He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 928 My name is Manchu

The speed was fast, and the foamy light hit Bruce's chest head-on, bursting into countless water droplets.

call out...!

Not only that, the yo-yo ball began to shake its limbs, as if turning the water surface into an ice surface, skating on it quickly.

In the end, it turned into a white light arrow, leaped onto the shore, and slammed into Bruce!

Whoosh! !

It was too late to defend, and Bruce retreated again and again under this attack.

But seeing this scene, Xiaolan's eyes brightened.

"Now, use the bite!"

In terms of speed, Bruce is much worse than the former, but if it is at this moment's close range...


Bruce yelled, closed his jaw and mouth, and his teeth were firmly embedded in Yo-Yo Ball's body.

The latter still wanted to struggle, but it had no effect at all. Bruce, whose head was raised, was lifted high into the air.

"For the last blow, use Lightning Fang!!"

Between the teeth, the electric light began to flow, and the violent electric current finally exploded on Yo-Yo Ball's body like this!

Boom! !

As if a cannonball exploded, the explosion smoke exploded at the position of Bruce's head.

The effect is outstanding!

When the smoke and dust cleared, the yo-yo ball fell powerlessly on the spot, unable to fight.

Xiaolan threw the poke ball and easily subdued her first Pokémon in the Yoshien area.


Seeing this, Xiao Gang and Xiao Lan gave each other a high-five with smiles on their faces. It seems that both of them have achieved good results today.

"Hey, I want to take one too..."

Xiaozhi watched the two people's operations eagerly, quite envious.

It's just that the continuous battle just now has caused the surrounding wild Pokémon to sneak into the depths of the jungle or the bottom of the lake, and there is no better target for the time being.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only sigh.

Holding Pikachu in one hand and a turkey in the other, he walked towards the west side of the 102 road.

"Then let's go to Chenghua City now..."

In the distance, a city can already be seen in the west.

Chenghua City, Chenghua Gymnasium!

Thinking that he will be able to start his first gymnasium challenge in this area soon, Xiaozhi swept away the previous haze and regained his fighting spirit.

"Gymnasiums with general attributes are rare..."

"It is said that the owner of the museum is a ruthless character."

The three of them walked out of the jungle road slowly, one by one.


However, not long after the three of Xiaozhi left, two big yellow eyes appeared out of thin air on one of the ordinary-looking green tree trunks.

Da da da...!

With the movement of the eyes, a green gecko Pokémon also fully revealed its body.

Wood Shougong!

The previous wooden Shougong lay on the green tree trunk, covered his obvious red abdomen, and then closed his eyes, completely integrated with the surrounding environment.


He casually picked up the branch next to it and brought it to his mouth. This wooden ghougong didn't know what he was thinking about.

Seeing that Xiaozhi's group had gone far away, it nimbly shuttled through the forest and quickly followed.


Weibai Town.

"Hey, where's the wooden guard?!"

"Didn't I take back the poke ball?"

In the research institute, the two assistant researchers stared at each other, but there was no trace of Mu Shougong at all.

Not even the poke balls were gone.

In the beginning, it was not uncommon for Yusanjia to sneak out of the research institute.

"Damn it, I can't contact Dr. Odaroll for the time being..."

Assistant A frowned.

The two ran out of ideas for a while, and in the end they could only search around the research institute in a hurry...



Orange City, Pokémon Center.

Soon, Huo Zhiji jumped onto the platform, and his state had become full of energy again.

The orange-red feathers have a touch of sparks, and they raise their heads high, shaking their spirits.

Afraid that the previous words in the illustrated book were not true enough, Xiaozhi also specially asked Miss Joy to give Pikachu a full body checkup.

"No problem, just a little fat, you can reduce some food intake appropriately."

Miss Joy simply replied.

Xiaozhi: "..."

His heart sank, it seemed that this theory of one turn and two turns could only be verified when he went to the next area.

But it's not a big problem, even if it is cut down to 70%... But it is estimated that it will soon recover to 100% combat power, or even stronger.

Originally, Pikachu crossed the threshold of the king of heaven, but now he is jumping sideways on the edge, in a state of Schrödinger.

"Orange Gym!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi made a big move, and led the crowd towards the direction of Chenghua gymnasium.

Although Chenghua City is a city... but the scale of urbanization is not very high, and there are not many high-rise buildings in sight.

On the contrary, the green area in the city is larger, and there are even these lakes on both sides, which seems to be a rather leisurely and comfortable city.

It seems that most cities in the Fangyuan area also have such a comfortable atmosphere.

... Soon, everyone followed the directions on the map and came to a huge building.

This is a huge wooden house that looks like a traditional martial arts school. The surface of the building is painted with light orange-yellow paint, giving people a low-key and undeniable feeling.

But at this moment, the gate of Chenghua Gymnasium is closed.

And outside the door, there was a timid green-haired boy standing.

He looks quite handsome, with a thin body, a gray shirt with long sleeves, and a pair of light blue trousers, which look a little bigger on his body.

At this moment, he clasped his fists with his hands and lowered his head, looking rather disappointed.

Finally shaking his head, ready to leave here.

At this time, I saw the three of Xiaozhi walking towards each other.

"Hello, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. May I ask if the Chenghua Gymnasium can challenge you now?"

It seemed to be a local, so Xiaozhi asked out loud.

The green-haired boy was taken aback for a while before answering:

"Ah... oh, the owner of Chenghua Gymnasium, Mr. Qianli seems to be away, and he won't be back in a short time."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately shrugged his head.

"Ah, why is this...!!"

The Gym is right in front of you, tell me the owner is no longer here, please come back next time? !

It's just that compared to Xiaozhi's loss... the green-haired boy's sense of loss was even stronger, and his eyes seemed to lose their luster.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously:

"Are you also the trainer who came to challenge the gym?"

"Ah... no, I don't have any Pokémon yet..."

He shook his head, with a distraught expression, ready to leave.

But at this time, Xiaozhi blocked the latter's way.

From the looks of it, he seemed to be a teenager in need of help. Now that he met him, Xiaozhi was naturally obliged.

"Did you encounter any difficulties?"

"Tell us, maybe it can help~!"

Xiaolan and Xiaogang also spoke beside them.

Hearing these words, the green-haired boy raised his head again, clenched his fists secretly, as if he had grasped a new life-saving straw.

"Hi everyone, my name is Man Chong..."

He spoke softly and introduced himself.

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