He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 953: Four Mega Stones


Xiaozhi naturally agreed that the energy of this precious stone has been drained, and it can be exchanged for a Dabiri mega stone, which he earns with blood.

Bah, it's Bi Diao.

Accidentally, Xiao Zhi was brought in by President Zvuch.

As for the next one...

Xiaozhi couldn't help looking at his Pikachu.

"Hehe, the electric mouse didn't show any mega stones."

President Zvoki reminded with a smile.

Mega evolution is destined to be a phenomenon that belongs to certain specific Pokémon, and not all Pokémon can complete it.

Of course, it's just that it hasn't been discovered by excavation now... Maybe there may be a Raichu mega stone in the future.


These words made Pikachu a little annoyed. He always thought that he was the chosen one, but it turned out that he didn't even have a stone!


Xiaozhi lowered his head and thought about it.

Now that we have come to the Hoenen area, we can ask for a mega stone of the Pokémon in the Hoonen area.

President Zvoki was quite enthusiastic and took out a chart, all of which were the numbers of Pokémon that could complete mega evolution in the Yoshien area.

The first ones are the lizard king, the flame chicken, and the giant marsh monster who are the royal family.

This is the first time for Xiaozhi to know the names of the three Yusanjia after they finally evolved.

Of course, he had seen the flame chicken before.

"Tsk tsk..."

It's just that this made Xiaozhi fall into a tangle again. Now in his team, Huozhiji and Mushougong will be able to complete mega evolution in the future.

"I choose Boss Cordora mega stone."

Xiao Gang next to him quickly made a choice.

When he came to the Fangyuan area, he planned to cultivate his shining Cocodora, but he didn't expect that he was one of the lucky ones who could evolve into mega.

But he doesn't have Ash's keystone bracelet, which is also a problem.

"It's okay, just go find Xiaozhi in the future."

Xiao Gang secretly thought.

Or go find a keystone yourself...

"Uh, uh...they're all Pokémon I've never seen before."

Xiaolan next to her also fell into the same entanglement, hesitating.

"If you are a girl, I suggest you choose the Big Mouth Frog Mega Stone. This is a Pokémon with both appearance and strength."

President Zvoki suggested intimately.

He was also a trainer before he fully took over the company's operations.

Zvokki is good at the same attributes as his son Dawu, and he is also a steel attribute trainer. He still has a little understanding of the big-mouthed frog, which is also a steel attribute.

"Your next stop is Wudou Town in the south, right? The stone cave there is inhabited by wild big-mouthed frogs."

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhi was taken aback for a moment, how could this person even know their next stop?

"I know the old man Hatch outside the Orange Forest. He is an old friend who traveled with me when I was young. He even talked to me on the phone before."

President Zvoki explained with a smile.

Only then did the three of them suddenly realize that the old man Hatch and the heavenly king Genji said that they were traveling together as three people.

The last third person is the president Zvqi in front of him?

"The three are all men. Wouldn't it be strange if they traveled together?"

Xiaogang asked the question of the soul.

Zvokki: "..."

It’s not weird if you don’t say it, but it’s weird when you say it.


After some tangling, Xiaozhi and the three of them soon made choices.

"In that case, I'll choose Big Mouth Frog Mega Stone~!"

Xiaolan made up her mind.

It looks like a gentle and cute Pokémon, which is just right for her.

Mmmm, next time I go to Wudou Town, I must subdue one!

"Then I'll choose the flame chicken mega stone!"

Xiaozhi also made his choice.

After all, you can only choose one, first come, first served, so you can only give it to the turkey for the time being.

But Mu Shougong can't let Mu Shougong know about this matter for the time being, otherwise it is estimated that there will be a direct fight.

It's not a big problem, mega evolved until they reach the third stage before they can start to practice using it, and now it's only the initial first stage.

"Before Mu Shougong evolves into a lizard king, help him find a lizard king mega stone!"

Xiao Zhi secretly made up his mind.

Seeing that the three of them had made a decision, President Zvouchi clapped his hands.

After a while, Xiaona, the secretary from before, walked in carefully holding four brocade boxes.

They were placed on the desk one by one, and then stood respectfully behind Zvouchi.

Open it in turn, and you will find Bi Diao, Flame Chicken, Boss Cordora, and the mega stone of Big Mouth Baby.

The specific distinction can be judged by the color difference between the inside and the phase of the mega stone.

For the mega stones in the Yoshien area, Devon has produced a set of corresponding stone types.

As for the information on mega stones in other areas is not complete, if you encounter something that is not in the illustrated book, you must use an instrument to judge...or the earth method, try one by one Pokémon.

The three immediately grabbed their mega stones excitedly and looked them up and down.

Xiaozhi has already planned to take his Bi Diao back to the team temporarily, just in time to guide Aoguyan.


When the matter came to an end, Xiaozhi and the three planned to leave.

First go to the fossil research room on the second floor. After getting Xiaogang's fossil Pokémon, it's almost time to leave Kanaz City.

"No hurry, three little friends, I wonder if I can ask you to do something for me..."

With that said, Zvokki took out a letter from his pocket.

"My son Dawu in the past few weeks should be near the Stone Cave in Wudou Town. If you see him, can you give him this letter?"

My own son who turned into a stone maniac, once I researched it, I couldn't get in touch with him at all.

Zifuqi also heard from his subordinates that he met Dawu once last month, and the latter mentioned that he would go to the cave of stones next, so he knew his whereabouts.

What a filial son!

It is suggested that Xiaolan choose the big-mouthed frog mega stone, which also has part of Zvokki's selfishness.

But one thing to say, there is really no problem with a Pokémon like the big-mouthed frog.

"Mr. Dawu, the champion of the league!?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up.

Sending letters is a trivial matter, but when you meet the champion Dawu, the top priority is naturally to fight against such an existence!

I don't know who is stronger or weaker than their Kanto Champion Du...?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's heart was already on fire, so he naturally took the envelope and agreed wholeheartedly.

Then they left the top floor, and under the leadership of secretary Xiaona, everyone came to the laboratory on the second floor.

"This Pokémon is called Tentacle Lily, please take good care of it."

Hikawa Satoshi handed a poke ball to Xiaogang.

The latter has just been revived, so it is inconvenient to release it indoors, so Xiao Gang can only handle it by himself.

"Tentacles, Lily..."

Xiao Gang's face turned red, and he naturally took it into his hands as if he had found a treasure.

In the end, all three of them left Devon Company with a lot of rewards...



On the top floor of the office building, President Zvoki sat back in his seat alone.

Although four mega stones were released at one time, it is not a loss to be able to make friends with such a young king trainer.

From Xiaozhi's body, Zifuqi faintly saw the appearance of his son Zeng Jin.

"But next, we have to study this precious stone."

Soon, President Zifuqi withdrew his mind and looked at his desktop.

If any clues can be researched, it may be able to speed up the research progress of their Devon Company on energy extraction from living bodies.

But in the next moment, President Zvoki's face froze, and his expression suddenly became panicked.

The precious stone that was supposed to be on the table has disappeared at this moment...

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