He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 893: The Twin Gods Fight the Phoenix King! (end)

The golden-white fireworks, undoubtedly pure flames of inextinguishable destruction, roared straight towards King Feng!


Feng Wang's expression finally changed.

It felt it, and it was its own flame.

Although it is a bit weaker in power, it is the holy flame!

Why did this guy use his own exclusive moves? !

At the time of surprise, the sacred flames were fleeting, and the terrifying offensive that made people's scalp tingle, made Feng Wang's first thought was not to fight, but to dodge.

It's like fighting another perfect self.

A perfect self is invincible, only dodging...

Just when Feng Wang was about to avoid the sacred flame.

At some point, a figure of the same fiery red color appeared behind Feng Wang.

"It's now, Xiaohuo, use the original power!!"

Xiaolan suddenly attacked.

Now it's a doubles match, but Yandi and Fengwang's 1v1, don't forget her and the flame bird!

In order to help her older sister Bilan reshape her body, Xiaolan fought extremely hard today.

whoosh whoosh...!!

As the flame bird flapped its wings, several huge rocks condensed in front of him, roaring towards King Feng.

The flame bird didn't directly attack Feng Wang, but completely spread out its own rocks, completely blocking the dodging space around Feng Wang.

The four times restrained primitive power made Feng Wang move a step slower.

And the golden-white flame directly in front finally struck.

Boom boom! !

The sacred flame blasted the Phoenix King head-on! !

In an instant, the incomparably high flames turned into a tornado, completely restraining Feng Wang, and infecting and leaving with fiery meaning.

This was already an attack of the same level as it, and a sense of crisis flashed in King Feng's heart.

Homogeneous but different sources of sacred flames, the Phoenix King can't control the latter at all, he can only let the flames continue to erupt...


After half a minute.


High in the sky, in the sky filled with golden and white flames, a sharp scream pierced the sky, and it suddenly burst out violently! !

Feng Wang was completely enraged!

Under the sound of fury, the whole world seemed to be only red, like the end of the world, blowing endless waves of heat...

Flying sand and rolling stones, the entire Gobi Desert trembled again and again.

When the ancient god got angry, the sky and the earth changed color.

Yandi's blow, at best, could only injure Feng Wang. If he wants to decide the winner, it is undoubtedly a cannibalism...

Boom! !

As Feng Wang suddenly spread his rainbow wings, the sacred flames covering his body suddenly burst into countless sparks, scattered towards the surroundings.

The colorful body of Phoenix King proudly descended into the world again! !

Hmph, after all, it's a flame move, so I want to fight against it...


It's just that he just regained his vision, and the majestic and fierce King Feng suddenly froze on his face with his face about to come out and kill everyone.

Because at this moment, a brown volcanic lion has leaped high and arrived a few meters in front of him.

whoosh whoosh...!

Its body is still surrounded by sharp blades and broken stones, which is really dangerous.

Behind Phoenix King, there was the same flame bird flying, and the latter did not leave.

On the surface of the flame bird's body, a circle of huge rocks has already accumulated...

On the ground, the two people from Zhenxin Town looked at each other, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly at the same time:

"Now, Emperor Yan, use the rock blade!!"

"Xiaohuo, use the original power!!"

Boom boom boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, sharp-edged broken rocks and huge rocks shot out from the two beasts one after another, shooting towards the target in the front and back respectively!

It was a move that had been planned for a long time, and Feng Wang was in a proud posture.

He spread his wings to the maximum, and spread his divine power to the world...

In the world, it seems that there is only one Phoenix King left.

In terms of posture, even Arceus, the creator god, couldn't match it for a while.

But this also means that Fengwang, at this moment, it is difficult to use other moves, or use wings to defend, or dodge.

Feng Wang, the gaudy to the extreme.


For a moment, the aloof Phoenix King could only make a suspicious cry like a bird like Bibi.

Boom boom boom! !

Afterwards, an extremely vigorous and powerful rock completely bombarded Feng Wang's huge body.

One after the other, they erupted.

Rock Blade!

Primal power!

Four times restraint!

Still quadruple restraint! !

Xiaozhi never thought of using the sacred flame to cause damage, Feng Wang's resistance to this move must be full!

Just make an opening.

Boom boom boom! !

A steady stream of violent rocks completely exploded on Feng Wang's body, stirring up countless smoke and dust debris, and the explosion sounded roaring.

For a moment, everyone was stunned by the terrifying attack from the sky.

Even Xiaolan and Xiaozhi who launched the attack...



After performing this blow, Emperor Yan jumped down from the sky and landed in front of Xiaozhi.

The volcanic ash on his back has returned to a gray color.

In his eyes, there was no respect or fear for King Feng.

The shackles of the limbs and ankles were broken and shattered, which also represented Yandi...

"Didi, Emperor Yan has mastered a new move: Holy Flame!"

Xiaozhi's illustration book, belatedly reminded.

The ability to emit flames before was not a temporary rebound after Emperor Yan absorbed it.

Instead, it completely turned it into its own brand new power.

After all, he was burned to death by this flame 350 years ago, and was resurrected by this flame. The sacred flame had already penetrated into Emperor Yan's body.

Standing on the ground of the Gobi at this moment, Emperor Yan gave people a special feeling, which seemed to be a higher level than Suicune and Raikou behind him.

"Is there a winner...?!"

Xiaolan looked nervously at the dust in the sky.

It was related to the creation of Bilan's body, she dared not be careless at all.

And as the gravel smoke completely fell.

High in the sky, at the focus of everyone's eyes, Feng Wang's posture was fully revealed.

At this moment, the latter was covered with gravel and dust, and looked a bit embarrassed.

The double quadruple was outstanding and it worked.

This blow was really heavy on Feng Wang.


It's just that as the Phoenix King fluttered his wings again, the moment the golden-white flame ignited on his body, all the filth was instantly burned away!

Even on Phoenix King's body, a green healing light shone.

The holy flame, even the flame of destruction, is also the flame of life.

With this ray of flame, even if he falls into a desperate situation, Phoenix King can rely on this flame to be reborn from Nirvana.

Not to mention that at this moment, he just suffered a hundred million injuries.


Soon, Phoenix King once again emitted a rich colorful light, and his sharp and high-pitched cry made the world tremble.

With fierce eyes, he stared at the people below.

The power has not diminished but increased, even several times stronger than before...


"How can it be...?!"

Such a scene also caused the faces of the two people and the beasts below to change drastically.

This guy, can he still fight? !


However, just when the two waves of troops were about to break out again...

From the direction of the shrub forest where Rabi stayed, there were bursts of human voices suddenly, quite eagerly.

"Look!! It's a flashing toucan!!"

"It's still a colorful toucan!?"

"Director Baoba, is this the surprise you mentioned?!"

The director, who was round and dressed as a mountaineering boy, just scratched his head and looked at the colorful big bird in the sky with a dazed expression.

Baoba: "?"



(Add more tomorrow.)

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