He knows Pokémon better than me

Eight hundred and ninetieth chapters end

The westernmost part of Zhanlan City, the wilderness hunting zone.

At this moment, Director Baoba is leading dozens of trainer enthusiasts to wander in the wilderness area he just built to see the new Pokémon here.

When Xiaozhi first came to Zhanlan City, this hunting zone actually only completed the ecological section of the jungle and lakes, and it had just opened.

Today, Baobaba has developed the grassland and swamp section, opening for the second time.

Today, he also put dozens of Kentaro here, as a special Pokémon for the opening, and provided hunting balls for free to catch.

The so-called surprise.

After all, the cattle in their Chengdu area are all dairy cows.

"Um, what's that...?"

It's just that far away, the colorful light is shining in the sky, and it can barely be seen that it is a Pokémon that looks like a toucan...

But that breath is too sacred, right?

Director Baoba scratched his head, completely unaware.

Flash Toucan?

From the looks of it, it seems that it is above the undeveloped area.

The Gobi desert where Xiaozhi and the others are standing, Baoba plans to build it into a mountainous area of ​​a hunting zone in the future, as the third wave of opening plans.

"Go, go, I want to catch that flashing toucan!"


Immediately, all the trainers flocked away, heading towards the Gobi Desert to the west of the forest.

Shiny Pokémon are extremely rare.

Seeing this, Director Baoba had no choice but to keep up.

Anyway, the appearance of wild special Pokémon is a good thing, anyway, what he wants is just a gimmick.

It's that toucan, why does it feel a bit strange...?



Feng Wang, who was about to attack the people below again, suddenly felt dozens of humans approaching.

Faintly, he even felt great malice from it...

Phoenix King is a divine bird that can perceive good and evil in human beings. At this moment, the will in the minds of this group of people is somewhat humiliating to him.


Thinking of this, Phoenix King flapped his wings, and his body was covered with a layer of strange green light.

Mysterious guardian!

From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want to have any interaction with humans.

Even the communication is to let the three holy beasts under him act as messengers to communicate indirectly.

It is naturally impossible to directly burn this group of malicious people to death with a single fire. Feng Wang has a eccentric temperament, but he is not a god who likes to kill.

Finally, King Feng turned his head, wandered among the people below, and fixed his eyes on Emperor Yan and Xiaozhi.

One is a guy who has mastered his own power...

One is the humans who provoked themselves hundreds of years ago...

Feng Wang completely remembered the figures of Xiaozhi and Emperor Yan.


Finally, he flapped the wings of the colorful rainbow, and after a loud cry, he slowly left towards the distant sky.

The golden tail feathers even left a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

The figure gradually disappeared into the clouds in the distance.

"Phoenix King..."

Xiaozhi raised his head, his eyes serious.

What he saw on the first day of his trip seemed to be the same scene.


Emperor Yan raised his lion's head high, watching Feng Wang's departure closely, restraining all his strength into his body like a volcano.

His resolute eyes were extremely firm, and he secretly made a decision.

This battle is not over yet...!

Behind, Suicune and Raikou's expressions changed.

They all felt that their connection with King Feng had been completely severed.

From now on, they will no longer carry the identity of "Messenger of the Phoenix King", and can walk freely in the world...


"Ah! Wait a minute, Phoenix King!!"

After realizing it, Xiaolan's shoulders suddenly stopped, and her face changed drastically and she shouted.

She also wanted the latter to help inject vitality into Bilan's body! !

It's just that by the time Xiaolan reacted, King Feng had already flown away completely.

Looking at the posture, it is not an easy task to find the trace of the latter.

Xiaolan suddenly felt desperate.

"It's okay, Xiaolan~"

At this time, there was a fluttering voice in my heart, comforting me softly.

"We already have a new choice~"

Following Bilan's will, Xiaolan turned her head subconsciously.

It was the majestic and domineering brown-haired lion——Emperor Yan!

Since the latter has mastered the sacred flame of the Phoenix King, naturally, whether it is the fire of destruction or the fire of life, they have also inherited it together.

With the arrogant attitude of that chrysanthemum bird, Bi Lan really didn't want to ask the latter for help...


At this time, the trainers led by Director Baoba finally walked out of the jungle and came to the deserted area next door.


The movement was quite noisy and there were many discussions.

It's just that in the sky, Feng Wang had already cast a mysterious guard and completely disappeared in this world.

In the sky, there is only a rainbow of seven colors stretching thousands of miles.

"Huh? Where's the extraordinary toucan?"

"Why did it suddenly disappear?!"

The trainers didn't realize it, so they pushed their heads down from the sky.

In the Gobi area about 100 meters away, there seem to be several humans and a few huge beast-type Pokémon that have never been seen before...


Suddenly, the bushes on the side of everyone's bodies moved, and then a green figure rushed out like lightning.

They can't see what exists at all, and the speed is extremely fast.

The next moment, everything that could be seen in front of him was also covered by a thick green light.

Wait until the green light goes away...

"Huh? Did something fly over just now?"

"I remember that there seemed to be a few people and Pokémon over there, why are they gone?!"

The trainers blinked, completely unaware of what was going on.

Not far in front of him, where Xiaozhi and the others were originally, there was no one at all.


"Is this haunted?!"

Everyone's attention gradually shifted to the direction of monsters, gods and ghosts, which made Director Baoba sweat profusely on the spot.

Now it's a big opening ceremony, and the atmosphere cannot be spoiled by ghosts or something.

Originally, he wanted to go up and investigate, but now the top priority is to get these first batch of guests properly handled...

"Everyone come with me~ The grassland over there has now introduced a batch of Kentaro from the Kanto region~!!"

Baoba hurriedly led the crowd towards another direction.


At this moment, a group of Kentaro who saw this were galloping across the grassland, their iron hooves fell, and thick smoke was stirred up, causing the ground to tremble.

Kentaro is rare in the Chengdu area, and everyone is attracted to the attention, forgetting the flashing toucan or Xiaozhi and his party before.

"What a handsome cow!"

"There's a Kentaro inside, why is it still an afro?"

"By the way, Kentaro is the same as a big milk tank, can it produce milk...?"


As for Xiaozhi's side.


Rabi, who has been cat in the bushes, has reappeared.

The mysterious protection of the group with one hand completely eliminated the whereabouts of the people, as if the graphics of the people were directly deducted from a landscape painting.

Now that the powerful and fierce Feng Wang left, Shi Rabi was fearless.

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