He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 946 Steel Wing, vs Small Fist Stone!

The battle at the Kanaz Gym is still going on.

"Little fist stone, use sandstorm!!"

Du Juan's voice fell, and the small fist stone in front of him immediately spun its body on the spot, turning into a dark green vortex top, spinning at high speed.


In less than a while, the sandstorm roared up all over the sky, and the gravel scattered in the air, continuously weakening Ao Guyan's physical strength.


This kind of large-scale move made many primary school students who watched the battle for the first time gasp in amazement.

Sasha! !

As the small fist stone continued to exert its strength, a sandstorm tornado erupted from one end of the arena, from bottom to top, completely engulfing Ao Gu Yan's petite figure in an instant.

"Proud Swallow, use your wings to attack, charge out with all your strength!!"

Xiaozhi quickly shouted.


There was only a burst of cheering shouts, followed by a criss-crossing white light, which was constantly impacting towards the side of the sandstorm, trying to break through.

It's just that it seems very reluctant in terms of strength, constantly wrestling to break through.

Pooh! !

In the end, Aoguyan mobilized all his strength and finally broke through the sandstorm.

The swallow's body was quick, and it immediately swooped down with its strength, the dazzling white lights on its wings were still shining.

"Use the circle to block it!"

Du Juan said unhurriedly, it seems that this proud swallow has quite a backbone.

Whoosh! !

It was another wing attack, and it slapped firmly on the small fist stone that was in a rounded defensive shape.


Little Fist Stone let out a low cry, opened his arms again, and received the blow abruptly.

General effect.

Flying attributes are at a huge disadvantage against rock attributes.

"Damn it, isn't this move strong enough..."

Xiaozhi frowned.

It seems that it is time to hurry up, let Ao Guyan learn all the moves of Zeng Jin Bidiao together, so that it will not be so poor.

He is also a master bird trainer after all.

Of course, Brother Chi's perfect tool bird training plan cannot be used, and this proud swallow does not have the qualifications to become a tool bird. ...


The dim yellow sand is still pervasively churning.

"Little fist stone, use continuous falling stones!!"

Soon, Dujuan launched an attack again.

Sandbags and rocks were thrown out one after another, making people overwhelmed like cannonballs.

"Hiss...!" But Aoguyan's speed is not slow either, and her petite figure shuttles through the gap between falling rocks, so it's not a big problem.

"It's now, use Zhenqi Fist"

But when Ao Guyan reacted, this little fist stone jumped up in the air, and the surface of the raised two small fists was even more dangerously glowing with energy. "That's right, the speed of the small fist stone stage is still fine... until the next evolution, it will be completely difficult to move..."

In the spectator seats, Xiaogang nodded frequently.

If you want to move again during the rumbling rock and rumbling stone stages, the only move left is rolling.

"Use the wing attack to block it!!"

At the critical moment, Aoguyan managed to prop up her white light wings, bending them in front of her body and turning them into a white light shield.

Whoosh! !

The Zhenqi Fist punched on it, and there was a roar.

Although it didn't cause too much damage, the powerful thrust still knocked Aoguyan into the air again, and fell back into the sandstorm tornado.

This is back to the original situation.

Ao Guyan's meager physical strength was eroded by the sandstorm bit by bit, and the winner would soon be determined.


Seeing this scene, the corners of Du Juan's mouth raised, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at the students beside him.

Fighting is not just about frontal attacks.


"Hiss bug!!"

However, at the next moment, there was a sharp tearing sound from the sandstorm, which made Du Juan's complexion change, and he raised his head suddenly.

"This proud swallow's fighting spirit is so strong..."

In the gray sandstorm tornado, a ray of light flickered again.

But it doesn't look like the previous flapping wings, but a dark silver metallic luster...

"Didi. Aoguyan has mastered a new move, Wings of Steel."

Xiaozhi's illustration book made an automatic broadcast sound.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's expression brightened, so naturally he didn't break Aoguyan's momentum, and shouted loudly, his voice overshadowed the movement of the sandstorm for a moment.

"Now, use the steel wings!!"

Pooh! !

Silvery white light flashed, restraining the steel attribute move of the sandstorm, this time it easily broke through countless sand and dust.

Aoguyan, who reappeared in front of everyone, swooped away at an extremely fast speed.

The metal wings, reflecting the dazzling silver light, are endlessly castrated.

Whoosh! !

There was a blunt explosion, and Aoguyan hit Xiaoquanshi's face heavily with his steel wing, sending the latter flying out immediately.

gurgle gurgle...!

The small spherical fist rock rolled on the rocky ground for a while, and finally hit the rear wall heavily, and fell to the ground with a bang.

The effect is outstanding!

"Little Fist Stone loses his ability to fight, this match is won by Ao Gu Yan!"

Du Juan's best friend, the referee quickly instructed.

"Nice job, Proud Swallow~!"

Xiaozhi cheered again and again from behind, Aoguyan's will to fight is much stronger than he imagined.

The big sandstorm also came to an end, and the interior of the Kanaz Gymnasium became quiet again.


The battle was still going on, and Du Juan, who had recovered the Small Fist Stone, had already thrown the second poke ball.

Although the boy in front of him is controlling a low-level Pokémon, his command ability is quite good, which made Du Juan completely serious.

"Then please!"


The red light of the Poké Ball flashed, and a heavy Pokémon landed on the ground, trembling.

This is a rhinoceros covered with hard armor all over its body. The ferocious iron armor turned into spikes, protruding layer by layer, and there is a sharp single horn growing on its forehead.

"A one-horned rhino..."

Xiaozhi immediately read the latter's name, this is the rhinoceros from their hometown.

Unexpectedly, there are two gymnasiums in Fangyuan area in a row, and they are all Pokémon from their hometown.

"Come back, Proud Swallow."

Without much hesitation, Xiao Zhi took Ao Gu Yan back.

Since the total is 3v3, one for each person is just right... Although Aoguyan has the blessing of an invisible waist, there is really no need to overdraw her physical strength and have an infinite waist every time.

"It's up to you, Mu Shougong!!"

Backhanded, Xiaozhi sent Mu Shougong who had been subdued in Chenghua Forest.


Mu Shougong lightly appeared on the stage, casually folded a branch from his waist, and held it lightly in his mouth, with a cold and arrogant demeanor.

The Grass-type Wood Shougong is four times more restraint against the one-horned rhinoceros, and the situation is excellent.

The second battle, start again!

"Mu Shougong, use Lightning Flash!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Xiao Zhi took the lead in launching the attack.

Mu Shougong's movements were quick and sharp, and he ran quickly on the rocky ground, his figure was hard to catch.

In terms of its own speed alone, Mu Shougong is much faster than Huozhiji.

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