He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 932: Genji and Old Hatch

Continuing on the road, passing through Chenghua City, the three of them came to Route 104.

In the distance, one can already see an unusually thick and vast forest—the Orange Blossom Forest.

"I hope that one day Rabbi Shi can come here to play for a few days. At that time, I only need to go out and go directly to the Fangyuan area."

Xiaozhi couldn't help fantasizing.

Forest God, you need to keep working hard!

However, under the Orange Blossom Forest, there is another small wild beach, where you can see the waves of the sea from a distance.

The place where Xiaoyao's bicycle was blown up before was similar to the terrain.

"It seems that there are many small beaches like this in the Hoen area..."

Xiao Gang lamented that in other areas, it has long been surrounded by local tourist sites, rather than such a desert that no one cares about.

After all, there are many waterways in the Fangyuan area, and the vast water area is almost 50-50 apart from the land.


But at this time, Xiaozhi noticed that at the other end of the beach was a deck pier.

In the distance, a small yacht can be seen moored on the shore.

It looks like there is a private pier there?

There is also a small wooden house standing on the shore.

"Is anyone fishing...?"

Looking intently, I saw two figures sitting at the end of the deck, facing the sea, each with a fishing rod set up in front of them.

However, Xiaozhi's attention was attracted by the Pokémon beside them.

On one side is a blue-and-white seagull with slender wings and a beak - the long-winged gull, this Pokémon Xiaozhi has met before in the water capital.

But the other one...

This is a Pokémon whose whole body is covered with a thick white carapace. The face cannot be seen from the back, and only the short gray limbs are exposed below.

"It's the first time I've seen you..."

Xiaozhi walked over curiously, and quietly took out the illustration book, for fear of disturbing the leisurely fishing of the two.

"Didi. The carapace dragon, a dragon-type Pokémon, has a hard body that accumulates strength. Once it evolves, it will grow blood-colored long wings and soar into the sky, becoming a powerful quasi-god Pokémon in the Yoshien area."


The tip of the illustrated book made Xiaozhi startled.

Quasi-god Pokémon in each region, also called future Pokémon, are hard to come by.

For example, Kuailong and Bankiras in the Kanto area and the Johto area...

Didn't expect them to meet the local quasi-god not long after they came to Fangyuan area?

Looking at the hard shell covered on the surface of the crustacean, it accumulates strength like a cocoon, and its shape is somewhat similar to that of Shakilas, and it is estimated that it is in the second stage.

The three of them walked into the deck, wanting to observe the crustacean up close.


It's just that the old deck, even with tiptoe movements, still made a shaking sound, and the two Pokémon turned their heads.

Similarly, the two people on the deck who were fishing also turned their heads.

These are two old men in their 50s and 60s, but despite their old faces, they are quite burly and strong, more like sailors in their 30s, with healthy bronze skin.

On the left is a bald old man with a white beard and eyebrows, plain clothes and a rather kind face.

But the other one looked downright extraordinary.

Stern face, wearing a white navy hat, with a white mustache at the corner of his mouth.

His upper body was naked, revealing his muscular muscles, but a large black and blue cloak was draped over his back. The end of the cloak was in the shape of crumbs, making him look extremely rough.

Sailor trousers, tucked into oversized boots...

The extremely tough temperament gives people the feeling of a navy general or a big captain.

"Shh, boys, don't disturb the old man's fishing."

The old captain waved his hand, signaling Xiaozhi and the others not to approach.

It's just that following his movements, the fishing rod that he had just reacted to suddenly became silent again.

The fish ran away.

But on the other end, the bald old man stretched his arms and lifted the fishing rod violently.

Whoa whoa whoa...! !

The water was tumbling violently, and the next moment, a vicious Gyaradosaurus emerged from the surface of the water! !

This old man caught a big fish.

"Haha Genji, it seems that in terms of fishing skills, you are still far behind me!"

"Damn! Someone interfered this time, it doesn't count!!"

One of the two old men laughed triumphantly, and the other beat his chest in anger, but they didn't pay attention to the vicious and brutal Gyarados in front of them.


Realizing that he was being looked down upon by humans, the Gyarados roared angrily, and the surrounding air became faintly frozen.

Gyarados living in the sea are far stronger than those living in lakes or streams.


Seeing that the wild Gyarados was about to bite the two of them, Xiaozhi quickly sent Pikachu to stop it.

It's just that the bald old man suddenly raised his hand to stop Xiaozhi's movements.

As for the old man wearing a navy hat and cloak, his eyes were fixed, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he looked straight at the tyrannosaurus that was biting him.

Buzz buzz...! !

They didn't know what happened at all, but Xiaozhi and the other three seemed to be able to hear bursts of high-frequency vibrations.


And this tyrannosaurus, which was originally extremely violent, stopped its movements just like that, and the expression on its face gradually returned to calm.


In the end, he plunged his head into the water and disappeared in front of everyone.

The wild Gyarados escaped.

The three of Xiaozhi: "?!!"

Wait a minute, if you read it right just now, this old man with a mustache just stared at him, and with his overlord-like arrogance, he scared away a fierce tyrannosaurus? !


The three gasped.

It seems that this seemingly desolate wilderness seems to be hiding an incredible person...


"Ahahaha!! I'm sorry, my arrogance scared the kids."

Seeing this, the old captain changed his serious expression, and suddenly he looked up to the sky and burst out laughing.

"It's useless to be aggressive, you lost today, hehe...!"

The bald old man next to him was not surprised, and laughed quite complacently.


The long-winged gull spread its wings, hovered over him, and finally landed on his bald head.

"Who are these two people..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

After recognizing the trainer's request, Xiaozhi's illustrated book made a sound.

"Didi. The identity of the target has been identified. Left, old man Hatch, occupation: retired old sailor."

"Didi. Right, Genji, Occupation: Dragon Attribute King of Yoshien Region."

The three of Xiaozhi: "?!"

Genji \u0026 Old Man Hatch: "?!"

What the hell is this pictorial book, it even has its own face recognition?

"Young man, don't say anything, the old man is on vacation now, don't expose my identity...!"

Four days Wang Yuanzhi quickly reminded.

Don't look at the rather rigid and serious face, but the tone is unexpectedly friendly to the people.

"Genji, even a vacation is sneaky, you and that guy are not as good as me and Xiaopi~"

The old man next to him joked.


The long-winged gull named Xiaopi gave a loud cry, agreeing with his words.

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