He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 926: It’s the Hoshien area, and Pikachu was slashed

After a violent explosion, a figure quickly retreated from the smoke.

Taking a closer look, it was Yuki's straight bear.

It's just that he fell to the ground at this moment, his eyes dizzy.

"Going straight to the bear loses the ability to fight, and Pikachu wins...so in this 2v2 match, Xiaozhi wins!"

Xiao Gang raised his palm to Xiao Zhi.

Finally, it was a surprise victory.

If he lost to a novice trainer like this, Xiao Gang would be the first one who couldn't accept it.

Well, although this guy named Yuki doesn't look like a novice at all.

"Thank you for your hard work, go straight to the bear...!"

Seeing that the winner has been divided, Yushu smiled helplessly, and could only take back the defeated Zhi Chongxiong.

It seems that there are no shortcuts in this world.

However, this battle also gave Yuki a feeling of the level of fighting at the level of a heavenly king.

"It's a little stronger than I imagined."

he sighed.

Even if he has become the strongest in the region in the electronic world, after switching to this world, there are more factors to consider, and the difference is still a bit big.

"It's not a big problem. If the level of the king of heaven is this, I should be able to reach it soon..."

Of course, Yuki didn't dare to say these words directly, it was too arrogant.


Seeing that the matter came to an end, Yuki planned to leave one step earlier.

"Then the next time we meet, let's fight again!"

Xiaozhi shook hands with the latter, and he was regarded as the first strong enemy in this area.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I won't lose next time!"

Yuki uttered the lines of Wannian Enemy.

However, Xiaoyao, who had been watching the play by the side, was holding the turkey in his arms, blocking the former's way.

"Yuki-san, we are all rookie trainers, why don't we travel together...?"

Xiaoyao spoke softly, looked at Yushu with big eyes blinking, and asked slowly.

However, Yuki raised his palm decisively.

"Sorry, I'm not used to teaming up with strangers."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ran towards the north of Weibai Town, as if invited by some scourge.

The forefoot stomping on the ground could even trigger the jet effect of the sneakers he was wearing, making Yuki walk like flying, and disappeared from everyone's sight in less than a while.

This is the latest black technology shoe developed by Devon.

Seeing that Xiaoyao was flatly rejected, Xiaolan hurried forward to try to comfort the latter.

"How about Xiaoyao-chan travel with us~!"

Xiaolan suggested.

The three in the team are all veterans, and they still need a newcomer to make adjustments.

The main reason is that she wants to be a senior.

But Xiaoyao declined Xiaolan's kindness, and bowed politely to everyone.

Finally, holding the Huozhiji in his arms, he left in the direction where everyone had come.

It's just that when she turned her back, Xiaoyao's harmless girl-next-door face disappeared.

His expression darkened in an instant, and he cursed in a low voice, almost gnashing his teeth:

"This guy Yuki... dare to deliberately pretend that he doesn't know his girlfriend!!"

Xiaoyao immediately chased after the latter's leaving track angrily, but she wanted to see this guy and what she wanted to do behind her back!



As for Xiaozhi and his party who stayed in place.


Seeing Xiaozhi's puzzled look, Pikachu spread his hands helplessly, because he really wasn't acting just now.

"are you sick?"

"Still coming to the Fangyuan area, the climate is not acclimatized?"

Xiaogang and Xiaolan next to him also saw Pikachu's strange physical condition.

The three of them stared at Pikachu, but they didn't see any specific problems.

"Hey, I can only go to the big city and ask Ms. Joey to check Pikachu's condition."

In the end, Xiaozhi sighed and said helplessly.

The three of them just packed their luggage and prepared to walk in the direction where Yuki and the two left.

Weibai Town only has one main road, No. 101, and the other three directions are endless jungles.

However, at this time, the illustration book in Xiaozhi's pocket automatically issued a reminder sound.

"Didi. Recognized the keywords of "check", "Pikachu", and started to check Pikachu's physical state..."

Xiaozhi quickly took it out, listening to the crazy rotation of the cpu fan inside the illustrated book, he didn't know what riddle the latter was going to say.

But in my heart, there was a glimmer of expectation for no reason.

If it is this picture book, maybe you can really see something?

"Illustrated Book, help me check the status of Ditto."

Xiaolan next to him followed suit and took out her illustrated book, wanting to try this function too.

Her illustrated book quickly gave thoughtful feedback, and the calculation speed completely surpassed Xiaozhi's illustrated book.

"Hey. Check the status of the Pokémon, please go in and go to the Pokémon Center."

It reminded seriously.

Xiaolan: "..."

And after about a few minutes, Xiaozhi's illustrated book finally sounded the announcement tone.

"Beep. Pikachu (one turn), characteristic: static electricity, skill: electric shock, flash of light..."

The illustration book said a lot of lengthy introductions, but everyone focused on the very beginning.

"Wait a minute in the illustrated book, what does this turn around mean?!"

Xiaozhi asked quickly.

He remembered that before going to the Yoshien area, he used the illustrated book to check Pikachu's illustrated book, and the word did not appear at that time.

"Didi. One turn, one reincarnation."

"After each reincarnation of a Pokémon individual, its own level, ability, quality and other factors will decrease, but then the individual's aptitude and upper limit of ability will be improved."

The illustration book introduced meticulously, which made Xiaozhi sound like he was playing a video game.

It sounds like a mouthful, but it probably means that Pikachu, who was originally level 50, can display a level 50 combat power.

But after a reincarnation, Pikachu's level dropped back to level 30, but he was still able to display a combat power of level 40.

Then when Pikachu returns to level 50 after one turn, he will be able to display his combat power at level 60.

In reality, of course, there is no actual notion of hierarchy.

"It seems to be a weakening in a short period of time... But in fact, Pikachu's upper limit of ability has increased instead."

Xiao Gang narrowed his eyes and muttered, his eyes gradually became hot.

This is an absolute future!

Xiaozhi managed to understand the meaning, but he discovered a blind spot.

"Wait a minute, you said one turn, do you still have two turns and three turns?!"

He no longer questioned why the illustrated book knew so much.

It is estimated that it was broken by Brother Chi.

He and Pikachu were already suffering from just being hacked once, so how about going to continue hacking? !

"This is a good thing. After Pikachu turns 100 times in the future, when the time comes, you can directly fight at level 100 at level 1~!"

Xiaolan showed a look of envy and comforted her.

From the looks of it, this seems to be a divine ability that can be encountered but not sought after.


And Chi in the hat space also showed a look of amazement.

Sure enough, the talent of this Pikachu is much higher than what I imagined, and there is such a talent...

It can be said that this is an ultimate road without any bottlenecks. It only needs the accumulation of time, and the future Pikachu will naturally be able to easily overcome the shackles of levels and step into the ultimate realm.

or even higher.

The only price is that you will be repeatedly hacked.

It seems that this situation does not appear randomly, but has specific trigger conditions.

"Change region."

Chi immediately got the answer.

Everything was normal when they were still on the cruise ship.

But the moment Pikachu's feet set foot on the deck of the pier in the new area, the situation changes completely.

It was the entire Yoshien area that slashed Pikachu!

Red blind guess, if Xiaozhi took Pikachu on the plane at this time, and stepped on the Sinnoh area, Hezhong and other areas in turn...

It is estimated that the sword, light and sword can directly chop Pikachu into a cute new baby.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Knowing the reason, even he didn't know whether to laugh or to be sad.

But fortunately, it was just a single cut, not enough to clear the level.

Pikachu has probably only weakened to 70% of its original strength, and Xiaozhi can still accept it for the time being...

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