Route 102.

"Hmph, let me show you my ace Pokémon!!"

A young insect catcher wearing a straw hat shouted and threw a poke ball at Xiaozhi.

A red light flashed, and a reddish thorntail appeared in front of him.

It is roughly equivalent to the green caterpillar and unicorn beetle in the Kanto region.

"Since that's the case, it's up to you, Huo Zhiji!"

Xiaozhi also sent out a newly hatched fire chick.

Route 102 is a spacious road with complex terrain. The multiple combinations of jungles, shrubs, lawns, and lakes make it inhabited by a variety of wild Pokémon.

Similarly, there are more than Pokémon, a large group of weak bug catchers and short pants boys.

Even though the road is spacious, Xiaozhi is still locked on by their eyes.

"Stingtail, use silk!!"

"Fire Chick, use sparks!"

The white worm silk was shot, and the corner of the fire chick's mouth opened, and the flames spit out immediately ignited the worm silk.


The flames even went all the way, landing on the body of the thorntail, and the latter jumped up and down on the spot in pain.

When the flames dissipated, the scorched thorntail worm had already fallen on the spot, unable to fight any more.

"What a powerful fire chicken...!"

The young insect catcher looked shocked. He had sniped many trainers here, but those who could spew out such powerful flames were rare.

"Even so, I still have five thorntails, I will never lose!!"

He unleashes a thorntail again.

Xiaozhi: "..."

In the next scene, the fire chick kept spewing sparks and sparks, easily defeating these thorntails one by one.

The opponent's level is lower than his own, counting attribute restraint, basically a child with one move.

The fighting process seemed quite boring.


After a few sets of operations, Huo Zhiji was panting on the spot, and his steps were a little messy.

This was already the third young insect catcher it had killed, and it consumed a lot of stamina.

The main reason is that this is the only one that Xiao Zhizhi sends on the stage.

Whether you use Pikachu or Latias...they all have a weird feeling of bombarding mosquitoes.


After a while, the trainers on Route 102 were cleaned up by Xiaozhi and Huozhiji.


Huo Zhiji's eyes continued to blaze, and he even wanted to continue fighting, but Xiao Zhi quickly pressed him down.

"Rest now, Huo Zhiji."

Being energetic is a good thing, but at this moment, the state of the turkey chicken is almost reaching its limit.

Continuing on, the experience gained is a trivial matter, but it will be a kind of damage to the newly hatched body.

Xiaozhi still has some understanding of the extremely competitive fire-type Pokémon.

Feeling Xiaozhi's big hand covering his head, Huozhiji slowly put away his fighting spirit.


The chicken's paws were spread out, and its chubby body sat on the lawn, and began to rest.


At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly turned his head to look in a direction behind him.

He always felt that along the way, something seemed to be peeping at him.

But there is nothing unusual in that direction except for the trees.


Pikachu next to him twitched his ears, and it also noticed the feeling of being spied on.



While Xiaozhi and Huozhiji were still fighting, the other two were not idle either.

At this moment, Xiao Gang and his flashing Cocoa Dora are standing on the shore of a calm lake.

A flat Pokémon like a green lotus leaf, floating leisurely on the water.

At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish it from the real green duckweed next to it.

"Cocodora, use falling rocks!"

With a wave of his thumb, Xiao Gang took the initiative to attack.

I saw this strange red-eyed Cocodora raised a foreleg, lifted a stone more than half a meter wide, and smashed it hard towards the target.


Sensing the attack, it is naturally impossible for this lotus leaf Pokémon to continue its camouflage.


It jumped out of the water suddenly, revealing the flat blue body with the lower part of the green lotus leaf, with a duck-like mouth.

It has a flat bill and spits out a stream of blue water.

"Get out of the way!"

Coco Dora understood, and quickly dodged to one side.

If it's the second or third stage, the thick metal body will become a burden instead, but at least for now in the first stage, its movements are still extremely flexible.


This time, Lianye Boy jumped onto the shore and rushed towards Cocodola.

"Use steel walls!"

It's not a dangerous water attribute move, Xiao Gang calmly instructed.

Facing the impact, Cocoa Dora remained in place, motionless like a mountain.

The body, which was already covered with a silver metal shell, once again shone with a metallic luster.

Bang bang! !

Lianye Boy bumped into Ke Kedola, but bounced back straight away.

Xiaogang's face turned cold, and he said offensively:

"Now, use metal claws!!"

Cocodora nodded, moved her short limbs, and extended silver metal claws from her two forelimbs, and finally slashed straight at the target that was still retreating.

Wow! !

Lianye Boy's body was slammed back to the surface of the water, causing a burst of splashing waves.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Gang finally showed a confident smile, threw a poke ball backhand, and hit the latter firmly on the forehead.


After shaking several times, the poke ball stopped moving.

Lotus Leaf Boy, successfully subdued!

Although it is not a rock-type Pokémon, this guy is like a lotus duckweed, floating leisurely on the water, which unexpectedly appeals to Xiaogang.


the other end.

Xiaolan was on another shore of the lake, and at this moment also met a wild Pokémon.

This is a blue Pokémon that looks like a water spider. It is small in size and only consists of a spherical head and slender limbs. It is quite strange that it can step on the water and move normally.

Xiaolan took out her illustrated book with her backhand.

"Didi. Yoyo ball, water strider Pokémon, insect and water attributes, the tip of the claw will secrete special oil, which can slide freely on the water surface, and the tip on the top of the head can release the aroma that attracts the prey."

Hearing that Xiaolan put away the illustration book, she also threw a poke ball with her backhand.


A red light flashed, this is a pink puppy Pokémon.

With speckled pink fur, it looks like wearing a pink floral dress.

The mouth was open, revealing sharp teeth, looking fierce.

This is the Pokémon that Xiaolan tamed in the Johto area - Blue, which has not yet evolved.

But the yo-yo ball standing on the water surface had an unexpectedly aggressive personality, and actually launched an attack on its own initiative.

Puff puff! !

The mouth opened, spit out countless blue bubbles.

Bubble Rays!

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