He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 931 Momentum headband

Xiaolan quickly took out the illustration book and started to investigate.

"Didi. Lalulas, an emotional Pokémon, with superpowers and fairy attributes, can perceive the target's emotions. It rarely appears in front of humans, but after feeling positive emotions, it will take the initiative to approach."

Scan around, because there are many Pokémon close to Tiantianxiang, but most of them have repeated types and numbers.

Only this Pokémon named Lalulas is the only one.

From the looks of it, it should be a rather rare Pokémon.

"Manchu, don't stand still, hurry up and fight!"

Seeing that Man Chong was still staring at the target in a daze without moving, Xiao Zhi quickly raised his voice.

Hearing the words, Manchu shuddered, and finally came back to his senses.

But he didn't drive the pickup, but took a deep breath and leaned up slowly.

Pikachu: "?"


Similarly, this wild Lalulas seemed to have sensed something, and leaned against it.

Until the two looked at each other in blank dismay, about half a meter apart.

"Laluras, would you like to be my Pokémon?"

Manchu stretched out the blank elf ball given by Xiaozhi, and smiled warmly at the latter.

He skipped the fighting process and directly chose emotional subjugation.


This Lalulas hesitated for a while, and finally stretched out his little hand and touched the button of the elf ball.


A red light flashed, and it was sucked into the elf ball, and it stopped after a while.

Lalulas, successfully conquered!

Lalulas is a special Pokémon that can sense human emotions.

Such a Pokémon will actively choose a trainer...and will not even take the first step towards a trainer that they don't like.

"I also have my own Pokémon!!"

Looking at the elf ball in his hand, he was overjoyed, and quickly released Lalulas from the elf ball.

"Please teach me a lot, Lalulas!"


The two of them were just holding big hands with such small hands, quite harmonious and harmonious.

The three of Xiaozhi: "???"

This guy actually skipped the battle to subdue, comprehending the highest level of subdue.

Emotional conquest? !


This made Pikachu, who was just about to show off his skills, stuck between the two of them for a while, like a yellow light bulb that ruined the atmosphere.


But at this time, the person who spoiled the atmosphere still came.

"It's too dangerous, it's too dangerous, Man Chong, come out quickly!!"

This is a middle-aged bald uncle with a rather round body. Seeing the grass full of people in danger, he hurried over and turned pale with fright.

"Uncle is fine, I am a trainer now, the grass in the wild is not dangerous!"

Now that Lalulas has been subdued, Man Chong appears to be full of confidence.

As he spoke, he picked up Lalulas, who had just been subdued, and handed it to his uncle.

"Uncle, I want to take this Lalulas on adventures all over the world, and become a trainer who can stand alone!!"

Manchu looked at his uncle resolutely.

"Turbish ~!!"

Lalulas also called out in cooperation.

It can perceive human emotions, and the middle-aged man in front of him only has deep worries about Manchu, but no other malice.

"But your body..."

Manchu imitated Xiaozhi's action before, and patted his chest fiercely.

"The doctor said before that my body is fine!"

"But the wild is too dangerous!!"

The middle-aged uncle wanted to persuade me to say something.

"If it's an adventure destined to be safe, then it's not an adventure. I want to become a powerful trainer!!"

The two uncles and nephews just stared at each other, neither of them willing to back down.


In the end, the middle-aged uncle was the first to lose and waved his hand.

"In this case, then you go and become a trainer."

Hearing this, Manman's serious expression was instantly happy, but the middle-aged uncle raised his hand again.

"But you have to prove to me that you are really okay... In this way, your sister lives in Green Shade Town, if you can reach Green Shade Town within a month, I will agree with you to become a trainer. "

"A month to reach Green Town?!"

So he turned around full of joy and bowed to Xiaozhi and his party, and then waved his hands, and hurriedly led Lalulas towards the west of Route 102.

This was his first time traveling far, and just thinking about it was exciting enough.

Every minute now can't be delayed!



After a while, the figures of Manchu and Lalulas disappeared from everyone's sight.

The originally stern middle-aged uncle showed a gratified smile.

"So this is what Manchu has always wanted to do? Why didn't you tell me directly..."

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the three of Xiaozhi, the middle-aged uncle explained with a smile:

"Uncle, I have always wanted to see Manchu's smile."

If you want to be a trainer, then work hard to become one!

"Pass through the Orange Blossom Forest in front, go to the Kalu Tunnel in the northeast of Kanaz City, and you can walk directly to Luyin Town. If you go fast, you will arrive in five or six days."

Although the Card Green Tunnel is a cave...but the Pokémon inhabiting it are not powerful, and they are hardly aggressive towards humans.

It looks like a test, but it is actually a sub-question.

However, at this time, Xiaozhi's illustration book on his waist noticed the key words, and suddenly reminded:

"Didi. The latest news is that the Kalu Tunnel will not be open to the public for a month due to construction."

Middle-aged uncle: "???"

Wait a minute, if the Kalu Tunnel is unavailable, if you want to go to Lusha Town, you will have to go around in a big circle!

Such a month...

"It's okay, uncle, trust Manchu."

Xiaozhi just patted the latter on the shoulder and comforted him.

The current full charge will reach Lusha Town within a month anyway.

Hearing this, the middle-aged uncle sighed, thinking that after returning later, he would call his niece who lives in Luyin Town and ask her to go out to meet him...

"Anyway, it's you who gave Man Chong confidence... I don't have anything valuable, so I'll give you this as a thank you gift."

Saying that, the middle-aged uncle took out three red headbands, with a flame pattern in the center.

Xiaozhi and the three each took one and looked it up and down.

"Didi. The imposing headband can make the Pokémon carried, even if it is fatally injured, there is a chance to retain the last bit of physical strength."

The illustration book automatically recognizes the road.

The momentum headband is different from the momentum cloak.

The former is that no matter what the state is, there is a certain probability of triggering.

The belt of momentum must be full of health, and then it must be triggered.

"The aura belt is the strong characteristic of my little fist stone, and this imposing headband is the characteristic of your proud swallow."

Xiaogang summed it up in one sentence.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately released the proud swallow.


Aoguyan let out a loud cry, circled around the crowd, and finally landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder, full of energy.

In battle, the proud swallow is a docile barn swallow.

So Xiaozhi backhanded, and tied the imposing headband that he had just obtained on Ao Guyan's forehead.

Compared with the bonus of the imposing headband, the probability of the Aoguyan's invisible waist characteristic triggering should be increased a lot, right?

"Hiss bug...!!"

Sure enough, as soon as she put on the headband, Aoguyan's cry also changed slightly.

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