He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 892: The Twin Gods Fight the Phoenix King! (Down)

Boom! !

Gold-white flames covered the sky, filling every inch of space around Emperor Yan's body, continuously burning the latter's body.

For a moment, Emperor Yan's figure, in the burning of the flames, seemed to be only two colors of white bones, which appeared extremely intrusive.


The stern cry made Suicune and Raiko's complexions tense, and they jumped forward worriedly.

It's just that the sacred flame of this level cannot be extinguished even with Suicune's water flow move...


Xiaozhi, who was behind, also felt Emperor Yan's five senses, frowned, hugged his body tightly, and neighed and groaned repeatedly.

He only felt that the skin of his whole body seemed to be attached to the hot metal iron, and the pain was extremely painful.

The fetters are connected, allowing the will of one person and one beast to superimpose each other, but they did not faint on the spot under this sacred flame.

But still in a shaky state...


Emperor Yan, barely maintaining his will, swayed his body on the spot, and tried to absorb part of the sacred flame with the fire-igniting feature.


It's just that, instead, the volcanic hard shell on his back trembled again and again, as if it was about to explode completely in the next second.

The whole body has a brown fur body, and the red light flickers.

Whether it is attribute restraint or characteristics... in the face of the huge gap in strength, it has lost its meaning.

"Flame Bird, use help!!"

At this time, Xiaolan beside him suddenly shouted softly.


The flame bird in front of him understood, flapped his wings, and a strange force came out of his body immediately, acting on Emperor Yan's body.

From the moment it became Little Blue Pokémon, it naturally became a tool bird.

Shunfeng, help such moves must be mastered.

This move boosted Emperor Yan's strength a lot...

It's just that the increased power of the help is only slightly relieved, and it still hasn't played a fundamental role.


High in the sky, Phoenix King's body shining with rainbow light did not continue to attack.

High above, with majestic eyes staring down,

After a group of holy flames spewed out, he stopped.

Next, all he had to do was wait for the Emperor Yan, who dared to be rude to him, to be reduced to ashes again under his own flames of destruction.

The current Phoenix King is already thinking in his mind, and next he has to find a new successor...


Although the body did not suffer any actual damage, Xiao Zhi, who simultaneously sensed the mental damage, also tensed his muscles and trembled all over his body.

"Hold on, Emperor Yan!!"

But Xiaozhi took a deep breath and kept encouraging loudly from behind.

Many people feel that the voice of the trainer is meaningless.

But for Xiaozhi, this is definitely an auxiliary move that is not inferior to "Help".

The constant roaring also makes the degree of bondage between one person and one beast continue to deepen...

Until the bond between Xiaozhi and Yandi reached its peak!


At this time, Emperor Yan, who was bathed in the terrifying golden-white flames, let out a high-pitched and resonant roar as if reborn from the ashes.

The air trembled amidst this roar.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, the sound of four metal cracks came one after another.

I saw the four black ring shackles on Emperor Yan's limbs and ankles completely cracked at this moment!

For a moment, Xiaozhi felt the pressure around him, and it dropped a lot.

It was as if a new force had emerged from his whole body, fighting against the surrounding sacred flames.

"This is...?"

Whoa whoa whoa...!

Immediately, the golden-white flames that had been rising violently before, rushed towards Emperor Yan's body crazily as if they had found an exit.

In less than a while, King Feng's sacred flame was completely absorbed by Emperor Yan.

And Yandi's figure reappeared in front of everyone.

The whole body is still covered with thick dark brown fur, and it wears a three-color hard shell mask.

At the limbs and ankles, there are no longer any shackles.


But at this moment, the volcanic ash billowing from Yandi's back completely turned into golden-white fireworks, bright and scorching hot.

Standing there, Emperor Yan's aura climbed to the peak, incomparable.

With majestic eyes, it raised its head and stared at the existence of the sky again.

Even at this moment, Emperor Yan seemed to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Phoenix King in the sky...


"This is...?"

Everyone, including Xiao Zhi, was stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

It seems that even the sacred flame was swallowed together?

Even the ancient god Phoenix King in the sky was at a loss for such a strange change.

Where is my fire?

"This Emperor Yan has sealed his own power..."

At this time, Chi's voice slowly sounded in Xiaozhi's mind.

He finally understood the sense of disobedience before.

In 350, this Emperor Yan had just mastered the power of fire, and he mastered several physical fire moves in an instant.

Obviously, its fire physical attack talent is full.

It's just that 350 years later, when he was still traveling in the Chengdu area, Xiaozhi met Emperor Yan again.

But the moves used by the latter are special fire moves such as jet flames and flame vortexes.

It seems that I can't use any physical fire moves at all...?

Combined with its ankle area, the covered metal cuffs...

Putting on the shackles, Emperor Yan was not only atoning for the fire, it even sealed its own physical fire power, the same self-seal, which had never been used for hundreds of years.

The power accumulated for hundreds of years is fully released at this moment, making Emperor Yan burst out with unprecedented energy!


With this energy, even the Phoenix King in the sky flapped his wings, his eyes flashed with astonishment for the first time.

He knows the three holy beasts well, but he has never seen such power.

This fire dog actually hides its power from itself? !

And at this moment, the familiar aura coming from Emperor Yan made Feng Wang look like he was looking in a mirror...

Don't look at your own sacred flame, it's a long-range attack that spews out.

But cold knowledge, this is a physical move.



Finally, Emperor Yan burst out again, like a flame about to erupt.

The terrifying heat contained in the body has already blown a billowing hot wind in the surrounding air.

"Hmph! Since that's the case..."

Xiaozhi understood, the corners of his mouth raised, his face was like Emperor Yan's, and he became extremely energetic.

He pressed his hat, then pointed his finger high at the target in the sky.

This action was definitely a huge provocation for Feng Wang.

"Emperor Yan, use the sacred flame!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly.

The next moment, as Emperor Yan opened his mouth, the energy in his body exploded completely.

Boom boom boom! !

A golden-white pillar of flame spewed out, burning everything silently, piercing the flowing clouds and air, and blasting straight at the target in the sky!

Starting today, the sacred flame is no longer the exclusive move of Phoenix King!

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