. It retreats several meters in an instant, and the thick lower limbs of the bear's paw even draw a deep ravine mark on the ground.


Although there is no restraint relationship, the dragon's dive with the bonus of dragon's dance in this blow still caused huge damage to the Snorlax. The big mouth was constantly opening and closing to pant, and the eyes were wrinkled into slits.

"Use the wave of the dragon!!"

However, Yuji's attack was not over yet, just after the dragon's dive ended, another bunch of colorful energy dragons rose high into the air, and finally fell down roaring with teeth and claws.


The wave of the dragon exploded on the Kirby again, and the terrifying energy made the latter tremble. This time, he even half-kneeled on the ground with one foot, smashing a crater directly on the ice...


"call out..."

After a long while, the water, smoke and dust dispersed all over the sky.


On one side, Kuailong was still flying in mid-air, condescending, its small wings were fluttering, its eyes were bright, and it was at least half-blooded now.


On the other side, Snorbeast is in a bit of a bad state, with scars all over his body, and his body is also shaking.

From the time it was taken over to the present, Snorkel has never suffered such a serious injury.

"This fast dragon is so strong..."

Xiaozhi's eyes were already filled with great fear.

Now he has contacted enough opponents, even the king of heaven has also contacted a few, and if the Kuailong in front of him lets him rank...

The strength is probably above the core cadres of the Rockets.

It's under the Alliance King again.

"This is also my most extreme strength now..."

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