He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 952 Living Energy

"Drained of energy?"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, all of them looked confused, feeling as if their worldview had been refreshed.

Is there energy in stones too?

"Well, everything in the world has energy, so you only need to master the method, and you can naturally extract it..."

President Zifuqi stared at the precious stone in his hand with a stern face.

Many years ago, the Devon Company, which started out by mining iron ore and refining steel, made a major breakthrough in the field of new energy, which indirectly led to the complete collapse of their competitor company, Viola Co., Ltd., and finally declared bankruptcy.

The latter's core field at that time was also the research and development of new energy, which was one step behind and lost everything.

In terms of energy technology, let alone in the Fangyuan area... Even in the whole world, their Devon company is the leader.

"So this stone, who is the product of it?"

President Zvoki shook his head, full of puzzlement.

Seeing the same confused expressions on the faces of the three of them, he relaxed his tone and explained to them:

"You all should have seen the phenomenon of mega evolution, right?"

He had watched the video sent by Dache before, and knew that Xiaozhi completed the mega evolution with his fire-breathing dragon in the final of the Silver Conference.

The mega bracelet on Xiaozhi's wrist at this moment is the handwriting of his nephew Dache, and the design of their Devon company is also engraved on the inside of the bracelet.

Mega evolution makes Pokémon instantly gain several times more powerful power, and the mega stone naturally contains some special power.

"You must know that the mega stone is a prop that can be used continuously, but this Dabiri mega stone has completely lost its active energy."

So one-time, completely extracting the energy of the persistent props... the energy of this part is extremely impressive.

"seems very amazing..."

The three of them nodded unknowingly.

All in all, someone wasted a precious mega stone?

"Maybe it's not alone."

President Zvqi shook his head. This technology of extracting active energy from mega evolution, even in their Devon company, is only in its infancy and belongs to the blueprint.

So who wrote this real precious stone?

"To be honest, this is the second gemstone we have discovered this year... It seems that someone unknown is conducting such an experiment."

President Zvoki does not believe that there are people who have surpassed them in technology in this field.

Then the means to complete the extraction is unlikely to be technology, but should it be some kind of metaphysical means?

And since even mega stones can extract energy, then directly from Pokémon...

The target of energy extraction is naturally not just mega stones, but also living mega evolution Pokémon.

The three of Xiaozhi: "!?"

Hearing this, the three of them trembled, and they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Even the mega stone has become a waste stone. If it is a living Pokémon, it must not be directly squeezed dry!

This company...

"Don't worry, our Devon company is still talking about ethics."

President Zifuqi gave a wry smile and quickly explained.

Naturally, they won't directly squeeze them out like the Rockets.

Only by ensuring that nothing goes wrong in the simulation experiment can it be possible to actually get started with the in vivo experiment.


After hearing what he said, Zifuqi saw that the expressions of Xiaozhi and the other three had changed when they saw him.

In any case, that is to say, Devon will indeed begin to extract energy from the mega evolution next?

"No matter what, it will hurt the Pokémon..."

"And precious mega stones will also be reduced to waste stones..."

"It's kind of immoral."

The three of Xiaozhi couldn't help but said, although they didn't say it clearly, they also expressed their dissatisfaction.

The source of mega stones has not yet been recognized academically, but the amount currently in circulation on the market is still judged as a non-renewable precious item.

If one is discarded, one will be lost.

Also, this kind of energy extraction is directly placed on the Pokémon. Even if the simulation is perfect, it is still a standard Team Rocket behavior.


Speaking of this, President Zivqi put his hands on his body and sighed helplessly.

"There is no way to do this. In order to deal with the catastrophe in the prophecy, this is a sacrifice of last resort..."

The sudden appearance of keywords made the three of them prick up their ears again.

How did it get involved in the catastrophe again?

"Actually, I don't know much about the details. I only know that in the future, the Fangyuan area may usher in a terrible catastrophe, which may even affect the entire planet."

Zvokki didn't hide any information, because he really only knew so much information.

The extraction of the living energy of the mega evolution is one of the things he has done to prepare for a rainy day.

If the disaster does not happen, everyone is happy, but if the disaster is destined to happen...

At that time, the level of ethics and morality will naturally be lowered a lot.

"In short, before our Devon Company is sure that the disaster will definitely happen, we will only keep the experiment in the simulation stage, or just experiment on non-living bodies."

President Zvoki finally said in a deep voice.

These words made the three of Xiaozhi startled for a while.

Unexpectedly, in the end, even a catastrophe came out.

Xiaozhi even had a faint feeling... as long as he doesn't come to Fangyuan area, there shouldn't be any disasters here?


"It's far away, in fact, disasters are not necessarily accurate, but it is always a good thing to plan ahead..."

President Zvoki changed the topic at the end, but did not continue to discuss with the three of them.

However, the words of the Heavenly King trainer also brought a legendary ancient god...

Zvokki seems to be a catastrophe mentioned at random, but it is also somewhat deliberate.

Maybe when the time comes, he will need to rely on the strength of the young man in front of him.

"Then let's get back to the topic. Since the three of you have come from afar, we, Dewen Company, as the host, still want to give you some gifts..."

Seeing that the three of them didn't know what they wanted in a short time, Zvokki simply made a choice for the three of them on the spot.

"Since that's the case, I'll give each of the three a mega stone. I don't know what to do...?"

Hearing this, the three of Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, this gift is not bad!


Seeing that the three were interested, President Zvqi nodded cheerfully and introduced:

"Our Devon company started out as a mining company, so we naturally have a lot of mega stones...Basically, there are one or two mega stones for Pokémon in the Yoshien area."

"As for the types of mega stones in other places, there may not be any. You can tell me first, and I can help you find them."

Then he looked at Xiaozhi again, and asked:

"As for this precious stone, I am willing to exchange it with a intact Dabiri mega stone."

This stone is an ordinary decoration for ordinary people, but for their Devin company, it has a lot of scientific research value.

They also want to know who and how the power of the mega stone was taken away.

And for what, spread it out...?

Zvokki has always felt that behind the Fangyuan area, there is still a mysterious force hidden...

A force different from their Devon Company, or Team Lava, or Team Ocean.

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