He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 947 Seed machine gun, vs one-horned rhino!

It's just that facing such a nimble and high-speed grass lizard, the one-horned rhino stood there with a steady breath, as motionless as a mountain.

"One-horned rhino, use the stomp!!"

The one-horned rhino raised its forelegs, let out a low growl, and then stomped heavily to the ground.


In an instant, the rocky ground with a radius of several meters began to tremble again and again.

Hard rock is an excellent vibration medium, amplifying the power of the one-horned rhino's stomping move.

The extravagant seismic waves spread, and naturally the wooden Shougong, which was still moving at a high speed, was frozen in place, making it difficult to move.


The high-frequency tremor made Mu Shougong frown even more.

"It's now, use the corner bump trick!!"

The cuckoo took advantage of the situation to attack.

It's just that the one-horned rhino was about to launch a charge just after it finished stomping, and the locking effect on Mu Shougong was naturally released.

"We use the Oath of Grass!!"

Xiaozhi attacked first.


Mu Shougong understood, his body glowing with green light jumped high, and then he punched the ground, injecting his own grass energy.

Whoosh whoosh!

The next moment, countless vines and grass seedlings began to grow rapidly under the ground of the opposite one-horned rhinoceros, extending upwards.

In the end, Qiqi entangled the thick limbs of the one-horned rhinoceros, making it difficult for it to run smoothly, and used its unique trick of horn bumping.

The Oath of Grass is not like the Oath of Fire. The latter spews hot magma from the ground, and the damage is not low.

But the Oath of Grass is more of a control effect, and the direct damage is not high.


Even so, with four times the attribute restraint, the one-horned rhino still let out a muffled sound, which was uncomfortable.

Regardless of the appearance of rock-type Pokémon, they all look extremely scary...but out of ten rock-type Pokémon, nine have bodies that shatter when touched.

"Since that's the case, just use straight-up drilling!!"

Du Juan snorted softly.

X's Oath, this is the exclusive move of the Yusanjia Pokémon. It is generally the power that Yusanjia with outstanding aptitude can use at birth, representing the most original energy of the three basic attributes.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, I saw the sharp horn on the forehead of the one-horned rhinoceros spinning like an electric drill.


With a low growl, the strength of the one-horned rhino doubled even more. With such strong strength, it easily broke free from the oath of grass on its limbs.

With the electric drill horn at the front, the one-horned rhino rushed towards the target unstoppably!


The thick armored limbs galloped on the rocky ground, making a deep vibration again.


With such a powerful blow, even Mu Shougong, who has always been cold and arrogant, couldn't help but widen his eyes, losing some compulsion.

Being hit by this drill bit, the body can directly chisel out a big hole that penetrates the heart.


Immediately, it jumped up quickly, soaring into the air, barely dodging the blow.

"Now, use slap!!"

Before landing, Mu Shougong's eyes were fixed, and the trajectory turned around in mid-air.

After landing, he rebounded in the direction of the one-horned rhinoceros and chased after him, and was about to hit the latter's ass hard.

"Use Rock Blast!!"

Unexpectedly, the head of the one-horned rhinoceros suddenly tilted up, and four rocks were drawn out from the ground, and they all flew away.

This made Mu Shougong have no choice but to back up and dodge in panic.

Its small body also couldn't block a few attacks from the opposite side.


The high-intensity battle made the pupils off the field hold their breath and widen their eyes, for fear of missing any details of the field.

"Mu Shougong, use the Oath of Grass!!"

Xiaozhi attacked again.

He is also very helpless at this point, because at the moment Mu Shougong only has this one and only grass attribute move.

Instead of being like Miao Frog Seed or Chrysanthemum Leaf, even at the beginning, he also mastered the most basic rattan whip and flying leaf sharp knife.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Green grass and vines entangled again.

"One-horned rhino, use the straight drill!!"

The armored rhinoceros spun its horn, broke through the restraint of the grass seedlings with great momentum, and sprinted again.

Mu Shougong could only jump up again, dodging hastily.

"Now, Mu Shougong, ride on the one-horned rhino!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly changed his mind and used this to attack.

The back of this kind of Pokémon that has landed on all fours is basically out of reach... Especially for Pokémon like the one-horned rhinoceros, the most dangerous part of the body is the one-horn on the head, but the back is much safer.


Mu Shougong understood, and his figure fell lightly, hugging the back of the one-horned rhinoceros.

The ferocious spikes protruding from the latter's body provided a better grip.

"Wu, wu...!"

Being ridden on the back, the one-horned rhinoceros began to swing wildly on the spot, trampling the ground again and again, trying to throw Mu Shougong down.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly instructed:

"Now, use the Oath of Grass on the back of the one-horned rhinoceros!!"


This instruction made Mu Shougong stunned, and was almost overturned directly.

But Xiaozhi, as its recognized trainer, Mu Shougong quickly concentrated, following Xiaozhi's instructions, a green energy radiance bloomed all over his body.


Then, he punched the one-horned rhino's back, injecting his own grass energy into it.

But next, the one-horned rhino's body did not produce any vines, but the whole body also emitted green light.

Xiaozhi \u0026 Mu Shougong: "?"

The Oath of Grass is to inject pure grass-attributed energy into the ground, absorb the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of the earth, and then grow solid grass seedlings and vines.

But there is no ground at this moment, and Mu Shougong is just injected with pure energy.

The energy is harmless and does no harm to the latter.


However, the strong grass-attribute energy made the one-horned rhino quite disgusting, and its swinging and struggling movements also weakened a lot.

It naturally dislikes the energy of grass.

"Then change the way, Mu Shougong, this time gather the energy of the Oath of Grass in the mouth, and then release it all at once!!"

Xiaozhi turned his head, and he had a new way of thinking.

Since the Oath of Grass was released with fists, then change your mouth this time.


Mu Shougong nodded, and his body burst into bright green light again.

Then slowly transfer the energy to the mouth, using the mouth instead of the fist and arm...

Released all at once!

Mu Shougong opened his eyes suddenly.

Puff puff! !

The next moment, Mu Shougong spit out countless emerald green energy bullets. The speed was as dense as a machine gun, and they bombarded the back of the one-horned rhinoceros one after another.

Da da da! !

The energy of the grass attribute exploded on the body of the one-horned rhino at close range.

The effect is outstanding! !

The four times restraint effect made the one-horned rhinoceros sink even more, and its whole body crashed to the ground.


After releasing the moves in his mouth, Mu Shougong jumped back in front of Xiaozhi, and gracefully picked up a branch again.

"Didi. Mu Shougong has mastered a new move: the seed machine gun."

The pictorial book in the pocket also made a broadcast sound in time.

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